

be bound to;   pay off;   cast down;   team up with;   keep up;

out of the question;   be dying to;   take in;    in vain


1.Tom works hard as usual and it has_______. He got the first in the final.

2.The marriage based on money ___________ break up.

3.She was ________ by her husband’s sudden death and the loss of her pet dog.

4.It is a 79km round-trip that ________ all the famous tourist spots.

5.Both class 3 and our class won’t be able to finish the work unless we _____ each other.

6.We should _______ the good customs.

7.He is now so tired that to walk another mile is _________.

8.The students ________ know the result of the interview in the classroom.

9.The girl tried _______ to catch the butterfly on the flower.



1.paid off

2.is bound to

3.cast down

4.takes in

5.Team up with

6. keep up

7.Out of the question

8.Are dying to

9.in vain



1.句意:汤姆努力学习,最后有了回报:paid off

2.句意:建立在金钱基础上的婚姻一定会破裂:is bound to

3.句意:她因为失去丈夫和宠物狗很沮丧:cast down

4.句意:这是79公里的旅程包含了所有著名的景点:takes in

5.句意:我们班和三班都不能完成工作,除了我们一起合作:Team up with与…合作

6.句意:我们应该保持好的风俗:保持 keep up

7.词组:Out of the question不可能

8.句意:学生渴望知道面试的结果:Are dying to

9.句意:女孩徒劳的想抓住花上的蝴蝶。徒劳in vain





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