
选词填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

 employ  pay back  calm  roll  aside from  contrary to  attach  

consist of   panic   firm

1. Three years ago, he was  ________ as a salesman by a supermarket.

2. The workers ran out in __________ when the fire broke out.

3.The ball __________ down the road and fell into a deep hole.

4.She took a few deep breaths to __________ herself down.

5.          expectation, he didn't win in the contest.

6.         the message to its leg, he set the bird loose.

7. The little boy held his mother’s hand ______ when crossing the street.

8.You must _________ Mr White for his great help.

9. A school mainly ____________teachers and students.

10.___________some old tables, his house was almost empty.




1. employed 2.panic   3.rolled 4. calm  5.Contrary to6. Attaching 7. firmly

8.pay back 9. consists of  10. Aside from





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