
10.Top lists are lecturing people on everything from"100places to visit"to"100books to read".Aren't you just tired of being told what to do with your time?
Now you have a list to end all lists!
Take a look at the following two examples from the list of"101things not to do":
Swim with Dolphins(海豚)?
Swimming with dolphins is one of the world's most profitable tourist activities.However,not every dolphin will welcome having their busy,tiring day interrupted by tourists screaming and pushing around them in the water.Worse yet,when dolphins get too near to the boats loaded with tourists,they could get caught up in ropes and killed by propellers(螺旋桨).
Here's a little secret.Dolphins look like smiling at you,but actually they're just opening their mouths.
Go to See the Mona Lisa?
There must be something about the mysterious(神秘的)smile.The 6million people who visit the lady in the Louvre every year can't all be wrong,after all.But they can be quite annoying,standing in front of you,holding up their cameras to prevent you from seeing anything.In fact,it is hard for you to see the painting clearly because you have to stay away from it for security reasons.After queuing for hours,many tourists can remain in front of the painting only for 15seconds at most.
If the mysterious lady in the picture knew her fate,she wouldn't just be smiling,she'd be laughing.
So,still long to see the Mona Lisa?If you want to find out more about the list,read 101Tings NOT to Do Before You Die.Visit www.not2dobeforeidie.co.uk and buy the book at a 20% discount.

60.According to the passage,swimming with dolphinsD.
A.is the world's most popular tourist activity
B.gives fun to both tourists and dolphins
C.will make tourists busy and tired
D.can cause danger to dolphins
61.what does the author think about going to see the Mona Lisa?B
A.It is wrong to go and see the mysterious smile.
B.It is not as satisfying as expected.
C.Fifteen seconds in front of the painting is enough.
D.Queuing for hours is worthwhile.
62.The list of"101things not to do"is made most probably because its authorD.
A.thinks it boring to do the things suggested by other lists
B.believes other lists are not humorous enough
C.intends to persuade people to read more lists
D.wants to provide a list different from other lists
63.What is the main purpose of the passage?A
A.To advertise a book  
B.To introduce a website
C.To comment on popular lists  
D.To recommend tourist activities.

分析 这篇文章的作者对所谓的《100个必须旅游的地方》、《100本必须要读的书》等书是持抵制和鄙视态度的.也正是因为如此,他出炉了《101件死前不要做的事》.在这些事情中,和海豚一起游泳其实是对海豚生命的伤害和威胁;去看蒙娜丽莎的微笑,也会因为人满为患而索然无趣…但说到底,他是为了自己的新书打广告.

解答 60.D 细节理解题.根据Swim with Dolphins(海豚)?部分的"Worse yet,when dolphins get too near to the boats loaded with tourists,they could get caught up in ropes and killed by propellers(螺旋桨)."可知,和海豚一起游泳会对海豚造成危险,故选D.
61.B 推理判断题.根据Go to See the Mona Lisa?部分的"In fact,it is hard for you to see the painting clearly because you have to stay away from it for security reasons.After queuing for hours,many tourists can remain in front of the painting only for 15 seconds at most."事实上,你很难看到这幅画,因为安全原因你必须远离它.在排队几个小时后,许多游客可以停留在绘画前面的时间只有15秒.可知,去看蒙娜丽莎的微笑并不像预期的那样令人满意.故选B.
62.D 推理判断题.根据"Now you have a list to end all lists!Take a look at the following two examples from the list of"101 things not to do:"可知.虽有借踩踏其他名单而抬高自己之嫌,但是作者想提供不同于其他列表的列表,故选D.
63.A 写作意图题.根据最后一段的"If you want to find out more about the list,read 101 Things NOT to Do Before You Die.Visit www.not2dobeforeidie.co.uk and buy the book at a 20% discount."可知,作者终极目的是要把读者拉到他的网站来买书,还提供八折购书.故选A.

点评 本文是科教类阅读,考查学生的细节理解和推理判断能力.做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确选择.在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

1.Since 2004,Time magazine has six times made a survey to name the l00 most influential people in the world.Only one person has appeared on it for six times,Oprah Winfrey.
    Born in l954 in Mississippi,Oprah Winfrey spent her early years living in poverty with her grandmother and later her absent mother,followed by unfair treatment by her unfriendly relatives.Worse still,she was addicted to drugs and at the young age of l4,she gave birth to a baby,who died after a few months.Finally she was sent to live with her strict father in Tennessee.Amazingly though,her father's rules did make sure she received a good edueation and finally overcame her problems.
    Oprah's media career began at age l7.She became the co-author of local news in Baltimore in her early 20's.Her first local talk show,People Are Talking,was first performed in l978,when she was 24.
    In l986,Oprah moved to Chicago to lost a low-rated half-hour morning talk show,AM Chicago.Oprah talks like a family member in your apd my house.Within months she took over,the show became the highest rated talk show in Chicago.It was renamed The Oprah Winfrey Show.
    Only two years after hosting the show,she was able to set up her own production company Harpo,and buy the full rights to The Oprah Winfery Show.She is also involved in magazine publishing,books,education and a lifestyle channel for women with the aim of improving people's lives,inspiring and praising good honest values,making the world a better place for present and future generations.
    As her business grew,so did her wealth and power,and she became the first ever black billionaire in 2003 and the most powerful woman in media broadcasting.The amazing influence she has over a large part of the American public means that anything she promotes on her shows is guaranteed to succeed.

41.What do we know about Oprah's childhood?C
A.She lived with her mother for 14 years.
B.She married young and brought up a baby.
C.he was lack of concern and care.
D.She couldn't stand her father's rules.
42.Why was The Oprah Winfrey Show so popular?B
A.Oprah was very famous in the world
B.Oprah talked in a familly way in the show.
C.Oprah was the co-author of the show
D.Oprah had the full rights to the show.
43.According to the text,which field didn't Oprah set foot in?D
A.Magazine publishing.   
C.A TV channel for females.
44.Which of the following is true according to the text?B
A.Oprah Winfrey was the most influential woman in America.
B.Oprah Winfrey hosted her first local talk show in her 20's.
C.AM Chicago became the highest rated immediately afte Oprah hosted it.
D.Oprah Winfrey was the first billionaire in media broadeasting.
45.What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?A
A.Oprah was a quite successful woman.
B:Oprah aimed to be wealthy and powerful.
C.What Oprah promoted was sure to succeed.
D.Oprah became the most influential woman.
2.Once there was a mole (鼹鼠) called Molly,who lived in a field with her family.Moles  I spent their time digging holes in the earth.Although they have an excellent sense of smell,their(12)Bis very bad and they can barely see beyond their noses.
   Molly was a very (13)Amole,for she decided to wear glasses to see better.All the moles in the field (14)Cher for this,and she felt sad.
   One day the Mole Olympics were held in the field,and Molly put herself forward for the event of"the most extraordinary digger."This consisted of digging a hole more than two kilometers long,(15)Afrom one point in the field and arriving at that same point through the tunnel.At the end of the competition,to everyone's (16)D,Molly became the champion of the event.
   (17)B her glasses,Molly had been the only mole to dig(18)Cto the point she started from.This made the other moles(19)Bthat Molly was a normal mole,just like them.The only (20)Awas that she didn't mind wearing glasses,which helped her win the Mole Olympics.

17.A.But forB.Thanks toC.Instead ofD.Apart from

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