

The Basic Survival Skills

Learning survival skills is an ongoing process(过程)that will last for your entire life. Because each situation has its particular requirements, there is always more to learn and experience. 1.


Fire provides warmth, light, and comfort, and keeps away the creatures. But even those are not all. 2. Always have at least two ways of making a fire. With waterproof (防水的) matches, or a fire starter you should be able to create a fire anytime anywhere.


Shelter protects your body from heat, cold, rain, snow, the sun, and wind. It also protects you from insects and other creatures that seek to do you harm. Before you are in need of making a survival shelter, be sure to practice and experiment with a variety of materials and survival plans on a regular basis. Clothing is the first line of shelter protection. 3.


Signaling allows you to get in touch with people who can rescue you without having to be close by. 4. These include using fire and smoke, flashlights, bright colored clothing and other markers, mirrors, and whistles.

First Aid

5. Most injuries you may face in the wilderness are relatively minor cuts, burns and scrapes. Larger injuries need formal treatment, which means you will need outside help.

A. Have the right clothes for the right environment.

B. There are a variety of ways to signal for help.

C. Lay out SOS from rocks, logs or colored clothing.

D. Always bring along your first aid box and a space blanket.

E. Fire and smoke can be used for signaling very long distances.

F. Panic is your number one enemy when you are in any emergency situation.

G. These 4 basic skills may put you on your way toward becoming a survivor.



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

As a child, there was nothing I liked better than Sunday afternoons at my grandfather’s farm. ________ by miles of winding stone walls, the house provided ________ hours of fun for a city kid.

I can still remember one ________ when I was eight years old. I’d wanted ________ anything to be allowed to climb the walls surrounding the property. The walls were old; some stones were ________ , others loose. Still, my desire to scramble (爬)across those walls ________ so strong that finally, one spring weekend, I took all my________and entered the living room, where the ________ had gathered after Sunday dinner.

“I, I wanna climb the stone walls,” I said hesitantly. ________ a chorus (齐声) went up from the women in the room. “Heavens, no!” they cried. “You’ll hurt yourself!” I wasn’t too ________ ; the response was just as I’d expected. But ________ I could leave the room, I was ________ by my grandfather’s loud voice. “Now ________ just a minute,” I heard him say. “Let the boy climb the stone walls. ________ , he has to learn to do things for himself.”

For the next two hours I climbed those old walls and had the time of my ________ . Later when I told my grandfather about my ________ , I’ll never forget what he said. “Fred,” he said, smiling, “you made this day a (an) ________ day just by being yourself. Always remember, there’s only one person in this whole world like you, and I like you exactly as you are.”

Many years have passed since then, and today I ________ the television program Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, seen by millions of children. There have been ________ over the years, but one thing ________ the same: my suggestion to children at the end of almost every visit. “There’s only one person in this whole world like you,” the kids can hear me say, “and people can like you exactly as you are.”

1.A. Covered B. Surrounded C. Extended D. Spread

2.A. meaningless B. short C. endless D. imaginable

3.A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. daytime

4.A. more than B. as well as C. rather than D. other than

5.A. remaining B. left C. tight D. missing

6.A. built B. went C. grew D. turned

7.A. trouble B. mind C. courage D. heart

8.A. adults B. relations C. men D. women

9.A. Soon B. Hurriedly C. Frequently D. Immediately

10.A. excited B. sad C. disappointed D. pleased

11.A. after B. before C. as D. when

12.A. encouraged B. asked C. allowed D. stopped

13.A. keep up B. hold on C. hold up D. keep on

14.A. Anyway B. However C. Therefore D. Thus

15.A. childhood B. play C. life D. Sunday

16.A. action B. adventure C. story D. happiness

17.A. special B. interesting C. common D. beautiful

18.A. own B. like C. hold D. host

19.A. jobs B. events C. adventures D. changes

20.A. remains B. develops C. becomes D. seems

If drinking coffee or tea has become part of your daily routine, you might wonder what it's doing to your long-term heart health. New research from Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, a journal (期刊)of the American Heart Association, found that high tea consumption and proper coffee consumption may be associated with decreased rates of death from coronary heart disease ( CHD)(冠心病).

The study followed more than 37,000 tea and coffee drinkers over 13 years. Participants completed food recalls to document their typical intake of tea and coffee, and were divided into groups that ranged from light to heavy consumption. Researchers accounted for variables(变量)such as health histories, height, weight, and waist circumference (腰围)and recorded the number of deaths from cardiovascular (心血管的)disease and stroke during the study period.

Overall results showed that consuming more than six cups of tea per day was associated with a 36% lower risk of death from heart disease compared to consuming less than one cup of tea per day. There appeared to be no such protective effect of tea-drinking at any amount for risk of death from stroke. Among coffee drinkers, more proper consumption levels (2-3 cups per day) were associated with the greatest risk reduction for death from heart disease (21% ) compared to drinking less than one cup of coffee per day.

Researchers acknowledged certain inconclusive variables within their findings. For example, the difference between decaffeinated(去咖啡因的)and regular coffee could not be accurately accounted for, nor could specific recommendations be made for type of tea, though due to its popularity in the Netherlands where the study took place, researchers assumed most tea consumption to be black tea.

Furthermore, researchers found that tea and coffee drinkers had opposite lifestyles, with tea drinkers tending to engage in healthy lifestyle habits and coffee drinkers being more likely to eat less healthy and smoke. It was difficult to say with certainty what impact these other lifestyle variables may have contributed to the overall results.

1.What's the conclusion of the study?

A. People should drink tea and coffee as much as possible.

B. Drinking more tea may benefit people with CHD.

C. High tea consumption may reduce the rate of stroke.

D. Coffee consumption has nothing to do with heart disease.

2.Which of the following variables haven’t been considered?

A. Health histories. B. Height and weight.

C. Waist circumference. D. The type of tea and coffee.

3.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. All people in the Netherlands like black tea.

B. Tea and coffee drinkers had a similar life style,

C. Other variables have no effect on the results.

D. There are still something uncertain about the study.

4.Which of the following might be the best title?

A. Why our heart loves coffee and tea.

B. Drink more tea and coffee.

C. Heart disease will be reduced.

D. An amazing findings about heart diseases.

Such chronic (慢性的) diseases as heart disease, stroke, cancer and lung disorders are the most leading causes of death in the world. Yet health experts say these conditions are often the most preventable.

The World Health Organization (WHO) points out chronic diseases lead to about 17 million early deaths each year. The United Nations (UN) agency expects more than 380 million people to die of chronic diseases by 2015. About 80% of the deaths will happen in developing nations.

Chronic diseases now cause two-thirds of all deaths in the Asia-Pacific area. In ten years it could be almost three-fourths. People are getting sick in their most economically productive years. In fact, chronic diseases are killing more middle-aged people in poorer countries than in richer ones. The WHO estimates (估计) that chronic diseases will cost China alone more than 500,000 million dollars in the next ten years. That estimate represents the costs of medical treatment and lost productivity. Russia and India are also expected to face huge economic losses.

According to a WHO report, deaths from chronic diseases have increased largely as the result of economic gains in many countries. Until recently infectious and parasitic (寄生的) diseases have been the main killers in Asia and the Pacific but they are no longer the major cause of death in most countries.

As many as 80% of the deaths from chronic diseases could be prevented, health officials say. An important tool for governments is to limit the marketing of alcohol and tobacco to young people. Also, more programs are needed to urge healthy eating and more physical activity.

The UN aims to reduce chronic-disease deaths by 2% each year by international action through 2015, that’s to say, 36 million lives could be saved, including 25 million in Asia and the Pacific.

1.According to the passage, chronic diseases ________.

A. can be ignored B. can be prevented

C. will disappear D. are all deadly

2.In many countries, what’s mainly responsible for increasing deaths from chronic diseases?

A. The economic development.

B. The poor living conditions.

C. Infectious and parasitic diseases.

D. Young people’s bad habits.

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Most deaths are caused by chronic diseases in the world.

B. The middle-aged are becoming victims of chronic diseases in Asia.

C. Infectious and parasitic diseases are no longer death killers.

D. To reduce chronic-disease deaths needs worldwide efforts.

4.The best title for the passage would be “________”.

A. Different Measures to Fight Chronic Diseases

B. The WHO’s Report on Heath in Developing Countries

C. The UN: the Leader of International Community

D. Chronic Diseases: the World’s Leading Killer


The Effects of Stress

There is a famous expression in English:“Stop the world,I want to get off!”This expression refers to a feeling of panic,or stress,that makes a person want to stop whatever they are doing,try to relax,and become calm again 1. It is one of the most common causes of health problems in modern life.Too much stress results in physical,emotional,and mental health problems.

There are numerous physical effects of stress.2. It can increase the pulse rate,make the heart miss beats,and can cause high blood pressure.Stress can affect the respiratory system.It can lead to asthma.It can cause a person to breathe too fast,resulting in a loss of important carbon dioxide.Stress cilia affect the stomach.3. These are only a few examples of the wide range of illnesses and symptoms resulting from stress.

Emotions are also easily affected by stress.People suffering from stress often feel anxious.They may have panic attacks.They may feel tired all the time. When people are under stress,they often overreact to little problems.For example,a normally gentle parent under a lot of stress at work may yell at a child for dropping a glass of juice.4.

Long-term stress can lead to a variety of serious-mental illnesses.Depression,an extreme feeling of sadness and hopelessness,can be the result of continued and increasing stress.Alcoholism and other addictions often develop as a result of overuse of alcohol or drugs to try to relieve stress.Eating disorders are sometimes caused by stress and are often made worse by stress.5.

A.Stress can make people angry, moody or nervous.

B.“Stress”means pressure or tension.

C.It can cause stomach aches and problems digesting food.

D.It is obvious that stress can cause physical problems.

E.Stress can affect the heart.

F.So stop the world and rest for a while.

G.If stress is allowed to continue,then one’s mental health is put at risk.

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