
“Where’s the light?” My dad used to ask me that when I was little. It’s one of those questions that parents use to how smart their young children are. During my teenage years, my dad told me that he thought I was going to be foolish because I at him whenever he asked me where the was.

I consider myself to be a “Daddy’s girl”. Dad never me, but he did buy me nice things---dolls and shoes---for my birthday. I am now 28, and I live with my parents in Baguio, Philippines. my father is always very busy, we still time with each other. We go for a drive in the country. Most girls of my would rather go out with their friends than be with their family, but my family has always felt a bit .

Looking at my father now, I can see he is a(n) 28 man. So many difficulties were in his life, but his dream of a better life kept him . At 14, he began working at his high school to .himself.

During his life, my father has overcome a lot of difficulties and he always education. When we were , he would tell my brother and me to seek improvement in ourselves through .

Like a light, he shines with respect, but he sends out the brightest light for our family as a unit with love and faith as its . There are times when my dad makes jokes and asks me, using my childhood nickname, “Sasi, where’s the light?” I just smile, and point at him.

1.A. secret B. address C. way D. question

2.A. look for B. find out C. take in D. give away

3.A. jokingly B. sadly C. surprisingly D. calmly

4.A. shouted B. laughed C. pointed D. knocked

5.A. doll B. gift C. light D. family

6.A. spoiled B. taught C. cheated D. missed

7.A. never B. still C. suddenly D. finally

8.A. Because B. Unless C. When D. Though

9.A. waste B. divide C. gain D. spend

10.A. ever B. even C. later D. soon

11.A. age B. height C. style D. kind

12.A. happy B. puzzled C. different D. strange

13.A. strict B. broadminded C. independent D. easy-going

14.A. going B. coming C. smiling D. waiting

15.A. enjoy B. support C. behave D. control

16.A. worries B. provides C. receives D. values

17.A. young B. helpless C. proud D. busy

18.A. working B. speaking C. learning D. reading

19.A. showing B. keeping C. imagining D. starting

20.A. tool B. basis C. goal D. trick

Weird Homes We All Wish We Live in

Your home is one of the biggest purchases you’re going to make in your entire life, but that doesn’t mean you can’t live somewhere you enjoy. If you’re looking for the weird, the wonderful, or just odd, then these houses are the top of the list.

Upside Down

Like the previous upside down home, this is the type of concrete house that is more interesting to really see from the outside than it is to actually live there. The door is near the top. If you want to live here, you are going to have to deal with the crowds exploring daily.

Satellite Home

Having an entire side of your house made of glass is just asking for a rock to be thrown by the local children. However, it also offers the best view surrounding the scenic home. The inside appeared to be separated into multiple tiers, with each tier broken down into various rooms.

UFO House

This home is located within Taiwan at present. For those who have wondered what it would be like to be kidnapped by aliens and forced to live within their ship for a few years, this house should offer some similar experience.

New Age Tree Fort

If you grew up a flower child, then chances are you either adapted that lifestyle into your own or would prefer to forget it. If it’s the former, then the tree fort-style home would be perfect to live within. It’s centered perfectly in the middle of a forested area, supported by metal beams, and built from strong wood.

1.Why can Satellite Home offer the best view around itself?

A. Because its outside is very interesting.

B. Because one side of this house is made of glass.

C. Because viewers can stand on its door near the top of the house.

D. Because it is centered in the middle of a forest.

2.The underlined word “kidnapped” probably refers to “___________”.

A. taken away B. let down

C. helped out D. brought up

3.What building materials are used for these weird homes according to this passage?

① Concrete ② Rock ③ Metal ④ Wood

A. ①②③. B. ①③④. C. ②③④. D. ①②④.

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