
【题目】 For a long time we walked without saying ______ word and eventually Jack was the first to break ______ silence.

A. the; a B. a; the C. a;/ D. the;/



试题分析:B察冠词。saying a word固定搭配,意思是说一句话,a不能省。silence沉默,是名词,break the silence意思是打破了沉默。句意:很长一段时间我们一起走,但是一句话不说,最终Jack先打破了这种沉默。故选B。


【题目】An oval-shaped (椭圆形) structure, which is believed to be 121meters across, is shown in a picture of Antarctica.

Some say the structure is evidence that human civilization once lived in the South Pole, while others say it may be a natural phenomenon.

“What if, in the distant past, an ancient civilization developed in Antarctica, creating splendid structures and temples there?” Peter Turney says in a post on Ancient Code.

The post says scientists first thought the discovery could be a sastrugi (雪面波纹)a natural phenomenon formed by years of battering (磨损) by strong, freezing winds and heavy snowfalls. But sastrugi are not known to form in oval shapes.

This is not the first time people have suggested there was a lost civilization in Antarctica.

Ever since last year, some people have been claiming (声称) that a strange pyramid in the Antarctic has appeared.

A video posted on YouTube by Third Phase of the Moon, a YouTube channel, showed a picture of a pyramid-like structure in the snow. Responses to the picture were varied, with some users backing-up the claims, such as James Jason, who commented: “Excellent report by Third Phase!I also believe things are about to get very dramatic (戏剧性的),and that is for everyone on our planet.”

Ashoka Tripathi from the University of Calcutta said the pictures showed clear evidence of an ancient human settlement beneath the ice sheet. “These are clearly characteristics of some sort of human-made structure, like some sort of pyramidal structure,” he said. “The patterns clearly show nothing we should expect from nature. We clearly have evidence of human engineering here,” John Emerson, his colleague, added.

But others were against it, such as Gordon Anderson, who said, “I have spent a lot of time on snow covered mountains—skiing down, and this looks natural to me—not man made anyway!”

1What makes Peter Tumney believe in human civilization in Antarctica?

A. The ice sheet.

B. A heavy snowfall.

C. A big sastrugi.

D. An oval-shaped structure.

2What is Third Phase of the Moon?

A. A picture.

B. A person.

C. A channel.

D. A video.

3Who thinks the pyramidal structure is natural?

A. James Jason.

B. Ashoka Tripathi.

C. John Emerson.

D. Gordon Anderson.

4Which of the following might be the best title for the text?

A. Antarctica, a possible land of civilization

B. South Pole, a splendid place to live in

C. Evidence of a newly-found planet

D. An excel lent post on Ancient Code

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