

People are always looking for someone to look up to and imitate. You can set the example by becoming the person that people want to be like. You can help change the world by changing yourself.









【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,层次分明,而且使用了多种句式和结构。比如,第一段阐述大部分人现象,用however,转述我们应该怎么做。长短句结合,错落有致。开头不是文笔,有两个定语从句nature that…the belief that。正文中更是把定语从句和状语从句运用的游刃有余。以及独立主格Having failed the entrance exam, 都有所体现。此外,文章还使用了大量短语tend tohold the beliefset the example As a result, looking down uponbetter than等都是文章亮点,得分点。


【题目】Walt Disney and Shanghai government have formally agreed to open up a Disney theme park in China's commercial capital.

Just days after the World Expo was closed, they agreed on plans for a joint venture(合资企业)to manage the project, expected to cover nearly eight square miles for the entire resort(度假胜地), the city government said in a statement. The cost is reportedly estimated at 25 billion yuan.

Plans call for the theme park to be a strong international tourism resort with a pleasant, low-carbon environment, the city said.A joint venture between local companies and Disney will be responsible for construction, management and operation of the Disney theme park,it said.

Some villagers were long ago moved off farmland in Chuansha, a part of Pudong district near the city's main international airport,to make way for the park.

Disney issued a statement confirming its discussions with the Shanghai government, saying, We can confirm the statement from the Shanghai government that we have taken another step forward in the approval process.

But the company said it was still awaiting final approval of the joint venture by the central government and completion of necessary procedures.

The sixmonthlong World Expo,which ended on Sunday,drew a record of 72 million visitors,mostly Chinese tourists.That event made it necessary for the city to build nearly a dozen new subway lines,new highways,airport upgrades and other modern facilities.

With the Disneyland project due to start,the city appears likely to continue its building boom(激增).

The agreement on Friday came exactly a year after China's natioal planning agency approved the plans for the parka major step toward getting the project started.

The park will give Shanghai,the mainland's main financial and commercial centre,a new showcase.While the city is one of China's most modern and wealthy cities,it has relatively few big historic landmarks compared with ancient capitals like Beijing and Xi'an.

Disney has said the Shanghai resort will include a MagicKingdomstyle theme park with characteristics tailored to the Shanghai region.

Disney has been expanding its presence in mainland China after opening a theme park in Hong Kong in 2005.That venue, which has suffered from disappointing attendance,is in the midst of Disneys expansion as it intends to compete with the future theme park in Shanghai.

【1】What do we know about the Disneyland project to be built in Shanghai?

A.The cost is more than 25 billion yuan.

B.The design is environmentally friendly.

C.It will be built by Walt Disney Company.

D.It is as large as the World Expo Garden in area.

【2】What can we learn from Disney's statement?

A.The construction of the theme park is in process.

B.They need approval from the central government.

C.The joint venture has completed necessary procedures.

D.Disney didn't think their discussions with the Shanghai government was helpful.

【3】We can infer from the last paragraph that________.

A.visitors often go to Hong Kong Disneyland these days because of its expansion

B.the Shanghai theme park should learn from Hong Kong's

C.Hong Kong Disneyland will face more challenges

D.Hong Kong Disneyland is well managed

【题目】One of those big social networking sites, Facebook, has attracted over 58 million members. Commentator Melody Cramer is no longer one of them. Here is what she shares with us about her story.

I deleted all 1,281 of my coworkers, secondgrade classmates and people who I don’t know at all. I shut down my account, completely. I’m 30, and I’ve been on Facebook since March of 2004, which makes me one of the website’s earliest users.

At first, I used it obsessively. If I had a free moment, I’d log on to see whether my friends had updated their profiles. I’d sit alone scrolling through these updates and then run into someone at a coffee shop and have nothing to say because I already knew everything about them, and they knew everything about me.

In November, I went to my tenyear high school reunion and was not pleasantly surprised. Lauren became a model, Josh went to law school, Dina was a teacher. I hadn’t talked to any of them since graduation, but I knew exactly what they were doing, both now and last week. But lately, I’m overwhelmed(应接不暇). Facebook opened up to everyone, not just college students, and my coworkers started to join, which meant they now knew what I was doing when I wasn’t at work.

And as a rule: you can NOT make friends with your coworkers because then they’ll ask you the next day. But I thought we were friends. And you are friends but not the kind of friends who tell each other what they do outside of work. So now the people you work with can see what you did last night, and you’re constantly worrying what people might say about what you did last night instead of actually doing anything tonight. So Iquit. I became a 30yearold Luddite, a person who is strongly against technology development. I’ve retuned to how the world worked when I was 20, before I knew when my friends and coworkers were counting down the seconds to vacation or entering a complicated relationship. I’m hoping life will be a lot simpler now. People will be more mysterious now that I actually have to talk to them to find out their favorite books or hobbies or neurosis(神经症). I don’t know when my college roommate goes to the supermarket, and I think I’m a better person for not knowing. In fact, you could say getting off a social network was the best thing I’ve done this week.

1Melody Cramer decided to quit Facebook mainly because ______.

A. she thought it wasted too much time

B. she was afraid of the strangers on her account

C. she was tired of exposing her life to coworkers

D. she thought it made realworld life less interesting

2We can learn from the passage that Melody Cramer ______.

A. had a 10year membership of Facebook

B. used to be very objected to Facebook

C. was unpleasant to attend high school reunion

D. was one of the co-founders of Facebook

3Which of the following about Melody Cramer is TRUE?

A. She owes her communication skills to Facebook.

B. She wishes she could be several years younger.

C. She prefers to face her friends and co-workers in reality.

D. She is no longer curious about anything around her.

4The best title for this passage can be _____.

A. Addiction to Facebook

B. Farewell to Facebook

C. Friends Online

D. A Simpler Life

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