
【题目】With everything needed________,the host declared the start of their wedding.

A. in the place B. in place

C. taking place D. out of place



试题分析:考介词短语辨析。A.在某个地方;B.在适当的位置;C.发生,举行;D.不在适当的位置上。句意:随着所需要的一切准备就绪,主持人宣布他们的婚礼开始。in place,在适当的位置,引申为事情准备妥当。故选B。


【题目】A British farmer has been searching for a group of fighter planes for 15 years. The planes were lost in Burma during World War II. David Cundall, 62, traveled to Burma a dozen times. He spent about US $207,000 in the hope of finding a British Spitfire(喷火式战斗机)buried in the Southeast Asian country. Finally, his hard work paid off.

Cundall started his search after his friend heard from a group of U.S. war veterans(老兵)that they had buried Spitfires in the region. “We’ve done some pretty silly things in our time, but the silliest was burying Spitfires,” the veterans said.

Cundall began placing ads in magazines to try to find soldiers who might have been involved. After 15 years of searching, he finally managed to locate the missing airplanes. The planes had never been flown and were buried in their transport crates(条板箱). “We made a borehole(钻孔)and used a camera to look at the crates. They seemed to be in good condition.” Cundall told The Telegraph. The aircraft had arrived at a Royal Air Force base in Burma in August 1945. But, by that point in the war, the planes weren’t needed. “In 1945, Spitfires were ten a penny, and you could see them everywhere.” Said Cundall.

British Prime Minister, David Camerion, recently visited the country. As The Telegraph reports, Camerion’s help may mean that the Spitfires could soon be on their way back to the United Kingdom. Cundall hopes that with the help of investors, the planes can finally take to the skies.

“Spitfires are beautiful aeroplanes and should not be rotting away(腐烂)in a foreign land,” Cundall says. “They saved our neck in the Battle of Britain and they should be protected.”

【1】Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A. A British Farmer’s Dream

B. Burma’s Buried Treasure

C. A Search for Buried Planes

D. The Design of the British Spitfire

【2】What did the war veterans feel when they talked about the buried planes?

A. Disappointed B. Excited.

C. Regretful D. Hopeful

【3】What does the underlined phrase, “ten a penny ”, in the third paragraph mean?

A. expensive. B. cheap. C. rare D. common

【4】What can we learn about the British Spitfires?

A. The planes buried under the ground were seriously damaged.

B. The planes were not needed at that time during World War II.

C. It will be very difficult to take the planes back to the United Kingdom.

D. The planes were buried in Burma after they crashed there.

【5】What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?

A. Cundall has asked Prime Minister David Cameron for help to bring Spitfires back.

B. The government of Burma will not allow Britain to bring the Spitfires back

C. The Spitfires buried in Burma are beginning to rot away.

D. Cundall likes Spitfires very much and he thinks they should be preserved.


Many people rely on a cup of coffee or two to wake them up in the morning or pick them up during the working day, but now a chemist has come up with a speedy alternative to crafting a cup of coffee.

U.S. biochemist Ben Yu has created `Sprayable Energy,` which claims to be the world`s first caffeine - based topical energy spray.He said tired workers can spray a `shot` of caffeine onto their skin without experiencing a strong buzz, loading up on unnecessary calories or being stuck with a nasty aftertaste like they might get from drinking energy drinks or coffee.

The patent-pending caffeine spray is an odourless liquid that is absorbed through the skin and distributed through the body over a number of hours to deliver a caffeine hit that apparently lasts longer than guzzling a cup of coffee.

Each small aluminum bottle of Sprayable Energy contains around 160 sprays - the equivalent amount of caffeine to 40 cups of coffee and the creators say it is a much cheaper way of getting a caffeine fix than popping to a cafe.The only active ingredient in the spray is caffeine, which can naturally enter the human body through the skin by passing through cell membranes as it is very similar to nicotine in structure.Each spritz of Sprayable Energy contains around a quarter of the amount of caffeine found in a cup of coffee, but apparently has the same effect as a full cup.

The website said: `The reason for this is our product not being ingested, isn`t almost entirely metabolised(新陈代谢) by the liver before entering your system and becoming available to your body.`

`Thus, a smaller amount of caffeine can have just the same effect as a very large amount of caffeine ingested through an energy drink or cup of coffee.`c`s website recommends that users apply the spray in places where they normally spritz perfume, such as the neck or wrists, but warns users not to exceed 20 sprays a day.

It claims that after spraying the product on the skin, users will feel `awake and focused without being over-stimulated,` which is common with coffee and energy drinks.

【1】What can we learn about Sprayable Energy from the passage ?_______.

A.A bottle of Sprayable Energyis cheaper than 40 cups of coffee. .

B.Sprayable Energy lets users not worry about taking in unnecessary calories..

C.Sprayable Energy can be used at least 20 sprays a day

D.The caffeine spray is a colorless liquid that is absorbed through the skin..

【2】What does the fifth paragraph mainly tell us ?____

A,Sprayable Energy is taken by mouth...

B.Before Sprayable Energy is absorbed by body, the liver entirely metabolizes it

C.How Sprayable Energy acts on users body and how users use the product.

D.Sprayable Energy is convenient but expensive.

【3】We can conclude from the passage that ____

A.Sprayable Energy can not be permitted to be used by people now.

B. Sprayable Energy has not already gone into mass production

C.each spritz of Sprayable Energy has the same effect as a full cup of coffee

D.Sprayable Energy is well received by flagging workers.

【4】The writers attitude towards Sprayable Energy ____


B. positive



【题目】We all need friends and we always haveOur ancestors found that gaining the basic necessities of life was easier in a groupIt’s estimated that the maximum number of people who lived in early communities of hunter-gatherers was 150

Friends aren’t bound(受……限制)by blood or family bonds, employment contracts or legal obligationsOur circle of associates includes work colleagues and people we meet at parties, in the pub or on the train to workSome associates are much more important than our familyWe are capable of exchanging an email with these associates, and may have mutual acquaintances with a good number of them, providing common groundWe do things for one another because we want toWhether writing an answer to a photo put on Facebook, sending a birthday card by post, or making a hospital visit, the efforts we have made for our friends are out of kindnessIt is this nature of friendship which requires nothing in return that makes it beneficial and valuable

Friendships take work, and they need to be nurtured, nourished and maintainedWe feel good about helping our friends because we are friendsHowever, we often lose touch with our friends because of a lack of time and energyWhen we are carrying a heavy load at work, involved in a serious relationship or raising children, it’s hard to spare time for friendsIn these situations, we need to remind ourselves of what friends are for and why they can be so important in our lives

In a survey of more than 2,000 married couples aged 55 or older, for both men and women, having friends was the best predictor of being satisfied in marriage — possibly because they were more satisfied with their lives as a result of having friends

Researchers suggest social relationships are the reason why women live longer than men, Social bonds reduce the risk of disease by reducing blood pressure, cholesterol(胆固醇)and heart rateA lack of good friends is as harmful to your health as smoking or being overweightIndeed, people without friends are more likely to die youngerNot only do friendships prolong(延长)our lives, they make us happier tooPeople who are socially active don’t feel so stressed or feel they can not enjoy anything easily — they also tend to feel better about their lives and who they are

1What makes friendship beneficial and valuable?

A. Its being not bound by blood or family bonds

B. Its being easy to maintain

C. The good we have done to our friends

D. That we make efforts for friends out of kindness

2What should we do when we have no time for friends?

A. Quit our jobs

B. Give our friends calls

C. Remind ourselves of what friends are for

D. Turn to our friends for help

3What can we infer from the survey in the fourth paragraph?

A. Having friends makes people satisfied in marriage

B. The older people are, the more satisfied they are in marriage

C. Married couples are more satisfied with their lives

D. Married couples are easier to have friends

4What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. Friendships prolong our lives and make us happy

B. Men should learn to be socially active

C. Women live longer than men

D. Women tend to be less stressed

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