
4.Teen drivers,be careful:Mum and Dad will soon know exactly how fast and how far you drove their car.And if you don't use the seat belt,don't even think about turning on the stereo,which allows you to listen to the music in your car.
At the 2015New Year International Auto Show,American car maker Chevrolet gives your parents the power to check on your driving.
The"Teen Driver"feature(特征)appears with the 2016Chevrolet Malibu,a new type of mid-size car.
The system is very user-friendly.Parents with a private code(密码)can pull up a dashboard(仪表板)display,including highest speeds reached and distance driven.
Chevrolet isn't the first car maker to offer such technology.For example,Ford has a similar system called MyKey.But"the industry is moving toward highly developed controls over a teen's driving,"said Andy Gryc,a car technology expert.
Chevrolet said it is a safety need."Teens are more likely to be involved in a car accident,so many parents were asking us to bring something to market that can teach safe driving habits,"said Chevrolet communications manager Chad Lyons.
Teens are three times more likely to die in traffic accidents than grown-ups,according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS).
Lyons thinks that a big problem is distracted(注意力分散)driving,such as texting or listening to music.
Teens with their friends in the car like to listen to loud music."If the driver and the front passenger aren't wearing their seat belts,the stereo won't turn on,"said Lyons."Parents can also control the level of sound."
If a teen driver goes beyond a certain speed,the car can speak to the driver,warning them of their speed.
"It's a way for parents to feel safe while they're not in the car with their teen,"Lyons said.

25.MyKey is similar to the"Teen Driver"feature because of  itsA.
A.purpose           B.shape        C.quality         D.type
26.How can the feature prevent distracted driving?C
A.By telling teens about their speed.
B.By stopping drivers from texting.
C.By avoiding loud music in the car.
D.By asking people to use seat belts.
27.What is the text mainly about?A
A.A new technology for road safety.
B.An international car show for teens.
C.An unusual kind of stereo safety system.
D.A new type of fast-speed car.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了道路安全新技术,这是为父母感到安全的方式,减少了孩子驾驶发生意外.

解答 25.A.推理判断题.根据第四段:Chevrolet isn't the first car maker to offer such technology.For example,Ford has a similar system called MyKey可知mykey与Teen Driver的相似之处是他们有同样的目的;故选A.
26.C.细节理解题.根据倒数第三段:If the driver and the front passenger aren't wearing their seat belts,the stereo won't turn on,"said Lyons."Parents can also control the level of sound可知避免在车里大声的音乐能防止分心驾驶;故选C.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

15.Looking for cool gifts can inspire people.
A personalized gift means so much more.It makes the receiver feel special,and is likely to be treasured.Take a look at these best-sellers.Remember to check out the suitable gifts for her or for him.
Coffee Cup
This Pretty cup features three colorful flowers,with plenty of room to write your own special words above and below the flowers.It is suitable for many special occasions including birthdays and Mother's Day.The top line can be made up of up to 15words,while the bottom line can only be the 10words long.Price:17.84
Charming Heart
    Moms can carve the wishes or names of their children on the heart.It is not suitable for children under the age of 12.Regular price:$9.99; Sale price:8.99 (You save:10%)
    Heart and Flower Picture Frame (相框)
    You can send the frame to a special friend,your sister,mom,or someone who's made a difference in your life.This photo frame has plenty of room for your own personal words.It can be personalized with two lines of text of up to 25 words per line.Regular price:29.99; Sale price:26.99 (You save:10%)
    Round Clock Key Chain
    This key chain has a handsome silver watch.It makes a special gift when carved,adding a personal touch.It can be personalized with 3 words.It is very popular among young men.Price:24.99; Sale price:17.49 (You save:30%)
    Silver and Gold Key Chain
    This key chain will be a pleasant and personalized ornament (装饰) to your key ring.This useful key chain can be personalized with two lines of text of up to 8 words per line.Price:16.99

25.Who will be interested in this passage most?D
A.Someone who likes to inspire others
B.Someone who wants to advertise gifts.
C.Someone who designs gifts
D.Someone who wants to choose a gift.
26.Which of the following gifts are suitable for your mother?B
A.The Coffee Cup and the Charming Heart.
B.The Picture Frame and the Coffee Cup.
C.The Charming Heart and the Picture Frame.
D.The Picture Frame and the Round Clock Key Chain.
27.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?D
A.The personalized Coffee Cup can hold 25words.
B.The Charming Heart is not suitable for babies.
C.Young men are likely to love the Round Clock Key Chain.
D.The Round Clock Key Chain is the cheapest gift.
12.It seems that people are gradually losing their smartness as smartphones become increasingly important assistants in their lives.As we rely too much on technology instead of our brains,many people have lost three basic abilities.
The first skill many people have lost is remembering phone numbers.Because phone numbers are stored in smartphone contacts,there's now no need to dial a number or look at it again. This is fine until you need to call someone for help,only to find your phone is not around.
And some people may also have lost their sense of direction because some apps can guide people anywhere they want.People get so dependent on them that when they can't use their smartphones,they get lost and anxious.
But the worst lost skills may be social ones,meaning that some people are becoming socially inept (无能的).People often bury themselves in their smartphones.As we're too absent-minded by what's happening in the virtual (虚拟的) some of us have lost conversational skills and sometimes can't even tell whether a person is happy or not.
Last August,researchers at the University of California,Los Angeles,studied 51students aged 11and 12who had over five hours'screen time every day.Their task was to tell the emotions of 48pictures of faces that were happy,sad,angry or scared.
The children made an average of 14.02mistakes at the beginning.But after a five-day camp without electronic (电子的) products,they made only 9.41mistakes on average.
Luckily,people still have a chance to get these abilities back.You should try to keep your parents'numbers in mind for emergencies.You should also pay more attention to street signs and stores,which will help you to draw a mind map and stop you from getting lost.And the easiest solution to social skill loss is to take a break from electronic products.

32.The underlined sentence in the second paragraph implies thatD.
A.you are able to turn to others for help
B.others are able to call you anytime and anywhere
C.others are unable to get in touch with you by smartphone
D.you are unable to contact others without your smartphone
33.The experiment shows that without electronic products,one couldA.
A.recognize more facial expressions correctly
B.lose the sense of direction frequently
C.tell different emotions immediately
D.tell more pictures of faces easily
34.Overusing smartphones,people will probablyC
A.have no sense of numbers
B.fail to find their destination
C.lose face-to-face communication skills
D.weaken their senses of hearing and sight
35.What's the writer's attitude towards electronic products?B
19.Mothers of kids with disabilities might be more forgetful,as they age than other mothers,according to a new study.And mothers with a strong support system,a sense of control and a  history of regular exercise kept sharper than the other mothers.However,fathers of disabled  children did not differ from fathers of non-disabled children in memory skills as they aged.
That's not surprising,considering past research that has shown parents with disabled kids  tend to feel more stressed and to have more psychological problems like depression.In the study,parents were tested on memory and fluency,reasoning,working memory and ability to switch their attention.Physical health,physical activity,depression,sense of control,social support and negative parenting experience were also included.
The mothers of disabled kids tended to be much more depressed,in worse physical health  and to feel they had less of a sense of control than mothers without disabled kids.For instance,18percent of mothers of disabled children reported having been depressed in the 12months prior to the study,compared with 7percent of mothers without disabled kids.Mothers of disabled children also had less support from friends than women without disabled children.Besides,among the women with disabled children,being more educated and having more social support were linked to significantly better memory ants thinking.
Fathers with disabled kids had more negative parenting experiences than fathers whose kids were not disabled.The researchers did not have information about the severity(严重)of the    children's disabilities,their ages,or about any disabilities or other health problems among the    parents.They acknowledge in their report that because they only looked at one point in time,they cannot say whether parenting a disabled child caused the memory differences they observed.

28.What is NOT included in the new study?B
A.Memory and fluency.    
B.Working experience.
C.Social support.
D.Physical health.
29.What is true of mothers of disabled kids?B
A.They have sharper minds.
B.They easily have physical problems.
C.They don't exercise at a11.
D.They have no sense of control.
30.What can you know about the new study?C
A.It doesn't involve fathers.
B.It is mainly on physical disabilities.
C.It calls for further research.
D.It is aimed to help the disabled kids.
31.You can most possibly find the passage in a column(栏目)ofC.
D.1ife style.
9.You've now heard it so many time,you can probably repeat it in your sleep.President Obama will no doubt (51)Cthe point publicly when he gets to Beijing:the Chinese need to (52)Dmore; they need-believe it or not-to become more like Americans,for the sake of the global economy.
And it's all true.(53)Athe other side of that equation is that the U.S.needs to save more.For the moment,American households actually are doing so.After the personal-savings rate (54)Bto zero in 2005,the shock of the economic (55)Blast year prompted people to snap (56)Ctheir wallets.In China,the household-savings rate exceeds 20%.It is partly for policy(57)A.As we've seen,wage earners are expected to (58)Dnot only their children but their aging parents.And there is,to date,only the flimsiest (脆弱的) of publicly-funded health care and pension systems,which increases incentives for individuals to save (59)Dthey are working.But China is a society that has (60)Aesteemed personal financial prudence (谨慎).There is no (61)Cthat will change anytime soon,even if the government creates a better social safety net and successfully encourages greater consumer spending.
Why does the U.S.need to learn a little frugality (节俭)?Because healthy savings rates are one of the surest indicators of a country's long-term financial health.High savings lead,over time,to increased investment,which in turn generates productivity gains,(62)Cand job growth.(63)B,savings are the seed corn of a good economic harvest.
The U.S.government thus needs to act as well.By running (64)Bdeficits,it is dis-saving,even as households save more.Peter Orszag,Obama's Budget Director,(65)Ccalled the U.S.budget deficits unsustainable and he's right.To date,the U.S.has seemed unable to see the consequences of spending so much more than is taken in.That needs to change.

58.A.take offB.break outC.make upD.care for
63.A.In generalB.In shortC.In additionD.In a sense
16.Not all great meals come from restaurants.Some are served from carts and stalls,and eaten on the go.So-called street food is not only delicious,but can be found in nearly every country,rich or poor,says Carla Diamanti,co-author of Street Food:Authentic Snacks from Around the World."It's a way to get to know the people and the flavor of a place,"says the Italian writer,who has nibbled her way around the globe.She shares some favorite snacks and snacking places with us.
Pizza:Pizza may be the closest thing to a global food,but Diamanti says there's nothing like the way it's prepared in Naples.The dish is often ordered from a window counter and quickly baked for customers.If you're eating it on the go,you fold it up for pizza al portafoglio,literally wallet style."Our pizza is quick and simple,"she says.www.inaples.it
New York
Hot dogs:When foreigners first visit America,one of the first things many want to try is the country's typical snack food,the hot dog."It's like the flag of America-both inexpensive and democratic,"Diamanti says."You expect to see kids queuing at a hot dog stall."212-484-1200; www.nycgo.com
Bento boxes:Diamanti says the best time and place to eat this portable Japanese meal is under a blooming cherry tree in the spring.Bento boxes are filled with different dishes:often fish,meat,pickled vegetables,rice or tofu."It's really just a taste,"she says.While the containers are often elaborate wooden serving trays,they can be also cardboard boxes ordered to go.212-757-5640; www.jnto.go.jp
Jamaa el Fna Square,Marrakech,Morocco
Food stalls:When the sun begins to set,this central square comes to life as crowds gather to sing,dance and eat.Hundreds of stalls serve grilled meat,chicken and rice."There is plenty of smoke with hundreds of people cooking at the same time,"Diamanti says.212-221-1 583; www.visitmorocco.com/index.php/eng/

21.It can be learned from the text that Carla DiamantiB.
A.doesn't like street food.               B.has traveled a lot.
C.has set up the website www.inaples.it  D.likes the pizza most.
22.What is special about the pizza in Naples,Italy?D
A.its attractive taste.  B.its low price.
C.its unique ingredients.D.the way it's prepared.
23.For those who want to eat under blooming cherry trees in the spring,they'd better go toC.
A.Naples,Italy   B.New York  C.Japan  D.Morocco.
14.NASA will be hosting a huge face-to-face Angry Birds exhibit at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral,Florida for the next year and a half in an effort to help get kids interested in physics and space!
The exhibit is called Angry Birds Space Dating.It has 1.2-metre-high (3.9-foot-high) slingshots(弹弓) that kids can use to fire mini Angry Birds at the green pigs,and there is also a laser-beam obstacle course!The exhibit lets kids make their own personalized Angry Birds games while they learn about gravity's effect on an object's track.
"Gravity will attract an object if it's moving in a straight line,and it will no longer move in a straight line because it gets bent and it goes in a curved track,"astronaut Donald Pettit explains in the video below.
"Astronauts have to worry about these thing  s because if you're in a rocket and you're trying to get from one orbit and arrive at a targeted space station,you end up going in curved tracks and you need to know how to fire your rocket engines so that you can go exactly from where you are to where you want to be."
Pettit said that the exhibit is a great opportunity for kids who are fans of the game to learn some science,math,and physics while playing instead of just playing an"empty brain-draining video game that crowds out the creativity from the minds of young people."
41.NASA holds the Angry Birds exhibit toA
A.interest kids in science
B.help kids get interests
C.get kids interested in a gamev
D.teach kids to play a game
42.Kids can do all the following things in the exhibit EXCEPTB.
A.firing mini Angry Birds at the green pigs
B.playing a video game called Angry Birds
C.making their own special Angry Birds games
D.learning how gravity affects an object's moving track
43.The underlined word"curved"in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to"A".
A.bent         B.straight         C.round        D.smooth
44.Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?C
A.Objects'moving tracks will be affected by gravity.
B.Astronauts should pay attention to the effects of gravity.
C.Only fans of Angry Birds can go to the exhibit.
D.Playing the video game may make a kid dull.
45.What is the best title for the passage?D
A.An exhibit for kids.
B.Come and Play with Angry Birds.
C.Gravity changes an object's track.
D.NASA connected with Angry Birds.

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