
   Everybody in the world is seeking happiness 一 and there is one sure way 61. (find) it. That is by 62.(control) your thoughts. Happiness doesn't depend 63. outward conditions,but inner conditions.

   It isn’t what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing 64.

makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it. For example,two people may do 65. same thing in a place; both may have about an equal amount of money and status — and yet one may be 66. (depress) and the other happy. Why? Because they see things 67. (different) . I have seen just as many happy faces among the poor farmers 68. work very hard in the fields as I have seen in air-conditioned offices in New York,Chicago or Los Angeles.

   Abraham Lincoln once 69. (say) that “most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." He was right. If you decide to be happy,then you will always find plenty of 70. (reason) to be happy.

61. to find。考査不定式作定语的用法。way后常 跟不定式作定语,故填to find。

62. controlling。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。 介词后需用动词-ing形式,故填controlling。

63. on / upon。考査介词。depend on / upon 意为“取 决于”。

64. that。考査强调句。设空处所在句是强调句,强 调 what you have ... are doing ,故填.that。

65. the。考査定冠词。same前需加定冠词the。

66. depressed。考査形容词作表语的用法。设空处 意为“沮丧的”,故填depressed。

67. differently。考査副词。设空处修饰谓语动词 see ,故填副词 differently。

68. who/that。考査关系词。设空处引导定语从句 修饰farmers ,且在从句中作主语,故填who / that.

69. said。考査一般过去时。由once可知say所表示 的动作发生在过去,故填said。

70. reasons。考查名词。.plenty of后需跟可数名词 的复数形式,故填reasons。


   It's easy to spot signs of physical suffering,but much emotional pain can be easily masked. 36 “We don't tend to have conversations about mental well-being,” says Dr. Barbara Van Dahlen,a clinic psychologist. Simply asking someone “How are you” may just get “Fine,thank you”,says Van Dahlen. “It's important to be aware of what could lead to somebody needing help they’ re afraid to ask for ,” she adds. The following are four signs a friend might need help.


   If you sense something different about the way your friend is acting — maybe he's not smiling much these days,for instance — trust your feelings and reach out. “Try saying ,‘I see these things. I care about you. Can I be of help?’ ” Van Dahlen says.

   He's unusually unhappy or annoyed.

   38 “It may take more than one time to follow up if you’ re talking to someone who is upset ,” Van Dahlen says,but if a friend responds with anger,that could mean you,re onto something.

   He's less put together than usual.

   Drinking more and ignoring personal hygiene (卫生) can be signs that someone is in trouble. Don’t consider these behaviors are nothing. 39 

   He seems overwhelmed(压倒) by life.

   No one is happy all the time,but if your once optimistic friend can't find anything to be hopeful about,he may be having thoughts of worthlessness,sadness and something negative. “40 ” says Van Dahlen, “so that more people can get the help they need."

   A. He's acting a bit more withdrawn.

   B. He doesn’ t seem like himself lately.

   C. Instead treat them as a sign to care for your friend.

   D. Getting angry quickly and easily can be a sign that something is wrong.

   E. It's a constant effort to bring into the open discussions about mental health,

   F. Many people avoid talking about it no matter how close they are to someone.

   G. We want people to get comfortable being more open and discussing mental health,

   In science,people copy ideas from nature or natural processes to solve problems or to create products which will serve a specific purpose to help us. This is called biomimicry and its influence can be seen in many everyday products.

   We are all familiar with Velcro? (魔术贴) .It was invented in 1941 by a Swiss engineer called George de Mestral,who found some seeds stuck to his dog's hair. Under the microscope,he discovered that these seeds had hooks (钩) on them,so they could easily stick to clothing or hair. He copied this idea and invented Velcro?. It was initially unpopular with fashion companies but after it was used by NASA (美国国家航空航天局) to stop items floating in space,it became popular with children's clothing companies.

   More recently,swimwear has also been influenced by nature. The Speedo Fastskin?, a controversial swimsuit,was seen at the Beijing Olympics and worn by 28 of the 33 gold medal winners. The technology is based on the rough patterns on a shark's skin,which allows the shark to swim faster. Shark skin also stops bacteria growing on it'so scientists are copying this surface to design cleaner hospitals.

   For NASA. protecting astronauts' eyes from the sun's rays and other dangerous radiation is very important. Scientists studied how eagles see things clearly. They discovered that a substance(物质) called yellow oil in their eyes does the trick. NASA copied this oil and it is now used by astronauts and pilots in Eagle Eyes? glasses. In addition to protecting eyes from all the dangerous rays,these sunglasses also help people see more clearly in even poor weather conditions such as fog.

   It appears that the influence of biomimicry is unlimited,so it will be interesting to see what solutions nature provides us with in the future.

32. George de Mestral invented Velcro? .

   A. to challenge fashion companies

   B. after he examined some seeds

   C. after he studied his dog's hair

   D. to satisfy NASA’s demand 

33. At the Beijing Olympics,the Speedo Fastskin?  swimsuit .

   A. was recommended by champions

   B. helped swimmers perform better

   C. received widespread approval

   D. made swimmers healthier

34. What makes eagles see clearly?

   A. The size of their eyes.

   B. The shape of their eyes.

   C. The colour of their eyes.

   D. The substance in their eyes.

35. What's the best title for the text?

   A. The future of biomimicry

   B. The magic of biomimicry

   C. The purpose of biomimicry

   D. The limitation of biomimicry

   When I arrived at 6 a.m. in the hospital kitchen,Rose was already checking name tags(标签) on the trays(托盘).

   “Hi,I'm Janet.”I tried to sound cheerful,although I already knew Rose's reputation for being impossible to work with. “scheduled to work with you this week."

   Rose,a middle-aged woman,stopped what she was doing and looked closely over her reading glasses. I could tell from her expression she wasn't pleased to see a student worker.

   “What do you want me to do? Start the coffee?” I asked.

   Rose nodded and went back to checking name tags.

   I filled the 40-cup pot with cold water and began making coffee when Rose yelled, “That's not the way to make coffee!M She stepped in and took over.

Nothing I did pleased her.

   Back at home,I stayed alone in my room,fighting back tears. I thought, “Maybe she didn’t feel well. Maybe she had some,trouble." I decided to forgive her and try to get along with her.

   The next morning,I ignored the hurtful remarks thrown in my direction and did things Rose's way as much as possible.

   Over the next few days an amazing thing began to happen. My focus shifted from what she was doing to me,and I started seeing Rose as the person she was hurting. The icy tension began to melt away.

   Throughout the rest of the summer,we had numerous opportunities to work together. Each time she seemed happy to see me. As I worked with this lonely woman,I listened to her — something no one else had done. I learned that she was burdened by elderly parents who needed her care and her own health problems.

   That summer I learned a lesson V ve never forgotten. The world is full of people like Rose 一 annoying,demanding,unlovable — yet hurting inside. T ve found that love is the best way to turn an enemy into a friend.

21. What was Rose's attitude towards the author the first day they met?

   A. Polite. B. Curious.   C. Dissatisfied. D. Unashamed.

22. After getting home from work,the author .

   A. was very tired   B. felt quite upset

   C. was pretty lonely   D. felt generally unwell

23. What did the author do after her first day of working with Rose?

   A. She hurt Rose. B. She helped Rose.

   C. She ignored Rose. D. She tolerated Rose.

24. What can we infer from the text?

   A. Never judge by appearances.

   B. Friendship is love with understanding.

   C. Misfortunes test the sincerity of friends.

   D. Man has not a greater enemy than himself.

  The human face may have been built for certain basic functions 一 eating,breathing,seeing — but the 43 separate muscles that keep it constantly moving mean it is constantly communicating too. For example,every eyebrow lift means something. That's good news for a small growing field of business that uses facial analysis to figure out if an advertisement or a TV pilot(实验性节目) appeals to consumers.

   Affectiva,a 30-person operation in America,is the most successful of these companies. A decide ago,Rana el Kaliouby began collecting video samples (样本) of faces with the goal of helping autistic(患自闭症的) children. “Autistic kids have a hard time reading faces,” she says, “so the plan was to design a system that tells them that the person they’ re talking to is smiling,say,or looks confUsed." In 2006,the National Science Foundation sponsore her to continue her work at the. MIT Media Lab. Industry groups regularly visit the lab and el Kaliouby’s research impressed them. “They asked , ^ Have you thought of using what you are working on to test a product?’ ” she recalls. So,in 2009 she and her MIT professor established Affectiva to do just that.

   For a starting fee of $2,500,Affectiva makes its software available to marketers. Volunteers watch a video on a computer screen while the camera in the computer watches them back. Volunteers always know it is there and when they,re being recorded,which doesn’ t materially affect the results. Engagement,boredom,amusement,displeasure and more are tracked and analyzed. The database Affectiva uses to conduct those analyses is made up of more than 2. 5 million facial video samples. The software also takes factors such as sex,culture and age into account. “Women tend to smile more than men,” el Kaliouby says.

   Market testing is only the lowest-hanging fruit. El Kaliouby expects to expand the business to political polling(民意测验) and analysis,as well as helping teachers of online courses assess student engagement. She is still interested in autism and other psychological conditions. There are some potential growth areas that are more controversial: lie detection and airport security,for example. For Affectiva,they’ re no-go zones. “We believe volunteers should always have the right to decide whether to be tested,so for that reason we don't want to be in security ,” el Kaliouby says. That,of course,leaves that space open to new competitors.

28. When el Kaliouby founded Affectiva,she wanted to.

   A. look for sponsors

   B. help autistic children

   C. create a video sample database

   D. test commercials and TV pilots

29. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

   A. The computer. B. The camera.

   C. The screen. D. The video.

30. We can infer that “new competitors” mentioned in the last paragraph may use facial analysis to.

   A. do political polling and analysis

   B. assess online students’ engagement

   C. examine whether people are telling lies

   D. help people with psychological conditions

31. In which part of a magazine Can we read the text?

   A. Technology.   B. Education.

   C. Lifestyle. D. Society.

   Jason Detzel was bored with his work as a psychologist,and he was tired of spending all day in an office. Dr. Detzel felt that in the city he was losing touch with something important,so he quit his job and started a farm.

   He and his business partner found 80 acres of land in a small town and signed a 10-year lease (租约) . While some farms used a lot of machinery,they decided they wanted to do as much as possible with their own hands. They built a corral(畜栏) for the cows,pig shelters and a house for the chickens.

   “I’m definitely happier being out in the fields with my animals. Even if there are bad days,I'm still happy,” Dr. Detzel said. “When you’ re inside all day,you don't get to see nature working."

   “The job is different every day on the farm. It's amazing,” he said. “You.’ re a farmer. You’ re an animal doctor. You’ re a pipe fitter. You’ re definitely a carpenter a lot. You're a jack of all trades(万事通) master of none. That's what I like about it."

   Learning how to manage the animals had been one of the biggest challenges of starting the farm,Dr. Detzel said. He learned that it was important to stick to a routine. That's why he rang the same bell and called to the cows in the same way each day. The routine helped keep the cows calm and cooperative.

   It wasn't easy for Dr. Detzel to be accepted by the other farmers in his community. With all his tattoos(文身) ,he looked very different. When he started the farm he was in his early 30s,while most other farmers were older. There weren't many young people starting farms,because it had become harder and harder for small family farms to make much income.

   Dr. Detzel said that began to change when more people became locavores. A locavore is someone who tries to eat food grown and raised nearby. By shopping at their local farmers’ market,many locavores hope to reduce the amount of energy used to ship food long distances. Many locavores like knowing where their food comes from and being able to talk to the farmers about what chemicals were used and how the animals were treated.

21. What was the main purpose of Dr. Detzel starting a farm?

   A. To get back to nature.

   B. To make more money.

   C. To study agricultural machinery.

   D. To keep in touch with his friends.

22. What did Dr. Detzel like about his job on the farm?

   A. He often traded at a profit.

   B. He was good at many things.

   C. He could do many types of work.

   D. He could get to know many farmers.

23. To manage the animals,Dr. Detzel.

   A. followed a routine

   B. used different bells

   C. learned from other farmers

   D. called professionals for help

24. A locavore prefers.

   A. self-produced food

   B. healthy organic food

   C. food from distant places

   D. food grown by local farmers

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