
I was a freshman in college when I met the Whites. They were completely different from my own family, yet I felt at home with them immediately. Jane White and I became friends at school, and her family welcomed me like a long-lost cousin.

In my family, it was always important to place blame when anything had happened.

“Who did this?” my mother would scream about a dirty kitchen.

“This is your entire fault, Katherine,” my father would insist when the cat got out or the dishwasher broke.

From the time we were little, my sister, brothers and I told to each other. We set a place for blame at the dinner table.

But the Whites didn’t worry about who had done what. They picked up the pieces and moved on with their lives. The beauty of this was driven home to me the summer Jane died.

In July, the Whites sisters and I decided to take a car trip from their home in Florida to New York. The two older sisters, Sarah and Jane, were college students, and the youngest, Amy, had recently turned sixteen. Proud of having a new drivers license, Amy was excited about practicing her driving on the trip. She showed off her license to everyone she met.

The big sisters shared the driving of Sarah’s new car during the first part of the trip, but when they reached less crowded areas, they let Amy take over. Somewhere in South Carolina, we pulled off the highway to eat. After lunch, Amy got behind the wheel. She came to a crossroads with a stop sign. Whether she was nervous or just didn’t see the sign no one would ever know, but Amy continued into the crossroads without stopping. The driver of a large truck, unable to stop in time, ran into our car.

Jane was killed immediately.

I was slightly injured. The most difficult thing that I had ever done was to call the Whites to tell them about the accident and that Jane had died. Painful as it was for me to lose a good friend, I knew that it was far worse for them to lose a child.

When Mr. and Mrs. White arrived at the hospital, they found their two daughters sharing a room. Sarah had a few cuts on the head; Amy’s leg was broken. They hugged us all and cried tears of sadness and of joy at seeing their daughters. They wiped away the girl’s tears and made a few jokes at Amy as she learned to use her crutches(拐杖).

To both of their daughters, and especially to Amy, over and over they simply said, “We are so glad that you are alive.”

I was astonished. No blame. No accusations.

Later, I asked the Whites why they never talked about the fact that Amy was driving and had run a stop sign.

Mrs. White said, “Jane is gone, and we miss her terribly. Nothing we say or do will bring her back. But Amy has her whole life ahead of her. How can she lead a full and happy life if she feels we blame her for her sister’s death?”

They were right. Amy graduated from the University of California and got married several years ago. She works as a teacher of learning-disabled students. She’s also a mother of two little girls of her own, the oldest named Jane.

How did the author’s parents differ from the Whites?

   A. The author’s parents were less caring.    B. The author’s parents were less loving.

   C. The author’s parents were less friendly   D. The author’s parents were less understanding

How did the accident happen?

   A. Amy didn’t stop at a crossroad and a truck hit their car.

   B. Amy didn’t know what to do when she saw the stop sign.

   C. Amy didn’t slow down so their car ran into a truck.

   D. Amy didn’t get off the highway at a crossroad.

The accident took place in _____.

   A. Florida     B. California       C. South Carolina       D. New York

The Whites did not blame Amy for Jane’s death because _____.

   A. they didn’t want Amy to feel ashamed and sorry for the rest of her life

   B. Amy was badly injured herself and they didn’t want to add to her pain

   C. They didn’t want to blame their children in front of others

   D. Amy was their youngest daughter and they loved her best

From the passage we can learn that _____.

   A. Amy has never recovered from the shock   B. Amy changed her job after the accident

   C. Amy lost her memory after the accident    D. Amy has lived quite a normal life







【小题1】 从第二段可以看出,在作者家里,当有事发生时,责备是重要的,不可避免的。由此可以推断出作者的父母亲缺乏对孩子的理解。

【小题2】 原文中“… but Amy continued into the crossroads without shopping. The driver of a large truck, unable to stop in time, ran into our car. ”在含义上与所问问题是相同的。

【小题3】原文中“Somewhere in south Carolina; we pulled off the highway to eat.”告诉了我们答案。




Despite the fact that it has never been seen almost everyone is familiar with the legendary

unicorn(独角兽). Descriptions of unicorns have been found dating from ancient times. The great philosopher Aristotle theorized that there were two types of unicorn--- the so-called Indian Ass and the Oryx, a kind of antelope. Unicorns are often used in the logo of a noble family, town council or university as their special sign. Even Scotland is represented by a unicorn.

According to the legend, anyone attempting to catch a unicorn had to be extremely cautious

as it has a reputation for being very fierce. A clever trick suggested by unicorn-trappers, in order to catch this magnificent beast without being hurt by its horn, was for the hunter to stand in front of a tree and then to move quickly behind it as the unicorn charged. Hopefully, the creature could then be captured when its horn was stuck in the tree.

When hollowed out and used as a drinking-cup, the unicorn’s horn was said to have the power to offer protection against person. It was believed that nobody could be harmed-by drinking the contents of a unicorn’s horn. Right up until the French Revolution in 1789, the French court was said to have used cups made of “unicorn” horn in order to protect the king. In addition, the horn was said to have medicinal value, so much so that it could be sold for more than ten times the price of the same weight of gold. What, then, was “unicorn” horn? We know at times the rhino(犀牛) was confused with this legendary creature. A drinking-cup supposedly made of “unicorn” horn was discovered to be made of the horn of a rhino.

Which of the following is TRUE of the unicorn?

A. It was not historically recorded               B. Its horn was first used in France

C. It was similar to the Indian Ass and the Oryx    D. It could be the symbol of a university

To catch a unicorn, the unicorn-trappers had to try all of the following EXCEPT ____.

A. tempting the unicorn to attack              B. making use of the tree as a protection

C. hiding quickly behind the unicorn           D. having the unicorn horn stuck in the tree

The last paragraph is mainly about ____.

A. the properties of the unicorn horn           B. the users of the unicorn horn

C. the price of the unicorn horn    

D. the comparison between the unicorn horn and the rhino horn

In the last paragraph, the word “unicorn ” is in quotation marks (引号)because _____.

A. the cup is designed only for a royal family    

B. the unicorn does not exist in reality

C. the unicorn is the rarest animal in the world

D. the medicinal value of the horn is appreciated

In order to improve relationship with others, you need to be aware of several sensible ways to complain.   1  , you need to be specific. Don’t say, “Boy, did you   2  like a fool at the party?” Instead, say, “You embarrassed me by getting   3  and loud and telling offensive jokes to my parents.” Secondly, stick to the present. Don’t mention old offences from last month or last year. By doing this, you   4  attention from the problem at hand. Moreover,   5  you complain, don’t add insults. If you start calling the other person names, that will   6  create anger and hurt any chance of getting the person to really   7  you. A last point to remember is to complain privately. Never criticize the other person in front of friends, parents, children, or anyone else, for that   8  . Criticizing in front of a third party has the same effect as   9  . This shames the person being criticized and makes it very likely that the person will want to attack you orally rather than listen to you.

Sensible ways to Complain:

Be specific

Stick to the present


Complain privately

1. A. To start with  B. Frankly speaking  C. Anyway     D. Needless to say

A. conduct       B. play                     C. do                        D. act

A. upset          B. bored                   C. delighted              D. drunk

A. take away    B. set off                  C. draw up                D. catch up

A. before         B. after                     C. when                    D. unless

A. even           B. never                    C. only                     D. still

A. listen to      B. work for               C. look after              D. wait on

A. time           B. matter                  C. person                  D. party

A. jokes          B. insults                  C. criticism               D. embarrassment

A. Don’t add insults               B. Don’t mention old offenses

              C. Don’t lose temper                       D. Don’t tell embarrassing jokes


When I was in Germany, one day at Christmas-time I went to a post office to send a letter. To my    1    I found people queuing (排队) some paces away from the person at the savings deposit window.    2  so? Each did his business  3    but the line never moved a step    4   , I was very    5   , so I walked to the window to find out the cause. There was a notice on which was written “Thank you for your    6  for other’s privacy (隐私)”—a polite    7    to keep people away from nosing into other’s    8    (money matters are regarded as privacy in Western countries). I was deeply impressed by the    9   and stayed a while to watch: they were waiting so    10    at a distance that they seemed quite    11  to the practice. The    12    thing happened at a public telephone box.  13    waiting for their turns always kept their distance—enough to be out of  14   . It’s another typical example!

From then on I    15   to watch their ways of doing things, manners, treatment   16  towards others. I found the Germans always mindful of other’s privacy. They avoided putting others in an embarrassing (窘迫)situation. For instance, they never    17    about age, incomes or the place to buy such a coat,    18    would they comment on the others or jewelry others wore. Their laws    19    reading diaries or opening letters without permission. That shows    20   matters are not allowed to be disturbed.

1. A. sorrow        B. anger           C. delight          D. surprise

2. A. Why          B. How           C. What            D. Where

3. A. in secret       B. with care        C. in turn           D. by turns

4. A. slower        B. nearer           C. farther           D. longer

5. A. curious        B. angry           C. interested        D. impatient

6. A. care           B. respect          C. help            D. search

7. A. voice          B. phrase          C. warning         D. sentence

8. A. pockets        B. savings          C. needs           D. affairs

9. A. word          B. sight            C. people          D. matters

10. A. honestly        B. anxiously        C. nervously       D. calmly

11. A. used           B. familiar         C. uncomfortable    D. polite

12. A. interesting      B. strange          C. same            D. different

13. A. They           B. These            C. Those            D. That

14. A. sight          B. hearing          C. touch            D. question

15. A. went on        B. took care         C. paid attention     D. took charge

16. A. moving         B. shown          C. facing           D. offered

17. A. asked          B. heard           C. worried          D. learned

18. A. so             B. nor             C. not only         D. if

19. A. appreciate      B. stop             C. hate             D. forbid

20. A. pubic          B. personal         C. small            D. important

Anna Koumikova was born on June 7th, 1981 in Moscow. Her parents' names are Allah and Sergel. When she was 5 years old, her parents sold their TV to buy her the first tennis bat for Christmas. She played in a club near her place until aged 11. Then she moved to Bradenton, Florida(USA) to train with Nick Bollitierri. At 14, she represented Russia in a Fed Cup match and became the youngest player ever to win a Fed Cup match.

      Kournikova made her WTA first show at 15 years old at the US Open where she finally lost against player Steffi Graf. But she made it to the double quarter finals that same match. In 1996, Kournikova won the Rookie of the Year award and the next year. She improved very much to even make it to the semi - finals in Wimbledon. She lost to world number one Martina Hingis at the French Open and at Wimbledon. In 1999 she won her professional title at Midland, Miehigon, an international Tennis Federation match. She was 5th favourite in Illinois the same year and won her 2nd career ITF match. She won her first grand slam(大满贯) title ill 1999 with Martina Hingis in doubles at the Australia Open. Since then, they have played regularly together and have quickly become one of the 'best pairs. Aim in 1999,she made her first career WTA final in key Biscayne against Venus Williams in a tough 3 set match. She alto won her first doubles tile with Monica Seles in Tokyo.

      At present Kournikova is more successful on the net than at the net. She remains the "most searched" and "most download (网上下载)" on the internet, three times more popular than the NO. 2 sports figure, Michael Jordan. She is still very young and she seems to have a great future ahead !

Which of the following is right?

    A. Kournikova beat Steffi Graf at the US Open when she was 15.

    B. Kournikova won the Rookie of the Year award in 1999.

    C. Koumikova is now more lucky at the net than on the Internet.

    D. In 1997, Kournikova worked hard to make it to the semi - finals in Wimbledon.

Kournikova won her first grand slam title in doubles at the Australia Open with              .

    A. Steffi Graf       B. Venus Williams   C. Martina Hingis   D. Monica Seles

From the text we can know Kournikova won her professional title in an ITF match          .

    A. at Midland       B. in France         C. in Australia       D. at Biscayne

What can we learn about Kournikova?

A. She has a lot of fans on the Internet.

B. Her parents gave her much support.

C. She beat Martina Hings in 1996.

D. She played tennis for her home country Russia.

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