
Anna Koumikova was born on June 7th, 1981 in Moscow. Her parents' names are Allah and Sergel. When she was 5 years old, her parents sold their TV to buy her the first tennis bat for Christmas. She played in a club near her place until aged 11. Then she moved to Bradenton, Florida(USA) to train with Nick Bollitierri. At 14, she represented Russia in a Fed Cup match and became the youngest player ever to win a Fed Cup match.

      Kournikova made her WTA first show at 15 years old at the US Open where she finally lost against player Steffi Graf. But she made it to the double quarter finals that same match. In 1996, Kournikova won the Rookie of the Year award and the next year. She improved very much to even make it to the semi - finals in Wimbledon. She lost to world number one Martina Hingis at the French Open and at Wimbledon. In 1999 she won her professional title at Midland, Miehigon, an international Tennis Federation match. She was 5th favourite in Illinois the same year and won her 2nd career ITF match. She won her first grand slam(大满贯) title ill 1999 with Martina Hingis in doubles at the Australia Open. Since then, they have played regularly together and have quickly become one of the 'best pairs. Aim in 1999,she made her first career WTA final in key Biscayne against Venus Williams in a tough 3 set match. She alto won her first doubles tile with Monica Seles in Tokyo.

      At present Kournikova is more successful on the net than at the net. She remains the "most searched" and "most download (网上下载)" on the internet, three times more popular than the NO. 2 sports figure, Michael Jordan. She is still very young and she seems to have a great future ahead !

Which of the following is right?

    A. Kournikova beat Steffi Graf at the US Open when she was 15.

    B. Kournikova won the Rookie of the Year award in 1999.

    C. Koumikova is now more lucky at the net than on the Internet.

    D. In 1997, Kournikova worked hard to make it to the semi - finals in Wimbledon.

Kournikova won her first grand slam title in doubles at the Australia Open with              .

    A. Steffi Graf       B. Venus Williams   C. Martina Hingis   D. Monica Seles

From the text we can know Kournikova won her professional title in an ITF match          .

    A. at Midland       B. in France         C. in Australia       D. at Biscayne

What can we learn about Kournikova?

A. She has a lot of fans on the Internet.

B. Her parents gave her much support.

C. She beat Martina Hings in 1996.

D. She played tennis for her home country Russia.






【小题1】第二段“ In 1996, Kournikkova and the next year . She …in Wimbledon. ”一句说明D项正确。

【小题2】第二段“…1999 with Martina Hingis …” 说明C 项正确。

【小题3】ITF 即 第二段提到的“ International Tennis Federation ”( 国际网球联赛) 。Midland是美国密歇根州中部的一城市。

【小题4】 末段说库娃在网上是搜索对象,所以A 正确。                  


It's not the flashiest car in the world. Not even close. But the 1971 Volkswagen named Helios can do something most cars can't: nm on solar energy – energy from the sun's light and heat!

    Joshua Bechtold, 14, and the other students at the Riverside School in Lyndonville, Vermont, worked many months to get Helios ready for the 1999  American Tour de Sol ("Sol" is the Latin word for "sun"). They named their car after Helios, the sun god in Greek mythology(神话).

    The 4-year-old Tour de Sol encourages the use of "green", or environmentally friendly, cars to help reduce pollution and save energy. It’s not a race. Cars are  judged on fuel efficiency(耗油量) rather than speed. In the week-long event, 44 cars took the 350-mile tour from Waterbury, Connecticut, to Lake George, New York. Of the 23 student cars, Helios was the only one built by middle school students.

    A teacher drove Helios, but the children talked with people wherever they stopped along the mad. "That was my favorite part," says Anna Browne, 15. "We explained how the car runs.”

    Due in part to old, inefficient batteries(电池), Helios finished fourth - out of four - in its kind, the sun-powered class. "We were there for the fun of it," Anna says. "We're proud of Helios," says Ariel Gleicher, 14. "It's a car that's good for the environment."

64. What is special about the car Helios in the text?       

       A. It was built by middle school students.

       B. It has an attractive design.

      C. It was made in 1971.

      D. It won the fourth prize.

65. How many sun-powered cars took part in the race?      

       A. 1.       B. 4.     C. 23.    D. 44.

66. What would be the best title for the text.'?       

      A. The Making of Helios

      B. 1999 American Tour de Sol

      C. Sun-powered Cars on the Road

      D. Use of Green Cars in Connecticut

67. The students felt proud of Helios because______.

      A. it could run as far as 350 miles      B. it was favored by many children

   C. it had high-quality batteries          D. it was driven by clean energy

The artist Grandma Moses became famous for her simple, bright, cheerful paintings of American farm life.Her full name was Anna Mary Robertson Moses.But she was known to everyone as Grandma Moses because she did not begin to paint seriously until in her seventies.

Born on a farm in New York, Anna had little schooling.Her days were filled with farm chores.But she often found time to make pictures.Soon, however, she became too busy to draw or paint.At the age of 12, she went to work as a servant for a family nearby.She worked for other people for many years.Then, when she was 27, she married Thomas Moses, a farmer.And they began raising a family of their own.

Anna Moses could no longer do heavy farm work with age.Then, in her seventies, she began to paint in oils.Her pictures showed things she recalled from childhood-farm scenes, ice-skating, bringing home the Christmas tree.Later, she began to display her art at county fairs.Her pictures recorded a way of life that was quickly passing away.People everywhere loved these happy scenes, and soon her paintings were shown in art galleries.Grandma Moses became famous partially on account of her age, but mainly because her approach to art was modest and simple compared to many other painters of her time.Without formal training or even knowledge of Modernism, she relied on her own simple techniques to create her landscapes and scenes.She continued to paint almost until her death, on December 13, 1961 , at the age of 101.

The themes in her paintings provided the comfort of a rural life that many busy Americans treasured from their past.The threat of nuclear arms that appeared on television screens and in magazines had Americans starving for something more.Grandma Moses' art appealed to those who had lost hope for the future.Her classic paintings still appear on TV commercials, greeting cards, and magazine and book covers.

1.What can be inferred from the fact that Grandma Moses picked up a paintbrush?

A.She had no other ways to kill time.  

B.Her friend and family suggested it.

C.She had had a love for painting since her childhood.

D.She needed to make a living by selling her paintings.

2.The key reason for her success is ___   .

A.her old age           B.her plain style

C.her lack of training     D.her modern knowledge

3.We can know from the passage that ______.

A.her paintings raised people's hope for the future

B.her paintings expressed the reality of her old age

C.many Americans were interested in purchasing art works

D.people wanted to get comfort by remembering grandmas


 Mother’s Day is a holiday for mothers. It is celebrated(庆祝)in the United States, England, India and some other countries. In a short time, it becomes widely celebrated. Mother’s day falls on the second Sunday in May. On that day, many people send gifts(礼物)of love to their mothers.

Those whose mothers are still living often wear a pink or red rose or carnation(康乃馨), while those whose mothers are dead wear a white one.

The idea of a day for mothers was first given by Miss Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia. As a result of her hard work, the celebration of the first American Mother’s Day was held in Philadelphia(费城) on May 10, 1908. Soon the holiday became popular all over the country and around the world.

In China, people do the same on the day for mothers. And, in some cities, people sometimes ask a song to be broadcast(广播) for his or her mother only. This might cost a little money for some of them, but, as it is said, “Love is invaluable.”

On May 8, 1999, just the day before the Mother’s Day that year, a Chinese mother was killed in criminal bombing(罪恶轰炸). Her name is Shao Yanhuan, a heroic mother. All the Chinese will remember her forever.

1. Mother’s Day         .

A. is a holiday for mothers

B. is celebrated in the United Stated only

C. falls on May 10 every year

D. was given by Miss Anna Jarvis

2.What was the date of the Mother’s Day in 1999?

A. May 7.            B. May 8.          C. May 9.            D. May 10

3.On Mother’s Day, people        .

A. send some flowers to their mothers.

B. wear a pink or red rose or carnation

C. wear a white flower

D. send gifts of love to their mothers

4. the underlined word “invaluable” means “    ”.

A.美好的 B.无价的 C.永恒的 D.无私的

5.Maybe you’ve known the criminal bombing, which of the following ideas do you agree to?

A. Shao Yunhuan is a heroic mother.

B. A Chinese mother is the same as an American mother.

C. The bombing cannot get away with the crime (难逃罪责).

D. All of the above


Cheating is nothing new. But today, education and administrations are finding that examples of academic dishonesty on the part of students have become more frequent--- and are less likely to be punished---than in the

past. Cheating appears to have gained acceptance among good and poor students alike.

Why is student cheating on the rise? No one really knows. Some blame the trend on a general loosening of moral values among today’s youth. Others have attributed(归因于) increased cheating to the fact that today’s youth are far more practical than their idealistic ancestors. Whereas in the late sixties and early seventies, students were filled with visions about changing the word, today’s students feel great pressure to survive and succeed. In interviews with students at high schools and colleges around the country, both young men and women said that cheating had become easy. Some suggested they did it out of hate for teachers they didn’t respect. Others looked at it as a game. Only if they were caught, some said, would they feel guilty. “People are competitive,” said a second-year college student named Anna, from Chicago. “There is an potential fear. If you don’t do well, your life is going to be ruined. The pressure is not only from parents and friends but from yourself. To achieve. To succeed. It’s almost as though we have to surpass people to achieve our own goals.

Edward Wynne, editor of a magazine blames the rise in academic dishonesty in the schools. He claims that administrators and teachers have been too hesitant to take action. Dwight Huber, chairman of the English Department at Amarillo sees the matter differently, blaming the rise in cheating on the way students evaluated. “I would cheat if I felt I was being cheated,” Mr. Huber said. He feels that as long as teachers give short-answer tests rather than essay questions and rate students by the number of facts they can memorize rather than by how well they can combine and process information, students will try to beat the system. “ The concept of cheating is based on the false belief that the system is legal and there is something wrong with the individual who’re doing it,” he said, “That’s too easy an answer. We’ve got to start looking at the system.”

1.Educators are finding that students who cheat________.

A. have poor academic records

B. use the information in late years

C. can be academically weak or strong

D. are more likely to be punished than before

2.Which of the following statements reflects the information in the passage?

A. The pressure students faced with is partly the reason causing the student cheating.

B. Only the educational system and administrators are to blame for the rise in the cheating.

C. The 1960s vision of changing the world helped students never make mistakes.

D. Punishment for cheaters has always been severe in this country.

3.The phrase “the individuals” in Line 8, Para 3 refers to _________.

A. students who practice cheating

B. parents who put pressure on their children.

C. school administrators who approve of short-answer tests.

D. teachers who are too hesitant to take actions against cheating.

4.The author probably would agree with the point of view that _________.

A. students who cheat should be driven out of school

B. parents alone must take responsibility for the rise in student cheating

C. the educational system is sound, and students must follow every rule

D. the educational system in this country would benefit from a thorough evaluation


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