
A machine that takes sweat-laden clothes and turns the moisture(分子) into drinking water is in use in Sweden. The device spins and heats the material to remove the sweat, and then passes the vapor through a special membrane(膜) designed to only let water molecules get through.

Since its Monday launch, its creators say more than 1,000 people have “drunk others’ sweat(h汗液)" in Gothenburg. They add the liquid is cleaner than local tap water.

The device was built for the United Nation's child-focused charity UNICEF to promote a campaign highlighting the fact that 780 million people in the world lack access to clean water.

The machine was designed and built by engineer Andreas Hammar, known locally for his appearances on TV tech show Mekatronik. He said the critical part of the sweat machine was a new water purification component developed by a company named HVR in collaboration with Sweden's Royal Institute of Technology.

"It uses a technique called membrane distillation(膜蒸馏)," he told the BBC."We use a substance that's a bit like Gortex that only lets steam through but keeps bacteria, salts, clothing fibers and other substances out."They have something similar on the International Space Station to treat astronaut's urine(尿液) - but our machine was cheaper to build. Volunteers have been sampling the treated sweat since the start of the week in Gothenburg .“The amount of water it produces depends on how sweaty the person is - but one person's T-shirt typically produces 10ml , roughly a mouthful."

The equipment has been put on show at the Gothia Cup - the world's largest international youth football tournament. MattiasRonge, chief executive of Stockholm-based advertising agency Deportivo - which organized the stunt(惊人的表演) - said the machine had helped raise awareness for UNICEF, but in reality had its limitations.

"People haven't produced as much sweat as we hoped - right now the weather in Gothenburg is lousy," he said."So we've installed exercise bikes alongside the machine and volunteers are cycling like crazy."Even so, the demand for sweat is greater than the supply. And the machine will never be mass produced - there are better solutions out there such as water purifying pills."

1.What can we infer from the passage ?_______.

A. The water processed by the machine is cleaner than local tap water .

B. The machine can help raise awareness of lacking water in the world .

C. The machine is cheaper than the similar one on the International Space Station

D. The amount of water the machine produces is roughly a mouthful.

2.What is the main idea of the fifth paragraph ?

A. How the machine works.

B. Who developed the machine.

C. How the machine was invented.

D. Why the machine was invented..

3.What does Mattias Ronge think of the machine?____

A. The machine can solve the severe water shortage in the world.

B. People do not like the water the machine processes

C. The machine should be used in rather hot areas in summer.

D. The machine is not worth popularizing.




● "New labels to show calories

The US government ruled that all food establishments(场所) should put the calorie information of their foods on their menus. Within a year chain restaurants, like fast food KFC, will have to say clearly on their menus how many calories their fried chicken wings, fries, and other items contain. Amusement parks, movie theaters and supermarkets will also have to follow the rules. The move is designed to fight against the problem of obesity(肥胖) in the US.

Antibiotics leading to world problem

The entire world is facing this problem; antibiotic resistance. And the resistance will lead to the deaths of 10 million people across the world by 2025, predicted a new report released by the UK government. Antibiotics are used to destroy or slow the growth of harmful bacteria in our bodies. But overuse and misuse of them can encourage bacteria to develop new ways of overcoming antibiotics, which makes it increasingly difficult for humans to fight diseases.


Australia is the world's most expensive destination for international students, according to a study done by Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC). They have to spend an average of $ 42,000 ( about 258 ,000 yuan) a year to study at Australian universities. Singapore is not far behind, with an average yearly cost of $ 39,229, followed by the US at $ 36,564 and the UK at 35,045. However, Australia's education quality only ranks joint fourth with Canada, well below the US, the UK, and Germany. In addition, international students studying in Germany only have to pay about one-sixth the cost of studying in Australia.

● New Games sports may be added

The International Olympic Committee has canceled the 28-sportcap for future summer Olympics But each summer Games will still only be allowed 10, 500 athletes and 310 events. Countries that could host the games will discuss plans with the committee during a new invitation stage before bidding. They are also allowed to hold events outside their own countries and get financial support from the committee. No changes will be introduced for the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

1.The news brief covers ______________.

A. medicine, disaster, finance, events

B. health, medicine, education, sports

C. service, health, education, events

D. business, medicine, economy, sports

2.The underlined word "antibiotics" in Line 7 refers to ___________.

A. serious diseases

B. varieties of resistance

D. harmful bacteria

C. medical drugs

3.Which of the following fits in the blank best in the news brief?

A. Australian study most expensive

B. The cost of studying overseas

C. International students in Australia

D. Australia's education quality

4.Which of the following statements is best supported by the news brief?

A. Some events may be held outside the host country in future summer Olympics

B. It is Australia's best education quality that will cause students to make a wise choice.

C. It is necessary for the UK government to try hard to encourage using lots of antibiotics.

D. Popcorn sold in cinemas in the world will soon have calorie information labels.



Every day we watch TV or read magazines or newspapers to get more information. But what are the advantages or disadvantages of the two media?

1. Watching them is pleasant and does not require the effort of reading. If television did not cover the news, some people would know nothing about what is going on in the world.

However, television newscasters cover only the events that they have time for, and they prefer stories that include some impressive pictures. Viewers are quickly bored with reporters who sit and talk into the camera. 2. .

However, 3. . They can include details, and a person with a special interest can take the time to read them. Others can stick to the headlines.

Reading allows more freedom of choice than television. 4. In broadcasting, “one size fits all”. However, a person who reads newspapers and magazines can choose to spend time on business, sports, health, or the school board election, depending on special interests.

5. However, a person who has individual interests and who wants the whole story needs newspapers and magazines as well.

A. TV news is not a person’s only source of news.

B. Television news shows are impressive and interesting.

C. More people get news by watching television than by reading newspapers.

D. The TV audience cannot decide which stories to watch.

E. Television provides a useful glance at what’s happening.

F. newspapers and magazines do a better job of explaining complex events.

G. As a result, a complicated story is often cut short.



Love in a Box

When I was a little girl, I found love in a box all because of a class assignment (课堂作业). On a Friday night I ____________ at dinner table, “My teacher said we have to bring a box, a special box, for our valentines (情人节礼物) on Monday”.

Mother said, “We'll see,” and she continued eating.

What did “We'll see” mean? I had to have that box __________ my second grade Valentine's Day would be a disaster. Maybe they didn't love me enough to help me with my __________.

All Saturday I waited _________ and with Sunday arriving, my concern increased, but I ___________ an enquiry about the box might ___________ anger or loud voice, for in my house children only asked once. More than that_________ trouble.

Late Sunday afternoon, my father called me into the kitchen. The table was covered with colorful ________of different kinds. A(n) ___________ shoebox rested on top of it. _________ flooded through me when Daddy said, “Let's start to work _________ your project.”

In the next hour my father __________ the shoebox into impressive valentine box. Colorful paper covered the ugly cardboard with red hearts ___________ to what I considered all the right places. He sang while he worked. When he finished, he was so delighted that a________smile spread over his face. “What do you think of that?” he asked.

I answered him with a hug.

But inside, __________ danced all the way to my heart. It was the first time that my father devoted so much _________ to me, for his world consisted of work only.

The holiday party arrived, and my classmates put cards, and presents into the valentine boxes. Laughter filled our classroom until dismissal (放学) time ___________.

On the way home, I held out my valentine box for the world to __________. The love that filled it meant more to me than all the valentines inside.

The valentine box became a symbol of his love that __________ through decades of other Valentine's Days. He gave me other gifts through the years, but none ____________ compared with the love I felt within the limits of the old, empty shoebox.

1.A. sat B. appeared C. served D. announced

2.A. and B. or C. however D. so

3.A. project B. plan C. idea D. design

4.A. sadly B. disappointedly C. anxiously D. patiently

5.A. found B. knew C. realized D. imagined

6.A. start B. produce C. mark D. cause

7.A. saved B. took C. invited D. had

8.A. boxes B. gifts C. food D. paper

9.A. new B. empty C. attractive D. big.

10.A. Relief B. Excitement C. Cheer D. Calm

11.A. by B. off C. in D. on

12.A. folded B. changed C. packed. D. pressed

13.A. joined B. attached C. linked D. connected

14.A. broad B. brief C. slight D. confident

15.A. fun B. joy C. interest D. amusement

16.A. money B. hope C. support D. time

17.A. reached B. set C. spent D. came

18.A. accept B. respect C. admire D. recognize

19.A. carried B. lasted C. spread D. kept

20.A. yet B. even C. ever D. still

When I was a boy, I used to love walking in the woods around my home.My mom warned me several times never to travel so far that I would lose sight of the house.Being a typical boy, however, I soon found myself hiking further and further away, testing just how far I could go into the woods without getting lost.After losing my way once for two hours, though, I decided that I had better leave a trail the next time I went for a walk.

The very next day I decided to try it.I walked into the woods until the house was out of sight.Then I broke a small branch on a young tree to mark my place.I wandered further in and broke another limb and then another.In a few spots where there were no limbs small enough, I snapped the heads off the low plants that were growing where the sunlight broke through the trees.After a while I finally got tired and decided to head back.Turning around I easily found my tracks, but instead of being proud I felt sad.I could see the trail of destruction I had left in the woods going on and on.Looking at the broken limbs and dead flowers I wondered if God was disappointed in me and I vowed never to do that again.Instead, I started to cherish my times alone in the woods with nature.I’d sit by the streams and listen to them sing.I’d watch the birds and squirrels.I’d bend down to smell the flowers.And I even buried an acorn or two hoping that one day an Oak might grow.

There is an old Native American Saying that goes “We will be known forever by the tracks we leave.” As I have grown older and wiser, I have done my best to never leave a trail of destruction in my life as I did in the woods that day.I have instead tried to leave tracks of love, kindness, goodness, and compassion and I have strived to show others that they can do the same.May you always leave tracks of joy as you follow your own trail of love.

1.When the boy headed back from the woods, he felt sad because ______

A.he lost his way in the woods

B.he could find his tracks so easily

C.he left many trails of destruction

D.God was very disappointed in him

2.The boy took off some branches to ______.

A.protect himself

B.make his way out

C.see the sun clearly

D.leave some marks

3.The author wrote the passage to ______.

A.call on us to leave tracks of virtues in life

B.inform us that we shouldn’t destroy trees

C.tell us how to avoid getting lost in the woods

D.show us ways to get back home in the forest

Dear Editor,

Recent reports have indicated an additional 1, 400 Marines(海军陆战队)are being sent to Afghanistan in the coming weeks. This means it costs over $1 million annually on the ground over there. I do place a higher level of blame on the policymakers who send soldiers off to kill and be killed in the field. I think the human race needs to think more about killing.

One needs to do the introspection: “Are these wars JUST?” I believe that all of our wars since 1945 have been illegal, under international law as well. I suggest that all your readers examine their conscience as it relates to the matter of making war. The fact that many soldiers are motivated by a strong sense of duty does not give them some unqualified(绝对的) moral right to support these wars or any other. It’s responsible for all the troops, and the entire population, to determine whether the Afghan or Iraq wars are in accordance with(符合) the development of the state.

I wish someone would give me one or more logical reasons why we are still fighting in Afghanistan and what our goals are. I certainly don’t understand it and neither do many who are more knowledgeable than I.

Outsiders have tried unsuccessfully for centuries to conquer Afghanistan, and we seem to be no more successful. We are trying to develop a stable central government, but the country is badly divided into ethnic and tribal groups, and the current government is corrupt(腐败的). Moreover, we are apparently regarded as undesirable occupiers by many of its people, most notably(尤其) the Taliban(塔利班).

If we are to continue spending billions every year in Afghanistan and killing hundreds of our people and many of theirs, our government must provide us with a reasonable explanation of why we are doing so and what we can expect to accomplish.

George Myers

1.What caused the author to write the letter?

A. His conscience of being a citizen.

B. His relatives being killed in the war.

C. Reports about sending soldiers to Afghanistan.

D. Getting no reasonable explanation.

2.The underlined word “introspection” in the passage means ______________________.

A. self-awareness B. self-examination

C. self-confidence D. self-defence

3.The soldiers go to Afghanistan because______________________________.

A. they can contribute to the development of America

B. they have the moral right to do so

C. they want to become heroes in the war

D. they are performing their duty as a resident

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The U.S.A has developed a stable central government.

B. Most people can’t understand why the States makes wars.

C. The Afghan considered Americans as undesirable occupiers

D. American government should make an explanation to the public.

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