
Ban the Band(乐队)?

Every year,our school has a dance for all the students.It’s a little funny seeing friends in clean shoes and trousers or colorful    36   ,instead of the usual school uniform.

Most of us think the dance is great   37  —even the teachers enjoy being there.  38  ,two weeks ago someone said that there would be no    39    band this year—only CDs.

“I don’t    40    it!”Amy cried out during the lunch break.

“Someone said the school couldn’t    41    a band,and they think it’s too noisy anyway,”added Daniel.

“Well,I don’t think it’s    42    enough without a band!”declared Angela,“and I’m going to see what can be done.”

Angela was as good as her    43   .In the afternoon she went to see the school headmaster who agreed to give the   44   some more thought.And he suggested that one   45   for having a band was to increase the price of each ticket from $5 to $10.Angela had to   46    out whether the students would like to do that.

“I need all of you to help me,”she  47  to our group before school the next day.“Mr.Berry gave me a list of all the names,and suggested we ask each one their   48    about the band and the extra cost.”

   49    the day we asked around as Angela suggested,and wrote down people’s feelings about the band and the cost.We were amazed how much    50    there was for the band and everyone agreed to pay the extra $5.

“I’m surprised,”smiled Mr. Berry,when we gave him the    51   .“I really thought that only a few people     52    their band and that the cost would be too high.OK,Angela,your next    53    is to find a good band and line them up for the dance.”

Angela was all smiles and    54    the news to Amy and Daniel.“You’re    55   ,”smiled Daniel to Angela as he thought how close they came to having a less than perfect dance.

A.shapes                    B.dresses                      C.flowers                            D.pictures

A.fun                        B.work                         C.effort                        D.progress

A.Besides                   B.Otherwise                  C.However                   D.Therefore

A.new                       B.live                           C.foreign                      D.marching

A.mean               B.need                         C.accept                       D.believe

A.lead                       B.serve                         C.afford                       D.form

A.good               B.clear                         C.useful                       D.easy

A.look                B.behavior                    C.mind                         D.word

A.schedule                 B.situation                    C.view                         D.action

A.possibility             B.concern                     C.decision                    D.chance

A.call                      B.find                          C.carry                         D.point

A.admitted               B.replied                      C.apologized                 D.announced

A.knowledge            B.instruction                 C.opinion                     D.information

A.On                       B.For                           C.By                            D.During

A.trust                     B.money                      C.support                            D.care

A.results                  B.notices                      C.questions                   D.examples

A.welcomed             B.wanted                      C.defended                   D.invited

A.task                      B.business                    C.exercise                     D.duty

A.showed                 B.wrote                        C.broke                        D.read

A.amusing                B.interesting                 C.exciting                     D.amazing






















【小题1】dress 意为“衣服,服装”。根据上文中的“in clean shoes and trousers”和下文中的“instead of the usual school uniform”可判断出看到朋友穿着干净的鞋子和裤子或五颜六色的衣服而不是穿校服有点滑稽。shape 意为“形状,样子,形态,外形,模样”。flower意为“花,花卉”。picture意为“画,图画,画像,照片。

【小题2】fun意为“有趣的事”。根据上文中的“It’s a little funny seeing friends in clean shoes and trousers or colorful dresses,instead of the usual school uniform.”和下文中的“even the teachers enjoy being there”可判断出大多数人认为舞会是一件有趣的事。work意为“工作,操作,劳动,作业,工件”。effort意为“努力,尝试,尽力,成就,努力的成果,杰作”。progress意为“前进,进行,上进,进步;进度,进展,增长,发展,经过”。


【小题4】live band意为“现场伴奏的乐队”。根据下文中的only CDs可判断出没有现场伴奏的乐队,只有伴奏CD。new意为“新的,崭新的,新发现的,新发明的,新开发的”。foreign意为“外国的”。marching意为“前进中的”。

【小题5】believe意为“相信”。I don’t believe it!表示“我不相信!”根据下文中的cried可判断出Amy不相信这是真的。mean意为“意,有……的意思,意思是……”。need意为“要,需要,必须,有……的必要”。accept意为“接受”。

【小题6】afford指时间或经济能力可以“花费得起,经受得住”,须与情态动词can,could或be able to搭配。表示“有人说学校请不起乐队”。lead意为“领导,引导,带领,率领,指挥,领导,主持”。serve意为“服务,服役,供职,招待,侍候,供应”。form意为“形成,构成,排列,(使)组成”。

【小题7】good意为“好的”。根据下文中的“and I’m going to see what can be done”可判断出Angela认为没有乐队不够好。clear意为“清楚的,清晰的,清澈的,光亮的,空旷的,有条理的”。useful意为“有用的,有益的,有帮手的”。easy意为“容易的,安逸的,舒适的,宽裕的,小康的,从容的,宽容的,流畅的”。


【小题9】situation意为“形势,局面;情况”,指各种具体情况综合起来的状态,多指危急或重大的事态,强调外部因素对该事态的影响。根据上文中的“However,two weeks ago someone said that there would be no live band this year—only CDs.”可判断出校长同意对没有现场伴奏的乐队这件事进一步考虑。schedule意为“时间表,进度表”。view意为“观点,见解,观察,观看,意见”。action意为“动作,作用,战斗,行动,举动,行为”。

【小题10】possibility意为“可能性”。根据下文中的“to increase the price of each ticket from $5 to $10”可判断出可判断出请乐队的一种可能性是使每张票的价钱从原来的5美元增加到10美元。concert意为“音乐会”。decision意为“决定,决心,决议,结果,果断,坚定”。chance意为“机会,可能性,偶然性,运气”。

【小题11】find out意为“发现……的真相”,指经过询问、调查、观察、计算或研究等手段发现或找到,多用于复杂而不易直接查出的情况。根据其宾语从句“whether the students would like to do that”可判断出表示“Angela不得不搞清楚学生们是否愿意这样做”。call out意为“出动,唤起,大声叫唤”。carry out意为“完成,实现,贯彻,执行”。point out意为“指出”。


【小题13】opinion意为“意见,看法,见解”,指对某事的具体看法或意见,可指纯粹的个人看法或较权威的判断,含有评价的意味。根据其定语about the band and the extra cost可判断出建议我们问每个人对乐队和附加的费用的意见。knowledge意为“知识,学识,学问,认识”。instruction意为“教训,教诲”。information意为“信息”。

【小题14】during意为“在……期间”,表示在那一天我们按照Angela的建议询问了周围的同学。on the day表示“具体的某一天”。

【小题15】support意为“支持”,根据下文中的“everyone agreed to pay the extra $ 5”可判断出使人感到吃惊的是有那么多的支持。trust意为“信任,信赖”。money意为“钱”。care意为“忧烦,忧念;挂念,思念;心事,牵累;关怀,爱护”。

【小题16】result意为“结果”。根据上文的内容可判断出当我们把结果告诉Berry先生时,他微笑着说:“我感到吃惊。” notice意为“注意,认识,情报,消息,通知,预告,警告;(正式)通告;呈报”。question意为“问,询问,发问,质问,问题,议题,争论点”。example意为“例证,实例,标本,样本,范例,典型,模范,榜样”。



【小题19】break the news 意为“宣布消息”,表示把这个消息告诉了Amy和Daniel。show 意为“给看,出示,显示,显出,陈列,展出,供参观,炫耀,卖弄”。write 意为“写,记,录,抄,誊,填写”。read 意为“阅读,朗读,诵读”。

【小题20】amazing 意为“令人惊异的”。根据上文中的“We are amazed”可判断出Angela对Amy和Daniel说:你们令人吃惊。amusing 意为“有趣的;好笑的”。interesting 意为“引起兴趣的,有趣的”。exciting 意为“令人兴奋的,使人激动的”。


Ban the Band(乐队)?

    Every year, our school has a dance for all the students. It’s a little funny seeing friends in clean shoes and trousers or colorful  36  , instead of the usual school uniform.

     Most of us think the dance is great  37  -even the teachers enjoy being there.   38  , two weeks ago someone said that there would be no  39  band this year only CDs.

     “I don’t  40  it!” Amy cried out during the lunch break.

     “Someone said the school couldn’t  41  a band, and they think it’s too noisy anyway,” added Daniel.

     “Well, I don’t think it’s  42  enough without a band!” declared Angela, “and I’m going to see what can be done.”

      Angela was as good as her  43  . In the afternoon she went to see the school headmaster who agreed to give the  44  some more thought. And he suggested that one  45  for having a band was to increase the price of each ticket from $5 to $10. Angela had to  46  out whether the students would like to do that.

     “I need all of you to help me,” she  47  to our group before school the next day. “Mr. Berry gave me a list of all the names, and suggested we ask each one their   48  about the band and the extra cost.”

        49  the day we asked around as Angela suggested, and wrote down people’s feelings about the band and the cost. We were amazed how much  50  there was for the band and everyone agreed to pay the extra $5.

      “I’m surprised,” smiled Mr. Berry, when we gave him the  51  . “I really thought that only a few people  52  their band and that the cost would be too high. OK, Angela, your next  53  is to find a good band and line them up for the dance.”

Angela was all smiles and  54  the news to Amy and Daniel. “You’re  55  ,” smiled Daniel to Angela as he thought how close they came to having a less than perfect dance.

36.A. shapes                B. dresses                    C. flowers                    D. pictures

37.A. fun                    B. work                       C. effort                      D. progress

38.A. Besides              B. Otherwise                C. However                 D. Therefore

39.A. new                    B. live                         C. foreign                    D. marching

40.A. mean                 B. need                        C. accept                     D. believe

41.A. lead                    B. serve                       C. afford                     D. form

42.A. good                  B. clear                       C. useful                      D. easy

43. A.look                   B. behavior                  C. mind                      D. word

44.A. schedule             B. situation                  C. view                       D. action

45.A. possibility           B. concern                   C. decision                  D. chance

46.A. call                    B. find                        C. carry                      D. point

47.A. admitted             B. replied                    C. apologized              D. announced

48.A. knowledge   B. instruction              C. opinion                   D. information

49.A. On                    B. For                         C. By                          D. During

50.A. trust                   B. money                     C. support                    D. care

51.A. results                B. notices              C. questions                 D. examples

52.A. welcomed          B. wanted                    C. defended                 D. invited

53.A. task                    B. business                   C. exercise                  D. duty

54.A. showed               B. wrote                      C. broke                      D. read

55.A. amusing       B. interesting          C. exciting                D. amazing



Ban the Band(乐队)?

Every year,our school has a dance for all the students.It’s a little funny seeing friends in clean shoes and trousers or colorful    36   ,instead of the usual school uniform.

Most of us think the dance is great   37  —even the teachers enjoy being there.  38  ,two weeks ago someone said that there would be no    39    band this year—only CDs.

“I don’t    40    it!”Amy cried out during the lunch break.

“Someone said the school couldn’t    41    a band,and they think it’s too noisy anyway,”added Daniel.

“Well,I don’t think it’s    42    enough without a band!”declared Angela,“and I’m going to see what can be done.”

Angela was as good as her    43   .In the afternoon she went to see the school headmaster who agreed to give the   44   some more thought.And he suggested that one   45   for having a band was to increase the price of each ticket from $5 to $10.Angela had to   46    out whether the students would like to do that.

“I need all of you to help me,”she  47  to our group before school the next day.“Mr.Berry gave me a list of all the names,and suggested we ask each one their   48    about the band and the extra cost.”

   49    the day we asked around as Angela suggested,and wrote down people’s feelings about the band and the cost.We were amazed how much    50    there was for the band and everyone agreed to pay the extra $5.

“I’m surprised,”smiled Mr. Berry,when we gave him the    51   .“I really thought that only a few people     52    their band and that the cost would be too high.OK,Angela,your next    53    is to find a good band and line them up for the dance.”

Angela was all smiles and    54    the news to Amy and Daniel.“You’re    55   ,”smiled Daniel to Angela as he thought how close they came to having a less than perfect dance.

36.A.shapes                  B.dresses                      C.flowers                            D.pictures

37.A.fun                      B.work                         C.effort                        D.progress

38.A.Besides                 B.Otherwise                  C.However                   D.Therefore

39.A.new                            B.live                           C.foreign                      D.marching

40.A.mean                    B.need                         C.accept                       D.believe

41.A.lead                            B.serve                         C.afford                       D.form

42.A.good                    B.clear                         C.useful                       D.easy

43.A.look                     B.behavior                    C.mind                         D.word

44.A.schedule               B.situation                    C.view                         D.action

45.A.possibility             B.concern                     C.decision                    D.chance

46.A.call                      B.find                          C.carry                         D.point

47.A.admitted               B.replied                      C.apologized                 D.announced

48.A.knowledge            B.instruction                 C.opinion                            D.information

49.A.On                       B.For                           C.By                            D.During

50.A.trust                     B.money                      C.support                            D.care

51.A.results                  B.notices                      C.questions                   D.examples

52.A.welcomed             B.wanted                      C.defended                   D.invited

53.A.task                      B.business                    C.exercise                     D.duty

54.A.showed                 B.wrote                        C.broke                        D.read

55.A.amusing               B.interesting                 C.exciting                     D.amazing


                                                                            Ban the Band(乐队)

Every year, out school has a dance for all the students. It’s a little funny seeing friends in clean shoes and trousers or colorful __36____, instead of the usual school uniform.

Most of us think the dance is great _37___ ---even the teachers enjoy being there.___38__,two weeks ago someone said that there would be no ___39___ band this year ---only CDs.

“I don’t __40__ it!” Amy cried out during the lunch break.

“Someone said the school couldn’t __41__ a band, and they think it’s too noisy anyway/”added Daniel.

“Well, I don’t think it’s __42__ enough without a band!” declared Angela.”And I’m going to see what can be done.”

Angela was as good as her __43__.In the afternoon she went to see the school headmaster who agreed to give the __44__ some more thought. And he suggested that one __45__for having a band was to increase the price of each ticket from $5 to $10.Angela had to ___46__ out whether the students would like to do that.

“I need all of you to help me,” she __47__to our group before school the next day.” Mr. Berry gave me a list of all the names, and suggested we ask each one their __48__ about the band and the extra cost.”

___49___ the day we asked around as Angela suggested, and wrote down people’s feelings about the band and the cost. We were amazed how much __50__ there was for the band and everyone agreed to pay the extra $5.

“I’m surprised,” smiled Mr. Berry, when we gave him the __51__.”I realty thought that only a few people __52__ their band and that the cost would be too high. OK. Angela, your next __53__is to find a good band and line them up for the dance. ”

Angela was all smiles and __54__ the news to Amy and Daniel.” You’re __55__,”smiled Daniel to Angela as he thought how close they came to having a less than perfect dance.























































B. For  





























Ban the Band(乐队)?

Every year,our school has a dance for all the students.It’s a little funny seeing friends in clean shoes and trousers or colorful    1,instead of the usual school uniform.

Most of us think the dance is great   2—even the teachers enjoy being there.  3,two weeks ago someone said that there would be no    4band this year—only CDs.

“I don’t    5it!”Amy cried out during the lunch break.

“Someone said the school couldn’t    6a band,and they think it’s too noisy anyway,”added Daniel.

“Well,I don’t think it’s    7enough without a band!”declared Angela,“and I’m going to see what can be done.”

Angela was as good as her    8.In the afternoon she went to see the school headmaster who agreed to give the   9some more thought.And he suggested that one   10for having a band was to increase the price of each ticket from $5 to $10.Angela had to   11out whether the students would like to do that.

“I need all of you to help me,”she  12to our group before school the next day.“Mr.Berry gave me a list of all the names,and suggested we ask each one their   13about the band and the extra cost.”

14the day we asked around as Angela suggested,and wrote down people’s feelings about the band and the cost.We were amazed how much    15there was for the band and everyone agreed to pay the extra $5.

“I’m surprised,”smiled Mr. Berry,when we gave him the    16.“I really thought that only a few people     17their band and that the cost would be too high.OK,Angela,your next    18is to find a good band and line them up for the dance.”

Angela was all smiles and    19the news to Amy and Daniel.“You’re    20,”smiled Daniel to Angela as he thought how close they came to having a less than perfect dance.

1.A.shapes          B.dresses               C.flowers               D.pictures

2.A.fun             B.work              C.effort                D.progress

3.A.Besides         B.Otherwise         C.However           D.Therefore

4.A.new             B.live              C.foreign               D.marching

5.A.mean            B.need              C.accept                D.believe

6.A.lead                B.serve             C.afford                D.form

7.A.good            B.clear             C.useful                D.easy

8.A.look            B.behavior          C.mind              D.word

9.A.schedule            B.situation         C.view              D.action

10.A.possibility        B.concern           C.decision          D.chance

11.A.call               B.find              C.carry             D.point

12.A.admitted           B.replied               C.apologized            D.announced

13.A.knowledge      B.instruction           C.opinion               D.information

14.A.On             B.For               C.By                D.During

15.A.trust          B.money             C.support               D.care

16.A.results            B.notices               C.questions         D.examples

17.A.welcomed       B.wanted                C.defended          D.invited

18.A.task               B.business          C.exercise          D.duty

19.A.showed         B.wrote             C.broke             D.read

20.A.amusing            B.interesting           C.exciting          D.amazing


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