
I find some of the ways in which Chinese parents show love for their children rather surprising. Obviously there are some pretty big differences between our behaviors and theirs in this respect. Most Chinese children seem to get whatever they want, from ice creams, sweets and toys to endless attention from the adults around them. Is this a sort of spoiling or love? I wonder.
Most westerners would think it is a sort of spoiling rather than love. We think love means educating your children and bringing them up to lead an independent life. That includes learning to accept the fact that he can't get everything he wants. As an adult, he will not always get the quite expensive car he hunts for; she will not always manage to acquire the beautiful dress she longs for. So we try to teach our children early to cope with the disappointment of not getting what they want.
I find too much such kind of love for the children can actually spoil them. To my surprise, it seems that the life of a Chinese child is rather hard. Without doubt, the child is the very center of a whole circle of adults, but on the other hand he or she is also expected to start studying according to adults' wishes. Many children of my son's age take piano lessons, painting classes and even English lessons. It looks as if Chinese adults think that just playing without learning anything is a waste of time. So in this respect our children appear spoiled, just because they are allowed to play. But without this sort of play how can western children develop such free and rich imaginations? In fact the connection between this imagination and the creativity is so important in the children’s future life.
小题1:In which way do most Chinese children seem to be spoiled?
A.They can be supported by their parents.
B.They can play whenever they want.
C.They need not behave themselves.
D.Their demands can always be satisfied.
小题2:In the author's opinion, the life of a Chinese child is         .
A.rather hardB.rather easyC.independentD.colorful
小题3:The author thinks Western children appear spoiled because         .
A.they can manage time by themselves
B.they can have the freedom to play
C.they can take piano lessons
D.they may have expensive toys
小题4:The best title of the passage could be         .
A.Chinese children's early education
B.How to develop kids' imagination
C.What is the real love for children
D.The imagination and creativity


试题分析 本文是说明文。本文是围绕着爱与溺爱和教育孩子展开的,阐明什么是真正的爱。
小题1:D细节题。根据第一段Most Chinese children seem to get whatever they want, from ice creams, sweets and toys to endless attention from the adults around them中国孩子能得到他们想要的,所以才会被宠坏,故选择D项。
小题2:A推断题。根据最后 一段To my surprise, it seems that the life of a Chinese child is rather hard.,另我吃惊的是,中国孩子的生活又是非常难的,参加种学习,属于原文重现类型。故选A项。
小题3:B 细节题。根据最后一段So in this respect our children appear spoiled, just because they are allowed to play。从这个方法来说,西方的孩子是被宠坏的,因为他们能玩。故选 B项。
小题4:C 主旨大意。开篇说对中国父母对待的孩子的方式感到十分的吃惊,第二段提到西方人认为这是不是爱,第二段We think love means educating your children and bringing them up to lead an independent life.爱应该让孩子教育孩子带给他们过独立的生活,第三段阐述中国孩子的生活是十分困难的,因为有各种学习压力的存在,不让孩子尽情的玩。从不同的角度围绕着什么是真正的爱来开展的,故选 C项。
What is a lifestyle and how is that different from a life? A lifestyle is about brand names and buying identity or fame. Lifestyle gives a false sense of peace and acceptability that comes from others recognizing what you’ve bought into (as well as bought). If your car, clothes, and home are expensive, you’re sophisticated(世故的) and stylish. If you have the right kind of job or go to the right social gatherings, then you receive the insincere approval of others. This means that your self-esteem(自尊) is always at the mercy of others, with no appreciation of you as an individual.
A life, on the other hand, is very different. A life is what you lead when you know what matters most to you. It is very simple and comes from being connected to what you know is important and being willing to put that first, no matter what others may think. When you create a life vs. a lifestyle, your self-esteem comes from what’s inside you, not what others think about you.
Lifestyle is expensive financially and personally, because it costs a great deal to keep up appearances and do what you think is socially acceptable. A life is not expensive. Rather than using personal or financial resources, a life generates energy and staying power. It’s about liberating yourself from the mindless consumption that society expects. It is about making the choices that are in line with your values, instead of using up your bank account or energy for no heart-driven reason.
How can you make the change? Understand the difference between a life and a lifestyle. Analyze your current lifestyle to see what is costing you in money, time, stress, and energy to maintain it. Let go and make room for what is really important to you, what supports you and brings you joy. Remember who you are from within, not what you own!
小题1:Which of the following examples best explains “what is life about”?
A.We work long hours in a job that we do not enjoy.
B.We focus on what we wear, or what kind of car we drive.
C.We find out what our true beliefs and values are and choose to live by these.
D.We think that how others see us is more important than what we think of ourselves.
小题2:What method does the author use to explain his opinion in the third paragraph?
A.Making comparison.B.Giving an example.
C.Giving a definition.D.Giving a reason.
小题3:To make the change, we need to______________________.
A.be directed from withinB.be directed from outside
C.be driven by social valuesD.be driven by others’ opinions
小题4:What is the author’s purpose of writing this passage?
A.To describe what life is.
B.To introduce what lifestyle is.
C.To promote life instead of lifestyle.
D.To tell the differences between life and lifestyle.
A baby born in India has been declared the world's seven billionth person by child rights group Plan International. Baby Nargis was born at 07:25 local time (01:55GMT) in Mall village in India's Uttar Pradesh state. Plan International says Nargis has been chosen symbolically as it is not possible to know where exactly the seven billionth baby is born. In addition to baby Nargis in India, Bangladesh, the Philippines and Cambodia have all identified seven billionth babies. The United Nations estimated that on Monday 31 October, the world's population would reach seven billion.
Populations are growing faster than economies in many poor countries in Africa and some in Asia. At the same time, low birth rates in Japan and many European nations have raised concerns about labor shortages.
Population experts at the United Nations estimated that the world reached six billion in October 1999. They predict nine billion by 2050 and ten billion by the end of the century. China's population of one and a third billion is currently the world's largest. India is second at 1.2 billion. But India is expected to pass China and reach one and a half billion people around 2025.
India will also have one of the world's youngest populations. Economists say this is a chance for a so-called demographic dividend. India could gain from the skills of young people in a growing economy at a time when other countries have aging populations. But economists say current rates of growth, although high, may not create enough jobs. Also, the public education system is failing to meet demand and schooling is often of poor quality. Another concern is health care. Nearly half of India's children under the age of five are malnourished(营养不良).
Michal Rutkowski, the director of human development in South Asia at the World Bank, says reaching seven billion people in the world is a good time for a call to action. He says, “I think the bottom line of the story is that the public policy needs to become really, really serious about sex equality and about access to services—to fight against malnutrition, and to provide for access to health services, water and schooling.”
小题1:What is true about the world's seven billionth person?
A.Baby Nargis is not the only child chosen as the seven billionth baby.
B.Baby Nargis has been chosen carefully so it is exactly the seven billionth baby.
C.Three countries have all declared Baby Nargis as the seven billi011th baby.
D.The United Nations declared Baby Nargis as the world's seven billionth person.
小题2:Which of the following problems do many European countries worry about?
A.Labor shortage.B.Poor health care.
C.Not enough jobs.D.Schooling of poor quality.
小题3:According to population experts, how long will it take for population to grow from six billion to nine billion?
A.About 12 years.B.About 40 years.C.About 50 years. D.About 110 years.
小题4:What does the underlined phrase “demographic dividend” in the fourth paragraph refer to?
A.Possibility of lower birth rate.
B.Benefit gained by working young people.
C.Chances for more employment.
D.Disadvantages caused by aging population.
小题5:Which of the following public policies does Michal Rutkowski call on?
A.To encourage late marriage.B.To reduce world's population.
C.To gain economic equality. D.To improve health and education.
If you’re like most kids, you’ve probably made more than a few paper airplanes in your day. But how many kids can say their paper airplanes have been built life-size and then flown? At least one: 12-year-old Arturo Veldenegro of Tucson, Arizona, who won the Pima Air& Space Museum’s first annual Great Paper Airplane Project Fly-Off in March 2012.
“ The purpose of the competition is to inspire and draw kids’ interest in science and flight,” says Tim Vimmerstedt, director of the museum.
About 150 kids entered the competition. The young designers learned about how airplanes fly and then set to work designing their own planes.
Arturo designed and built his airplane. When hen was finished, he took his plane to the flight area and let it fly, outdistancing the other competitors in all age groups. At last, Arturo’s airplane flew the farthest---more than 75 feet!
As the winner, Arturo got to meet with a team of engineers, which took his design and made a bigger one. The new paper airplane might have been the largest one ever built! Arturo named his large paper airplane Arturo’s Desert Eagle.
Later a helicopter tried to lift the paper airplane over the Arizona desert, but it was unsuccessful. Engineers worked for eight hours to repair it for a second try. This time, the helicopter managed to raise it to 2700 feet and then set the plane free.
Arturo watched as his plane flew through the sky at speeds of up to 98 miles per hour for 10 seconds before falling to pieces.
“I felt happy but sad,” Arturo says, “ It flew really well, but it was sad to see it destroyed.”
But that wasn’t the end of Arturo’s Desert Eagle. The Pima Air & Space Museum collected the pieces of the broken plane and put them on show to inspire other young engineers to reach for the sky.
小题1:According to the text, the Great Paper Airplane Project Fly-Off competition _______
A.has been held many times
B.can only be entered by kids
C.is to choose the largest plane
D.is held by a team of designers
小题2:The underlined word ”outdistancing” in Para 4 means ________
A.looking forB.believing inC.throwing awayD.leaving behind
小题3:What do we know about the paper airplane Arturo built?
A.It flew the highestB.It flew for 20 minutes
C.It flew more than 75 feetD.it took him eight hours to build
小题4:In the end, Arturo’s Desert Eagle ______
A.was made into a helicopter
B.was produced in many places
C.was sold to a team of engineers
D.was put on show in the museum
Traveling can be a fun way to gain life experiences, especially during Spring Break — a week-long school vacation in the United States. But what if you're a student and don't have enough money for a trip? Don't worry. Here are some useful suggestions.
●Save: This probably is the most important preparation for traveling. Cut expenses to fatten your wallet so you'll have more choices about where to go and how to get there.
●Plan ahead: Don't wait until the last minute to plan your trip. Tickets may cost more when bought on short notice. Giving yourself several months to get ready can mean security and savings.
●Do your homework: No matter where you go, research the places you will visit. Decide what to see. Travel books will provide information on the cheapest hotels and restaurants.
●Plan sensibly: Write down how much you expect to spend for food and hotels. Stick to your plan or you may not have enough money to cover everything.
●Travel in groups: Find someone who is interested in visiting the same places. By traveling with others you can share costs and experiences.
●Work as you go: Need more money to support your trip? Look for work in the places you visit.
●Go off the beaten path: Tourist sites may be expensive. You may want to rethink your trip and go to a less-known area. Smaller towns can have many interesting activities and sights.
●Pack necessary things: The most important things to take are not always clothes.
Remember medicine in case you get sick, and snacks in case you cannot find a cheap restaurant.
●Use the Internet: The net can help to save money. Some useful websites include www. travelcity. corn, www. bargainslowestfare. corn and www. economictravelcity. com.
By planning sensibly, even students can enjoy the travel. Your travel experiences will be remembered for a lifetime.
小题1:This passage is about ____________.
A.how to plan your travel
B.how to get life experiences
C.how to make your travel interesting
D.how to travel with enough money
小题2: Before your trip, the most important thing you should do is ____________.
A.to make a plan of the route
B.to buy tickets in advance
C.to save money before your trip
D.to get information from the Internet
小题3:The writer advises you ____________.
A.to share costs with friends
B.not to go to well-known places
C.not to visit dangerous places
D.to buy anything you want to buy
Father was a hardworking man who delivered bread as a living to support his wife and three children. He spent all his evenings after work attending classes, hoping to improve himself so that he could one day find a better paid job. Except for Sundays, Father hardly ate a meal together with his family. He worked and studied very hard because he wanted to provide his family with the best that money could buy.
Whenever the family complained that he was not spending enough time with them, he reasoned that he was doing all this for them. Though he often longed to spend more time with his family, he weighed his contribution to his family above everything else.
The day came when the examination results were announced. To his joy, Father passed, and with distinctions too! Soon after, he was offered a good job as a senior supervisor which paid handsomely.
Like a dream come true, Father could now afford to provide his family with life’s little luxuries like nice clothing, fine food and vacation abroad.
However, the family still did not get to see Father for most of the week. He continued to work very hard, hoping to be promoted to the position of manager. In fact, to make himself a worthily candidate for the promotion, he took another course in an open university.
Again, whenever the family complained that he was not spending enough time with them, he reasoned that he was doing all this for them. Though he often longed to spend more time with his family, he weighed his contribution to his family above everything else.
Father’s hard work paid off and he was promoted. Happily, he decided to hire a maid to relieve his wife from her domestic tasks. He also felt that their three-room flat was no longer big enough. It would be nice for his family to be able to enjoy the facilities and comfort of a condominium.    Having experienced the rewards of his hard work many times before, Father resolved to further his studies and work at being promoted again. The family still did not get to see much of him. In fact, sometimes Father had to work on Sundays entertaining clients.
Over again, whenever the family complained that he was not spending enough time with them, he reasoned that he was doing all this for them. Though he often longed to spend more time with his family, he weighed his contribution to his family above everything else.
As expected, Father's hard work paid off again and he bought a beautiful condominium overlooking the coast of Singapore. On the first Sunday evening at their new home, Father declared to his family that he decided not to take any more courses or pursue any more promotions. From then on he was going to devote more time to his family, and it was a promise.
Father did not wake up the next day.
小题1:Father worked and studied very hard because ________.
A.he had to support his family
B.he wanted to bring his family a better life
C.he was enthusiastic in attending classes
D.he had to so as to reduce his family’s complaint
小题2:What CAN’T Father get through his hard work?
A.Better housingB.Higher educationC.Family timeD.Vacation abroad
小题3:How would the family feel when "Father did not wake up the next day"?
A.To their joy, Father can have a good rest in the end.
B.Thank God, Father can stay home with them.
C.They should have stopped Father from working so hard.
D.There is no point working hard for a better life.
小题4:What is the function of the italicized(斜体)paragraphs in this passage?
A.To imply a sad ending to the story.
B.To show how stubborn Father was.
C.To make readers feel how hard Father worked.
D.To make readers show sympathy for Father.
Friendships can be difficult — because often people aren't as honest and open as they should be. Sometimes, people finally get hurt.
Most problems with friendships come up because people are just too selfish to care about the things that their friends need. They care about their own needs much more, which makes it hard for friendships to work. However, being selfish is part of human nature. A person is put together in order to take care of themselves and their own needs, not necessarily those needs of other people. Even though being selfish is something that all humans are born with, it is something that everyone should be against.
The best thing to remember when you are a friend to anyone is that you need to treat your friends the same way that you'd like to be treated(对待). This is wonderful advice for a friendship, because it is really the only way to make sure that you are giving your friends everything you would want to be given in a friendship. Whenever you have a question about how you should treat a friend, it is easy to find an answer simply by asking yourself what you would like your friend to do for you, if he or she was in your shoes.
Even if you're always thinking about how you'd like to be treated, and your friends are too, there are problems that come up from time to time in each friendship, and it is important to understand how to deal with these problems so that you can build stronger and healthier friendships. Problems like friends getting boyfriends or girlfriends and not spending enough time with their friends, or even friends finding new friends and leaving old friends behind are problems that will probably come up with one or more of your friendships. It is important to know how to deal with these friend problems so that you can keep your friends and make new ones. No one wants to have a broken friendship.
小题1:This passage mainly talks about ________.
A.the importance of friendship
B.the advantages(益处) of friendship
C.the problems of friendship
D.the disadvantages(劣势) of friendship
小题2:According to the writer, problems with friendship may appear when ________.
A.one is honest B.one is selfishC.one is openD.one is kind
小题3:According to the passage, the first and most important thing to be other people's friend is ________.
A.to treat your friend as you like to be
B.to give your friends whatever you have
C.not to hurt your friends' feelings
D.not to think of your own need any more
小题4:What's the purpose of understanding how to deal with friendship problems?
A.To have a comfortable life.
B.To build stronger and healthier friendships.
C.To be treated the way you want.
D.To get a boyfriend or girlfriend more quickly.
Father’s Day has a very short history. It was started because there was a Mother’s Day. And just because some Americans thought that if we had a Mother’s Day, we should also have a Father’s Day. Father’s Day has become important in North America. And shopkeepers found it was a good way to get people to buy presents for their fathers, presents from their shops.
By the way, very few countries have a Father’s Day, though some have Children’s Day, or a special day for boys and another for girls. More and more countries are having Mother’s Day, so maybe Father’s Day will also become popular before too long. Now, what do people in North America do on Father’s Day? The newspapers, radios, and TV tell children what they should do-buy a Father’s Day present for your father. They even tell a wife to buy a Father’s Day present-not for her father but for her husband, even if he is not yet a father. And they tell grandchildren to buy a Father’s Day present for their grandfathers.
The important thing to remember about Father’s Day is that American children can show their love to their fathers in a more open way.
小题1:Father’s Day was started just because          .          
A.there was a Mother’s DayB.there was a Children’s Day
C.people liked their fathers a lotD.fathers were more important
小题2:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Many countries have a Father’s Day.
B.Father’s Day has a long history.
C.Father’s Day has become important in North America.
D.Maybe Father’s Day will become popular before too long.
小题3:In America, people have a Father’s Day to       .
A.go shopping with their fathersB.help their fathers do something
C.show their love to their fathersD.get money from their fathers
小题4:On Father’s Day, shopkeepers always want        .
A.people to buy as many presents as possible
B.children to buy presents only for their fathers
C.women to buy presents only for their husbands
D.grandchildren to buy a Father’s Day present only for their grandfathers
小题5:It can be learned from the article that       .
A.the writer is against Father’s Day
B.many countries have a Father’s Day
C.shopkeepers can get more money on Father’s Day than usual
D.We don’t need to have a Father’s Day

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