

1.California has the d      of being the most multicultural state in the USA.

2.It never o    to him that his wife was having an affair.

3.If you don’t apply for a p     on your invention, someone might steal the idea.

4.These curtains were once bright green but the sun has f     them.

5.Sorry to i     you, but there’s someone to see you.

6.Many local people       (反对)to the building of the airport.

7.They tried in v    (徒劳)to persuade her to go.

8.I can’t        (忍受)having cats at home.

9.He made a number of rude     (评论)about the food.

10.She took a mouthful of food and then suddenly       (吐)it out.

11.Although the great painter died in poverty, his paintings are worth a f      nowadays.

12.He isn’t often late for school. He comes to school late only    (偶而).



1.distinction 2.occurred    3.patent       4.faded

5.interrupt    6.objected    7.vain   8.bear/stand

9.comments/remarks   10.spit/spat   11.fortune    12.occasionally




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