
【小题1】It’s clear that the little money he earns can hardly s______ a family as large as his.
【小题2】The West Lake is one of the popular tourist a______ at home and abroad.
【小题3】The goods you bought will be d______ to your house at noon tomorrow.
【小题4】An accident is l______ to happen if you drive fast.
【小题5】Make up a short dialogue, using the u______ phrases in the passage.
【小题6】The Yellow River is one of the top ten rivers in l________ in the world.
【小题7】Children are c________ to know everything they see.
【小题8】Seeing the naughty boy making a noise, Father said to him, “B______ yourself!”
【小题9】 Nowadays every classroom in our school is e______ with an overhead projector(投影仪).
【小题10】He gave v________ excuses for not attending the meeting, but none was convincing.

【小题1】Behave yourself 是“规矩点”。

解析【小题1】这里的support 是“养活”的意思。support a family as large as his.养活象他这样的大家庭。
【小题1】tourist attractions 是旅游胜地。前面有one of ,所以用复数。
【小题1】deliver是“投递,送达”的意思 ,全句意思为:你买的东西将于明天送到你家。
【小题1】likely 是“可能的”,用于句型:Sb/Sth is likely to do….句意是:如果你开的快的话,有可能发生事故。 
【小题1】underlined 为过去分词做定语,underlined phrases 是划线的词组。
【小题1】length 是“长度”,in length 是“长度上”。全句意思是:黄河是世界上十个长度最长的河之一。
【小题1】curious 是“好奇的”, be curious about是“对…好奇”,句意是:孩子们对他们看见的一切都好奇。
【小题1】Behave yourself 是“规矩点”。
【小题1】be equipped with 是“配备有”的意思。


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