²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£ºthe disabled ²Ð¼²ÈË
Activity Center for the disabled²Ð¼²È˻ÖÐÐÄ
Dear fellow students£¬
Student Union£®
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the disabled ²Ð¼²ÈË
because of ÒòΪ
call for sb to do sthºÅÕÙ£¬ºôÓõijÈË×öijÊÂ
feel our sincerity and friendliness¸Ðµ½ÎÒÃǵÄÕæ³ÏÓëÓÑÉÆ
¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£ºHere are some suggestions when we meet the disabled in the center..´Ë¾äÓÃÁËhere¸±´ÊÖþäÊ×£¬ÍêÈ«µ¹×°
¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£ºBesides£¬don't enter any place unless invited´Ë¾ä unless invitedÊ¡ÂÔÁË´Ó¾äµÄÖ÷ÓïºÍbe¶¯´Ê£®
½â´ð Dear fellow students£¬
The disabled are part of our society£¬and they meet more challenges in life than us because of their disabilities£®To show love£¬care and respect to them£¬we are calling for volunteers to help in the Center for the Disabled this Sunday£®£¨ÖÜÈÕÈ¥²Ð¼²È˻ÖÐÐÄÒåÎñÀͶ¯£¬»î¶¯Ä¿µÄ£©
Here are some suggestions when we meet the disabled in the center£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©£®First£¬wear a smile and give them a hug£¬letting them feel our sincerity and friendliness£®Then don t ask anything about their disabilities even when they want to share their experiences£®Besides£¬don't£®enter any place unless invited£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©Finally£¬respect their lifestyles completely£®
You're welcome to come and help make other people£¬s lives better!£¨×¢ÒâÊÂÏ
Student Union
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When I was young£¬my mother£¨24£©A in a car accident£¬leaving my father alone to£¨25£©B their three young daughters£®At the beginning£¬life was not always £¨26£©A and my younger sisters usually complained£®However£¬Dad always £¨27£©D us to believe that life was good£®Meanwhile£¬he tried his best to £¨28£©B that belief£®
In 1972£¬my dad developed a piece of waste land that had been £¨29£©B on Okaloosa Island£®Every year at the first sign of £¨30£©A£¬he would begin spending countless hours working there to make it be bursting with colors£®Through his continuous hard work£¬the land £¨31£©B turned into a beautiful garden with different types of flowers and other unique plants£®While our friends were enjoying their vacation through traveling to different places£¬we were £¨32£©C working with my dad in his yard£¬watering the flowers£¬weeding or cutting off the branches£®Sometimes£¬our friends were envious of our working vacation£¬and we would £¨33£©A them£®Dad made his yard very £¨34£©D so that it became our vacation paradise during our childhood£®
For so many years£¬when we were£¨35£©D£¬we liked to visit Dad's yard£¬because it could £¨36£©C us of Dad's belief£®It was Dad and his yard that gave us £¨37£©C that enabled us to survive and £¨38£©D major challenges in life£®One day£¬it shocked us that Dad said he would not £¨39£©A the yard£®Then he explained£¬"Twenty years ago I decided to start my work in that yard to tell you life is good£®Now my work is done£®"We were sitting in £¨40£©D£¬recalling what we had experienced£®Life was good£®Dad was right£®
21£®A£®excuse | B£®answer | C£®decision | D£®suggestion |
22£®A£®clean | B£®suggestion | C£®inspection | D£®arrangement |
23£®A£®achieved | B£®imagined | C£®discovered | D£®promised |
24£®A£®passed away | B£®turned up | C£®ran away | D£®gave up |
25£®A£®scold | B£®raise | C£®rescue | D£®persuade |
26£®A£®smooth | B£®sorrowful | C£®wealthy | D£®lonely |
27£®A£®forced | B£®allowed | C£®authorized | D£®encouraged |
28£®A£®change | B£®prove | C£®understand | D£®criticize |
29£®A£®advertised | B£®abandoned | C£®disappeared | D£®provided |
30£®A£®spring | B£®summer | C£®autumn | D£®winter |
31£®A£®suddenly | B£®gradually | C£®temporarily | D£®occasionally |
32£®A£®impatiently | B£®carelessly | C£®happily | D£®unwillingly |
33£®A£®invite | B£®challenge | C£®accompany | D£®consult |
34£®A£®unnecessary | B£®unreasonable | C£®disgusting | D£®extraordinary |
35£®A£®confident | B£®angry | C£®guilty | D£®low |
36£®A£®warn | B£®accuse | C£®remind | D£®inform |
37£®A£®emotion | B£®choices | C£®strength | D£®opportunities |
38£®A£®forget | B£®admit | C£®create | D£®conquer |
39£®A£®continue | B£®sell | C£®challenge | D£®extend |
40£®A£®safety | B£®despair | C£®doubt | D£®silence |
A£® | That | B£® | What | C£® | Whether | D£® | Whatever |