


I often recall those good old days. At that time life was relatively simpler, and people were much more ______and gentler. Recently, to my surprise, I got the opportunity to experience that same warmth that I thought had_____ from the fast-moving world.

I was out shopping the other day with my husband, two daughters and one ______. It was a burning hot day, and we were all visibly tired and hungry. We entered a restaurant, looking for some______and comfort. To our disappointment, all the tables were_____and no one seemed in a hurry to______ . We waited, tired and ______. After quite some time, one table was vacated, but that could ______only two of us. My daughter made me sit along with her father, while she and my other daughter _____alongside. My granddaughter sat on my______ as we looked all around us, waiting for another table to be ______soon.

At the next table, two young girls were sitting at a table for four and enjoying their meal. We decided to move to their table, ______they were finished with their lunch. Since the girls had just got their ______, I knew it would be a ______wait. As we were deciding on what to eat, one of the girls got up and ______their table to us. She said they would move to our table so that my family could sit together.

We were very appreciative of their kind ______. We thanked them ______and moved to their table. The girls quickly ______their plates and glasses and went to sit at our table.

That day, I ______to myself there still were some kind, civil and helpful youngsters in this non-caring world, and my faith in humanity was______ .

1.A. friendly B. generous C. careful D. sensitive

2.A. prevented B. removed C. lost D. disappeared

3.A.niece B. granddaughter C. nephew D. son

4.A. tea B. food C. fruits D. vegetable

5.A. fixed B. covered C. occupied D. set

6.A. start B. wait C. give up D. set up

7.A. impatient B. nervous C. awkward D. embarrassed

8.A. serve B. seat C. lay D. hold

9.A. sat B. followed C. stood D. watched

10.A. shoulder B. feet C. lap D. table

11.A. blank B. free C. available D. clean

12.A. unless B. once C. before D. until

13.A. order B. bill C. note D. menu

14.A. long B. short C. boring D. exciting

15.A. left B. pushed C. shared D. offered

16.A. treat B. expression C. movement D. gesture

17.A. personally B. properly C. publicly D. sincerely

18.A. picked up B. set up C. put up D. gave up

19.A. turned B. came C. thought D. pointed

20.A. lost B. rebuilt C. found D. shaken




I Am a Litter Picker!

Two years ago, I became a "litter picker".

As I walked down the hall on the last day of the school year, I watched wide-eyed as my fellow students ________ their lockers into the dustbins in front of the hall. Paper flew in all directions; broken shelves and aluminium (铝) cans were ________ everywhere.

Looking at this scene, I came up with an idea: my school really needed a ________programme.

I believed that one person could make a ________ -one person with initiative (主动性), ________ I wrote out my recycling plans and one morning got a pass to the schoolmaster's office. As I told her about my ________ , my heart was beating wildly.

With her agreement and encouragement, I would ________ cardboard boxes in the library, offices and classrooms to ________ papers, magazines and newspapers. In the dining room, I would use four rubbish bins to collect plastic bottles and aluminium cans.

That night, I designed a dozen ________ and planned to arrive at school early to stick them up and hand out ________ to classrooms on Monday.

But when I arrived, I was very disappointed-the night-watchman had ________ down all of the cardboard boxes I had saved. I was so upset that I expressed my anger throughout the day to anyone who would listen. I began searching for other boxes, but I met with ________ success.

A few days later, however, my English teacher took me into the new computer lab, and before my eyes sat a mountain of cardboard boxes. I am sure I was the ________ person in the world when I saw these boxes. These were the boxes that the new computers had arrived in, and they were the perfect size.

I rolled my recycling rubbish bins to the dining room, stuck up my posters, and ________ made an announcement over the loudspeaker, letting the whole school know they now had a choice about what would happen to their unwanted papers, cans and bottles.

Since that day, recycling has become part of everyday life at my school. Students and teachers now take active steps toward ________ their paper consumption (消耗) to save trees and other natural resources.

1.A. emptied B. opened C. repaired D. pushed

2.A. shown B. thrown C. sold D. made

3.A. cleaning B. training C. recycling D. developing

4.A. difference B. wish C. promise D. mark

5.A. since B. but C. while D. so

6.A. problems B. ideas C. changes D. decisions

7.A. place B. borrow C. return D. examine

8.A. buy B. read C. print D. collect

9.A. letters B. newspapers C. posters D. envelopes

10.A. boxes B. bags C. bottles D. bins

11.A. cut B. broken C. dropped D. put

12.A. clear B. certain C. limited D. major

13.A. cleverest B. happiest C. kindest D. richest

14.A. nervously B. patiently C. proudly D. calmly

15.A. stopping B. encouraging C. rising D. reducing

The Cuban iguana is a species of lizard(蜥蜴) of the iguana family. It is the largest of the West Indian rock iguanas, one of the most endangered groups of lizards. This species with red eyes and a thick tail is one of the largest lizards in the Caribbean.

The Cuban iguana is primarily herbivorous; 95% of its diet consists of the leaves, flowers and fruits from as many as 30 plant species, including the seaside rock bush and various grasses. However, Cuban iguanas occasionally consume animal matter, and individuals have been observed eating the dead flesh of birds, fish and crabs. The researchers wrote that quite a few people on Isla Magueyes could have caused this incident.

The Cuban iguana is distributed throughout the rocky southern coastal areas of mainland Cuba and its surrounding islands with a wild population booming on Isla Magueyes, Puerto Rico. It is also found on the Cayman Islands of Little Cayman and Cayman Brac, where a separate subspecies occurs. Females guard their nest sites and often nest in sites half destroyed by Cuban crocodiles. To avoid the attack from them, the Cuban iguana often makes its home within or near prickly-pear cacti(仙人掌).

In general the species is in decline, more quickly on the mainland than on the outlying islands. One of the reasons for their decline is habitat destruction caused by the over consuming of farm animals, housing development, and the building of tourist resorts on the beaches where the animals prefer to build their nests. Although the wild population is in decline, the numbers of iguanas have been sharply increased as a result of captive-breeding(圈养)and other conservation programs.

1.The underlined word "herbivorous" (Paragraph 2) probably means .

A. dangerous B. gentle

C. plant-eating D. flesh-eating

2.Why does the Cuban iguana build its nest near prickly-pear cacti?

A. To keep itself cool.

B. To get the food easily.

C. To stay away from people.

D. To avoid crocodiles' attack.

3.How many reasons are mentioned for the habitat destruction?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

4.What's the author's purpose of writing the text?

A. To give us a brief introduction to the Cuban iguana.

B. To show he is concerned about the Cuban iguana.

C. To explain reasons for the Cuban iguana's decline.

D. To draw people's attention to the endangered Cuban iguana.

No one knows exactly how many disabled people there are in the world,but estimates suggest the figure is over 450 million. The number of disabled people in India alone is probably more than double the total population of Canada.

In the United Kingdom,about one in ten people have some disability. Disability is not just something that happens to other people:as we get older,many of us will become less mobile,hard of hearing or have falling eyesight.

Disablement can take many forms and occur at any time of life. Some people are born with disabilities.Many others become disabled as they get older. There are many progressive disabling diseases.The longer time goes on,the worse they become. Some people are disabled in accidents.Many others may have a period of disability in the form of a mental illness. All are affected by people’s attitude towards them.

Disabled people face many physical barriers.Next time you go shopping or to work or to visit friends,imagine how you would manage if you could not get up steps, or onto buses and trains. How would you cope if you could not see where you were going or could not hear the traffic? But there are other barriers: prejudice can be even harder to break down and ignorance inevitably represents by far the greatest barrier of all. It is almost impossible for the able-bodied to fully appreciate what the severely disabled go through,so it is important to draw attention to these barriers and show that it is the individual person and their ability,not their disability,which counts.

1.The key word in Paragraph 4 is_______.

A. disability B. ignorance

C. prejudice D. Barriers

2.The last word of the passage “counts” most probably means_______.

A. being most important B. being considered

C. being included D. being numbered

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Even the able-bodied may lose some of their body functions when they get older.

B. There are about 10 percent disabled persons in the UK.

C. The whole society should pay attention to the barriers faced by the disabled people.

D. There no longer exists prejudice against the disabled.

4.It can be concluded from the passage that_______.

A. we should try our best to prevent disablement

B. both physical and mental barriers are hard to break down

C. we must take a proper attitude towards the disabled

D. the able-bodied people will never fully understand the disabled


Last Sunday I made a visit to some new neighbors down the block.No specific in mind, just an opportunity to sit at the kitchen table, have some tea and chat.As I did so, it occurred to me how rare the Sunday visit has become.

When I was a kid in New Jersey of the 1960s, Sunday visits were routine.Most stores were closed, almost nobody worked, and the highways, as a result, were not desperate steeplechases(障碍赛跑)they have become today.My family normally traveled eight city blocks to the home of my grandmother, where adults would sit on the front porch and chat while we children played hide-and-seek.

The Sunday visit was something to desire strongly.It was the repetition to church, our reward for an hour of devotion, an opportunity to take advantage of the fact that Dad was not at work, we were not in school, and there was no housework that couldn’t wait until Monday.Sunday was, indeed, different from the other days of the week, because everyone seemed to be on the same schedule, which means that there was one day when everyone seemed to have time for everybody else.

Sunday as a day of rest is, or was, so deeply rooted in the culture that it’s surprising to find that, in a short span of time, it has almost entirely lost this association.In my childhood, it was assumed that everyone would either be home or visiting someone else’s home on Sunday.But now the question is, “What do you plan to DO this Sunday?” The answer can range from going to the mall, to participating in a road race, to Montreal for lunch.If one were to respond, “I’m making a Sunday visit to family,” such an answer would feel strange, which sounds like an echo from another era.

I suppose I should be grateful to live in Maine, a state of small towns, abundant land and tight relationships.Even though folks work as hard here as they do anywhere else, the state’s powerfully rural feature still keeps at least remnants(残余部分)of the moral of yesterday’s America, where people had to depend on one another in the face of economic vagaries(反复无常的情况)and a challenging environment.

1.The writer’s general impression of the Sunday in the past was a day when__.

A.everyone was paying a visit to some relatives far away

B.everyone seemed to be free for others

C.Dad was not at work while Mom was busy cleaning the house

D.nearly every adult would go to church and children weren’t at school

2.In the fourth paragraph, the writer compares the response “I’m making a Sunday visit to family” to an echo from another era because_____.

A.people nowadays prefer staying at home on Sunday

B.such answers are rarely heard in our modern society

C.people in the city dislike being disturbed on Sunday

D.visiting someone on Sunday was routine in the past

3.From the last paragraph we may infer that_____.

A.people in Maine suffer more from economic depression and the changed environment

B.people in Maine have abandoned their tradition and lived an absolutely new life

C.land in Maine is short, thus the relationship between people is tense

D.people in Maine tend to help each other out of necessity

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.Doing many activities on Sunday is beneficial.

B.We should often travel a long distance to visit some friends and relatives.

C.Nowadays, Sunday has almost lost its association as a day of rest.

D.We should abandon some old tradition.

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