

With the invention of personal computers, the Internet, and cellphones, people now have more immediate access 1. others and information than any time in hostory. Losing that access can lead to “disconnect anxiety”, 2. is a psychological term used to describe the anxious or depressed feelings that people experience when they are 3. (able) to use their cellphones or cannot log on to the internet. Some people 4. (affect) by disconnect anxiety start to feel upset when they can’t reach their cellphone contacts or friends online. 5. worry about not being able to respond to emergencies. Still others are 6. dependent on their cellphones that they are afraid of missing any phone calls. So far cellphones and the Internet 7. (become) the most important things in these people’s lives. They cannot afford 8. (live) without them. However, these people should understand that they cannot really enjoy the 9. (convenient) that this new technology offers if they don’t use these devices in10. reasonable way.



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

My Air Force room in Florida was empty and quiet—I was alone. My five roommates were gone for their ________ ; I had chosen to ________ behind in the camp. Being young and far from my home, I felt ________ . My room was comfortable enough, but I hadn’t ________ until then what made it so—the presence of others walking, joking or just lying on their ________ .

I was not able to sleep. In fact, I________ being alone sometimes, but tonight was ________ . Turning over again and again in the darkened room gave no ________ . The last sign of daylight had disappeared, ________ to my inner depression. ________ , the Christmas lights on the tall pine trees would only ________ me of my great misery.

________ , I heard weak sound of men attempting to sing. Yes, the voices grew louder and came my way. I ________ still, enjoying the sound.

In the corridor (走廊) outside my ________ , voices came near enough for ________ to hear Christmas carols being sung. Suddenly, there, four airmen, identities unknown, were slightly unsteadied by holiday cheer. The first held a Coke bottle with a ________ candle stuck in its top. The others ________ a dancing line behind him.

Seeing I was in the room, with joyful ________ in the flickering(摇曳的) light, they sang me several carols, ________ me a merry Christmas and left as fast as they had arrived.

I slept soundly soon after, burying my face in my pillow, ________ that someone had cared.

1.A. presents B. fights C. holidays D. weekends

2.A. remain B. sleep C. help D. work

3.A. guilty B. silly C. curious D. lonely

4.A. prepared B. realized C. recovered D. awoken

5.A. toys B. food C. beds D. floors

6.A. imagined B. preferred C. suggested D. began

7.A. different B. busy C. good D. simple

8.A. balance B. effort C. comfort D. progress

9.A. adding ` B. appealing C. leading D. sticking

10.A. Therefore B. Otherwise C. Yet D. Besides

11.A. cure B. remind C. rob D. think

12.A. Suddenly B. Sadly C. Unluckily D. Lately

13.A. stared B. sang C. lay D. observed

14.A. house B. room C. school D. camp

15.A. us B. them C. whom D. me

16.A. lighted B. falling C. burned D. flying

17.A. broke B. crossed C. formed D. drew

18.A. noises B. quarrels C. necks D. faces

19.A. predicted B. promised C. wished D. offered

20.A. grateful B. satisfied C. doubtful D. hopeful

I was in a rush as always, but this time it was for an important date I just couldn’t be late for! I found myself at a checkout counter behind an elderly woman seemingly in no hurry as she paid for her groceries. A PhD student with not a lot of money, I had hurried into the store to pick up some flowers. I was in a huge rush, thinking of my upcoming evening. I did not want to be late for this date.

We were in Boston, a place not always known for small conversation between strangers. The woman stopped unloading her basket and looked up at me. She smiled. It was a nice smile ---warm and reassuring ---- and I returned her gift by smiling back.

“Must be a special lady, whoever it is that will be getting those beautiful flowers,” she said.

“Yes, she’s special,” I said, and then to my embarrassment, the words kept coming out.

“It’s only our second date, but somehow I am just having the feeling she’s ‘the one’. Jokingly, I added, “The only problem is that I can’t figure out why she’d want to date a guy like me.”

“Well, I think she’s very lucky to have a boyfriend who brings her such lovely flowers and who is obviously in love with her,” the woman said.” “My husband used to bring me flowers every week –even when times were tough and we didn’t have much money. Those were incredible(难以置信的) days; he was very romantic and – of course – I miss him since he’s passed away.”

I paid for my flowers as she was gathering up her groceries. There was no doubt in my mind as I walked up to her. I touched her on the shoulder and said, “You were right, you know. These flowers are indeed for a very special lady.” I handed her the flowers and thanked her for such a nice conversation.

It took her a moment to realize that I was giving her the flowers I had just bought. “You have a wonderful evening,” I said. I left her with a big smile and my heart warmed as I saw her smelling the beautiful flowers.

I remember being slightly late for my date that night and telling my girlfriend the above story. A couple of years later, when I finally worked up the courage to ask her to marry me, she told me that this story had helped to seal it for her –that was the night that I won her heart.

1.Why was the writer in a hurry that day?

A.He was to meet his girlfriend.

B.He had to go back to school soon.

C.He was delayed by an elderly lady.

D.He had to pick up some groceries.

2.What does the underlined phrase “her gift”(Paragraph 2) refer to?

A.Her words. B.Her smile.

C.Her flowers. D.her politeness.

3.Why did the writer give his flowers to the elderly lady?

A.She told him a nice story.

B.She allowed him to pay first.

C.She gave him encouragement.

D.She liked flowers very much.

4.What can you learn from the story?

A.Flowers are important for a date.

B.Small talk is helpful.

C.Love and kindness are rewarding.

D.Elderly people deserve respecting.



Many years ago, I was working at my job at a community college(社区大学) when a homeless woman came in. She began as she lay on one of the sofas in the student rest room. , she wasn't well. Without thinking too much I went next door to the Student Affairs office where I knew I could find in the Lost and Found box. I up a set of clothing and went back to my office, when I a colleague calling me. She told me that I should not this person, as it would only lead to her wanting more help. I refused her and went back to help the woman, my co-worker's warning .

Two weeks later, while I was working, a very cute elderly man entered my and asked to speak with me in private. Curiously, I gave him my full and he told me that he had happened to hear my with the co-worker about helping the woman. He wanted me to know that it was always okay to help people and that was why he wanted to give me a for $1,000. I burst into tears, not only because I needed the money at the time, but also because I had never been in such a way for helping someone!

We soon became good and 10 years later he called me up suddenly and told me he wanted to help me my first home! He giving me $120,000 as part payment for my dream house in my home town. I asked him why he wanted to give me such a large amount of money and he said it was because I was a “giver” and that I it! To make a long story short, I was able to buy the perfect little home for myself, all because one day I did not hesitate(犹豫)to help a woman.

1.A. smiling B. talking C. shouting D. coughing

2.A. Luckily B. Clearly C. Strangely D. Sadly

3.A. clothes B. books C. food D. medicine

4.A. gave B. turned C. gathered D. made

5.A. saw B. heard C. noticed D. listened

6.A. ignore B. disturb C. value D. help

7.A. advice B. request C. plan D. offer

8.A. more than B. rather than C. in spite of D. apart from

9.A. home B. office C. classroom D. dormitory

10.A. energy B. love C. care D. attention

11.A. disagreement B. discussion C. fight D. quarrel

12.A. young B. old C. sick D. wealthy

13.A. support B. check C. tip D. promise

14.A. anxiously B. eagerly C. hardly D. really

15.A. recognized B. measured C. taught D. praised

16.A. colleagues B. competitors C.partners D. friends

17.A. build B. buy C. rent D. repair

18.A. came out B. ended up C. carried on D. resulted in

19.A. deserved B. wanted C. needed D. enjoyed

20.A. hopeless B. careless C. homeless D. selfless


Hearing ability is one of the important senses a human being has. 1._____. Hearing loss may be temporary or permanent. Usually, temporary hearing loss is reversible(可医治的) after proper treatment.

2._____. Due to constant exposure to loud sounds, the sensitive structures in the inner ear get damaged, which results in hearing loss. This type of hearing loss is accompanied by ringing of the ears. 3._____. Infections in the middle ear can also cause temporary hearing loss. It may be accompanied by pain and bloody drainage(排泄) out of the ear. Temporary hearing loss may also result from damage to the sensory structures of the inner ear, which may get damaged by infections, drugs, and skull injuries. Besides, the intake of medicines which have side effects such as aspirin for a long period can give rise to temporary hearing loss.

Temporary hearing loss can be prevented. 4._____. You should avoid the exposure to loud sounds as much as possible. 5.___. Make friends, family and colleagues aware of the dangers of loud sounds. Regular cleaning of the ears is necessary.

Temporary hearing loss can be easily treated. If there’s any kind of ear injury, you may have to undergo a surgery. If there are some ear infections, they can be treated with the anti-bacterial solutions. As soon as you suffer from the temporary hearing loss, you should immediately meet the doctor and get proper treatment to prevent further damage to the ears. Temporary hearing loss can also be treated by using a hearing aid.

A. If you’re in the loud environment, protect your ears by wearing earplugs or other protective devices.

B. There are various reasons for temporary hearing loss.

C. But good news is that hearing loss may come with a lot of health benefits, including making your other senses sharper.

D. However, some people lose this ability due to certain reasons, which is known as hearing loss.

E. Here are some preventive measures.

F. If we can improve our hearing with operation, we can probably make the same change with our sight as well.

G. If the exposure is continuous and if left untreated, the hearing loss may be untreatable and permanent.

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