
It's only after three weeks into a new job that I made a serious mistake. My boss called it "extremely embarrassing" in a companywide email—which1       , he wrote because he felt he needed to explain that what1did was something 2        in the company should ever do.

I wish I 3        give a good excuse for what I did. At the very least,I wish I could explain it somehow― 4       it on youth,inexperience or ignorance. Unfortu?nately,I'm 5      ,experienced and I know better.

6       I work with some very kind and compassionate (富于同情心的) people. For the past couple of days many of them have taken time to 7        by my desk and offer comfort,encouragement and support. Some have shared with me similar 8        they have made. Evidently I'm not the only "    9         " person here.

One of the exchanges I had this week was with Lois,the muchhonoured,muchrespected professional who 10        the desk right next to mine. Lois was completely11about her work,and to be honest I was a little nervous about how she would 12        to such an extremely embarrassing incident.

As I expected,Lois didn't pass over the 13        when she saw me the next day. She mentioned it directly,14 with empathetic consideration. She listened to my 15       . Just as I was ready to express my regrets,she brought my selfpity partly to a(n) 16       .

"It happened", she said. "There's nothing you can do to 17        that. It hap?pened. But it's over now. It's 18       . It's in the past. You need to let it go,and move on."And with that she returned her 19        to her work,as if to say, "We're done here."

I beat myself up for weeks. At such times I need to remember those 20        words:It's over. It's done. Let it go. And mostly,move on.

1. A. by the way   B. in the way   C. on the way   D. to the way

2. A. someone   B. anyone   C. no one   D. the one

3. A. should   B. might   C. will   D. could

4. A. fix   B. blame   C. rely   D. put

5. A. outgoing   B. old

   C. cheerful   D. energetic

6. A. Thankfully   B. Naturally   C. Generally   D. Hopefully

7. A. work   B. stop   C. watch   D. sit

8. A. decisions   B. troubles   C. attempts   D. mistakes

9. A. annoying   B. confusing   C. embarrassing   D. puzzling

10. A. repairs   B. wants   C. works   D. occupies

11. A. mad   B. serious   C. curious   D. hopeful

12. A. react   B. agree   C. turn   D. object

13. A. issue   B. outcome   C. criterion   D. message

14. A. for   B. therefore   C. but   D. otherwise

15. A. challenge   B. imagination   C. conclusion   D. explanation

16. A. order   B. key

   C. end   D. process

17. A. forget   B. ruin

   C. prevent   D. change

18. A. broken   B. done   C. lost   D. kept

19. A. attention   B. skill

   C. patience   D. interest

20. A. sweet   B. pleasant   C. meaningful   D. colourful


1. A根据下文的解释可知本空是插人语,表示"顺便说一下",故选择by the way。这里指"我"的老板在公司的公开信箱里写出"我"犯的严重错误。

2. C "我"所在的公司里没有人曾经犯过"我"这样的错误。本空表示否定,选择no one说明"我"犯的错误的严重性。

3. D "我"希望"我"当时能够对"我"所做的事有一个好的借口。

could表示"过去能够",同时根据下句"...I wish I could explain it somehow…"中的could也可得到提示。

4. B blame sth on ffi…一归结于。本句指的是"我"希望当时能够把错误归结在年轻、没经验和无知上。

5. B根据上文的"…youth,inexperience or ignorance."和下文的"...experienced and I know better."可知这是一个对比,old 和youth形成对比关系。

6. A根据下文的"compassionate (富于同情心的) "可知作者认为当时自己是很幸运的,同事们给"我"安慰、鼓励和支持,所以选择A项。

7. B本句指的是人们在"我"的桌旁停下来,故选择stop。

8. D根据第一句"It's only after three weeks into a new job that I made a serious mistake."可知本空选择mistakes ,指的是人们和"我"分享他们的错误。

9. C根据第一段第二句中的extremely embarrassing可知答案为C项。通过和大家交流可知,"我"不是这里唯一"令人尴尬的人"。

10. D根据next to mine可知Lois在"我"旁边,紧挨着"我"的桌子。


11. B根据下文的"."to be honest I was a little nervous…"可知, Lois是一个对工作很认真(serious) 的人,所以"我"有点紧张。

12. A "我"不知道她对于"我"这件令人尴尬的事情(作者犯错误的事情) 会做出怎样的反应。

react to做出反应。

13. A正如"我"所预料的,第二天Lois遇见"我"的时候,她没有避开提到这个问题(issue) 。

pass over避免提及。

14. C根据下文的with empathetic consideration可知Lois的反应出乎"我"的预料,所以用转折连词but。

15. D本句指的是Lois听了"我"的解释。

16. C根据下文Lois的话可知她没有同情"我",也就是说结束了"我"的自怜。

bring sth to an end结束。

17. D你不能做任何事情去改变(change) 这件事情,因为它已经发生了。

18. B It's done.它已经结束了。同时根据下文的"We're done here."也可知答案。最后一段也有提示。

19. A说着这些话,她的注意力(attention) 就集中到工作上了,好像在说"我们"的谈话也结束了。

20. C "我"会记住Lois对"我"说的那些有意义的(meamngful) 话。


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