It's only after three weeks into a new job that I made a serious mistake. My boss called it "extremely embarrassing" in a companywide email—which1       , he wrote because he felt he needed to explain that what1did was something 2        in the company should ever do.

I wish I 3        give a good excuse for what I did. At the very least,I wish I could explain it somehow― 4       it on youth,inexperience or ignorance. Unfortu?nately,I'm 5      ,experienced and I know better.

6       I work with some very kind and compassionate (富于同情心的) people. For the past couple of days many of them have taken time to 7        by my desk and offer comfort,encouragement and support. Some have shared with me similar 8        they have made. Evidently I'm not the only "    9         " person here.

One of the exchanges I had this week was with Lois,the muchhonoured,muchrespected professional who 10        the desk right next to mine. Lois was completely11about her work,and to be honest I was a little nervous about how she would 12        to such an extremely embarrassing incident.

As I expected,Lois didn't pass over the 13        when she saw me the next day. She mentioned it directly,14 with empathetic consideration. She listened to my 15       . Just as I was ready to express my regrets,she brought my selfpity partly to a(n) 16       .

"It happened", she said. "There's nothing you can do to 17        that. It hap?pened. But it's over now. It's 18       . It's in the past. You need to let it go,and move on."And with that she returned her 19        to her work,as if to say, "We're done here."

I beat myself up for weeks. At such times I need to remember those 20        words:It's over. It's done. Let it go. And mostly,move on.

1. A. by the way   B. in the way   C. on the way   D. to the way

2. A. someone   B. anyone   C. no one   D. the one

3. A. should   B. might   C. will   D. could

4. A. fix   B. blame   C. rely   D. put

5. A. outgoing   B. old

   C. cheerful   D. energetic

6. A. Thankfully   B. Naturally   C. Generally   D. Hopefully

7. A. work   B. stop   C. watch   D. sit

8. A. decisions   B. troubles   C. attempts   D. mistakes

9. A. annoying   B. confusing   C. embarrassing   D. puzzling

10. A. repairs   B. wants   C. works   D. occupies

11. A. mad   B. serious   C. curious   D. hopeful

12. A. react   B. agree   C. turn   D. object

13. A. issue   B. outcome   C. criterion   D. message

14. A. for   B. therefore   C. but   D. otherwise

15. A. challenge   B. imagination   C. conclusion   D. explanation

16. A. order   B. key

   C. end   D. process

17. A. forget   B. ruin

   C. prevent   D. change

18. A. broken   B. done   C. lost   D. kept

19. A. attention   B. skill

   C. patience   D. interest

20. A. sweet   B. pleasant   C. meaningful   D. colourful

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