
4.It was in this lake that they found the long lost sword of the Ming Dynasty.(be)

分析 通过句意知道这是强调句型,结构是:It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+句子剩余部分.通过found可知,句子应该用过去式.

解答 答案:It was in this lake

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Honeybees can do three kinds of jobs.

It is one of the most unusual insects in the world. Bees are special because they divide up their honeybee work. Each bee has a certain job to do.

The busiest bee is the worker. Workers build the nest, called a hive. Inside the hive, workers make a honeycomb from wax(蜂蜡). They store honey there for food. Workers are always cleaning and fixing the hive. They even stand at the opening and fan their wings to cool the hive. Worker bees will attack anything—even people—to keep their hive safe, if need.

Another kind of bee is the drone(雄蜂). Drones are male bees, and their job is to fly with the queen bee and mate with her. After the queen mates, the worker bees drive the drones away. The drones then starve to death.

The third kind of bee is the queen. Each hive needs only one queen, and her job is laying eggs. She can lay as many as 2, 000 eggs a day.

1.The bee’s nest is called a _______.

A. hive B. honeycomb

C. drone D. wax

2.Which jobs do workers do?

A. They lay 2, 000 eggs each day and build a nest.

B. They mate with the queen bee and then starve.

C. They clean the hive and keep it cool.

D. They attack the queen bee.

3.The drone is driven away when its job is finished, because _______.

A. it attacked the workers B. the queen bee has died

C. it is no longer needed in the hive D. it ate the queen bee

4.According to the story, bees _______.

A. are very dangerous insects

B. will attack anything or anyone to protect the hive, if necessary

C. are like any other insect that flies

D. eat each other as food

Do you know how to deal with failure at school? Here are four steps that will help you get the most out of each failure,and move on.

1. When you feel bad after failing,talk with your parents or good friend,or any other adult.Then decide to take the responsibility to improve yourself.Read the teachers’ comments on your test carefully.

Ask yourself what you were trying to do and why you failed.2. Maybe you didn’t have all the information you needed; maybe you made a mistake or a poor decision.If so,give yourself a pat in the back.Fewer people ever get something right the first time they try it,and often it takes them many times.

3. Sometimes the failure isn’t because of something you did or didn’t do; it is someone else’s fault.But don’t spend time blaming them; instead,move on toward your goals.

Don’t give up easily.4. There is a difference between making a decision and giving up.Deciding to follow a better way is one thing; simply walking away means you really have failed.

Keep trying again.Successful people are different because they choose their next steps instead of just reacting to feelings.If a goal is still important to you,figure out what to do and go after it again.5.

A.No pains,no gains.

B.Failure is unavoidable.

C.If it isn’t,do your best on something else.

D.Remove you bad feelings.

E.Actually it was because you were very lazy.

F.Review the situation to see what your choices are.

G.Usually it was because you were trying out a new skill or learning a new subject.

Grandma Pugh sized up the baby like a pig at the farmers’ market. There was a pause and then she pronounced. “He’s got nice long legs.” She clapped her hands once in approval. But then she frowned and leaned forward. Everyone waited anxiously. The baby had opened his eyes and was staring up. “But those cross eyes won’t do,” she declared firmly, shaking her head in disappointment.

That had been Freddie Pilcher’s first meeting with Grandma Pugh. Since then, ten years had passed. Much to his grandmother’s satisfaction, she’d been proven right about the boy’s legs. He was a regular beanpole. Grandma Pugh had also been correct about his eyes. Freddie had been wearing glasses to correct his vision since he was two years old. His current pair was thick, and cheap-looking, but at least he could see.

Freddie not only had poor eyesight, but he was also clumsy. He wasn’t good at schoolwork either. But there was one thing that the boy was good at and it was all on account of the length of his legs. He could jump.

Freddie was the best jumper in school. Not only could he leap the furthest but also the highest. At breaktimes, he entertained the little ones by leaping over the school wall into Mrs Hobson’s garden and then rapidly jumping back. She had been up to see the head teacher several times because somebody had been crushing her vegetables.

It was badgers (獾), Freddie suggested, when quizzed by Miss Harpy — definitely badgers; no doubt about it. His dad had terrible problems with badgers. Only last week he had lost two rows of carrots. Freddie had woken one night and heard them tearing through the garden, a whole herd of them. They rooted up the lawn and dug up the vegetables. Terrible things, badgers. All the other children nodded their heads wisely. There was a moment’s pause in Class Three as everyone thought about the dreadful damage that badgers could do.

1.What do we know about Grandma Pugh?

A. She was present at the birth of baby Freddie.

B. She was unwilling to listen to the ideas of others.

C. She was a figure of great importance in the family.

D. She valued physical appearance over all other things.

2.Why did Freddie jump over the school wall?

A. To annoy his teacher.

B. To escape from school.

C. To amuse his schoolmates.

D. To damage Mrs Hobson’s vegetables.

3.Which of the following best describes Freddie’s physical appearance?

A. B.

C. D.

4.Why does Freddie talk about badgers in the final paragraph?

A. To explain the cause of the damage.

B. To warn the class about their danger.

C. To describe what happened to his father’s garden.

D. To make up an excuse for the cause of the damage.

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