

There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence.

The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually decreased. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence.

Finally the day came when the boy didn’t lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone.

The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said, “You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave scars just like these. And no matter how many times you say you're sorry, the wounds will still be there.”


1. 以“Anger management”为题约30个词概括上文的主要内容。

2. 谈谈你的想法(120词),内容包括:





A father got his son to hammer a nail whenever he lost his temper. Eventually, the boy learned to control his anger and understood that anger could do harm to others. (31 words)

The story reminds me of one of my own experiences. I once quarreled with my best friend. I was so angry that I said many cruel words. I apologized later but we are no longer best friends.

Poor anger managemen has many disadvantages. Those who can’t control their anger are unlikely to get along well with others. What’s worse, they can experience problems like anxiety, depression and even violence, which of course has a bad effect on the quality of their life.

As high school students, we should learn to control our anger. Firstly, remember to calm down when in trouble because anger can’t help solve the problem. Secondly, when others do wrong to us, we should learn to forgive and forget. (155 words)


试题分析:阅读下面的短文,然后按要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。写作内容:1. 以“Anger management”为题约30个词概括上文的主要内容。2. 谈谈你的想法(120词),内容包括:(1)你自己的一次亲身经历;


【亮点说明】A father got his son to hammer a nail whenever he lost his temper.句中使用时间状语从句;I was so angry that I said many cruel words.结果状语从句在句中体现;I apologized later but we are no longer best friends.巧妙运用并列句;Those who can’t control their anger are unlikely to get along well with others.定语从句使用得当;What’s worse, they can experience problems like anxiety, depression and even violence, which of course has a bad effect on the quality of their life. 使用非限制性定语从句;Firstly, remember to calm down when in trouble because anger can’t help solve the problem.省略句和原因状语从句完美结合;Secondly, when others do wrong to us, we should learn to forgive and forget.这句话很有哲理性;另外,Eventually, do harm to,reminds me of,What’s worse, Firstly, Secondly,为文章增色添彩。



A strong vocabulary helps develop understanding, communication, and reading ability. ___【1】____Consider the following tips on helping your child develop an impressive vocabulary

Let Your Child Tell the Story

Perhaps you read nightly to your child or take turns doing so. Of course, this is an excellent way to expand reading and vocabulary skills. __2____ Then, let your child charge the end of the rope of his imagination wherever his imagination leads.


In short, you need to take an active role. If you want your children's language skills to improve, take their vocabulary questions seriously. When they express curiosity about a word, be sure to teach the correct definition and pronunciation.

Correct Mistakes with Care

____4__ However, it's essential not to scold them when they make such mistakes. Rather, point out what they got right, and then review the proper way to use and or speak the word. The more fun and positive an experience, the more interested and able your children will be in expanding their vocabulary

Do Be Patient

You may need to repeat words and meanings many times before your child fully grasps the concept.This is completely normal ___5____ Children develop at their own paces .The most important thing is to honor and balance their needs so that learning doesn't become struggle. While you want them to get ahead, you don't want them to develop pressure with trying to do so

A. Try Your Best to Correct Them

B. Pay More Attention to Your Kid’s Vocabulary

C. It’s natural for children to mispronounce or misuse new words.

D. It’s important for children to mispronounce new words while learning.

E. That’s why parents should do what they can to help kids learn new words.

F. Further, if your neighbor’s child has twice the vocabulary yours does, it’s not worth stressing over.

G. However, on occasion, feel free to put the book down and ask your child to create a story to tell you.


【1After the police arrested him, they went to the thief’s house to (追回)the stolen jewelry.

【2Some adverts about __________(环境)protection cater for our conscience or our desire to be respectable citizens.

【3Though he has retired, still he reads newspapers every day to keep himself i of the latest news.

【4Oh, I’ve put on weight recently. I should eat less and take exercise on a r basis.

【5As we know, Wardian cases improved the __________ (存活) rates of plants transported long distances.

【6In the center of the b of flats, there is a small courtyard where I can plant some flowers.

【7In France the children place their shoes by the fireplace, a tradition d back to when children wore wooden peasant shoes.

【8I was quite annoyed the other day, with Xiamen Airline c me extra for the overweight luggage.

【9The young girl has been __________(提拔)from an ordinary office clerk to a manager due to her excellent performance.

【10These comments came in r to specific questions often asked by local newsmen.

【11Some cigarette advertisements are not aimed at mature audiences but instead t at children.

【12Another __________(潜在)dangerous sea animal is the jelly fish, which can cause severe pain to anyone who touches them.

【13If an alarm is s , do get out of the water as quickly as possible, as sharks are spotted nearby.

【14Many countries have a government organization to deal with customers’ __________(投诉)about ads.

【15Teaching as a career ____________(吸引)to many young people because of the long holiday.



Commercial advertisement was once thought of as a technique of the marketers to inform the potential buyers about the availability of certain products. It was seen more as a medium to inform the buyers rather than persuade them to buy. The present day marketers see advertisement as a medium to damage the image of their competitors and their products. This indeed, is an undesirable and an immoral practice. Instead of speaking about their own products, these marketers speak about the drawbacks (often without any basics) of the competing products.

People watching TV advertisements would notice that there has always been an advertisement war between the marketers of different consumer goods. A few such cases are given below.

1. Parachute Coconut Oil vs. V.V.D. Gold

Some time back, the producer of V.V.D Gold Coconut Oil claimed in their TV advertisement that only their products was superior and the one sold in blue colour bottles (the reference was to Parachute coconut oil) was suitable only for un-natural hair.

2. Tata Salt vs. Captain Cook

Tata salt was first iodised (碘处理) salt marketed by an Indian Company. It has been enjoying a good and steady market. Captain Cook, another producer of iodised salt, who entered the market later, had to adopt some strategy to get control of the market. The TV advertisement of Captain Cook stressed on ‘Free flow’ of their salt when transferred to a container. The producer of Tata Salt retaliated (报复) by saying that the claim of Captain Cook was a trick and those who were quality conscious should deal with it with caution.

3. Pepsi vs. Coco Cola

Coca Cola was selected as the official soft drink for the Wills World Cricket 1996. When the cricket series was on, the marketers of Pepsi constantly advertised on TV. Their advertisement gave the idea that the cricketers preferred only Pepsi and as a matter of fact there was nothing official about it.

4. Horlicks vs. Complan

Sometime back, the TV advertisement of Complan, a health drink directly attacked Horlicks, which has been in the market for several decades. The claim of Complan was that their brand (which according to them was Brand C) has a higher percentage of ingredients (材料) compared to Brand H (reference was nothing but to Horlicks).

The above examples clearly show how the technique of advertisement is misused by some marketers to ruin the image of their competitors. This, certainly, is not a healthy trend.

Any marketer should only speak about his products and not about his competitors’ products. The awareness of consumers has certainly increased over the years and they are no longer easily taken in. There are many consumer products like salt, oil shaving blades etc. But one thing for sure is that offering the same product in a different container will not make the product different.

Mass media like Radio, Television and newspaper should not allow advertisements that tell lies. Legal regulations, in this regard, should also be made stricter.

Comparison of the past and the present of advertisements

In the past

At present

A technique mainly used for offering 【1】

A trick used as a means of unfair 【2】

The 【3】 of advertisement



Wrong practices

V.V.D. Gold

When V.V.D Gold attacked the one sold in blue bottles, it 【5】to Parachute Coconut oil.

Captain Cook

Captain Cook stressed on their “free flow” when their product was 【6】to a container.

Tata Salt

Tata salt retaliated by warning consumers to be 【7】about the quality.


Too much advertisement on TV seemed to say that the cricketers had a 【8】for Pepsi.


Brand C claimed that their product was much richer in ingredients in【9】with Brand H.


【10】products. are not allowed to be mentioned in the advertisement.

Stricter laws should be made to protect every producers’ and consumers’ benefits.

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
