Madame Curie, her father was a physics teacher, was born 76.
in 1867. Her interest in the science was encouraged by her father£® 77.
Graduated from middle school at 16£¬she couldn¡¯t go on with 78.
her study because Poland was under the role of Tsarist(ɳ»Ê) 79.
Russia and women are not allowed to enter college£®In 1891£¬ 80.
she left Paris and entered Pads University, where she did 81.
her research work after graduation£®In 1895£¬she married to 82.
Pierre Curie£®Pierre joined in his research and they succeeded 83.
in find the element producing radiation in 1902£®One year 84.
late£®they shard the Nobel Prize for physics with Becquerel£® 85.
76£®her¡úwhose 77£®È¥µôthe 78£®Graduated¡úGraduating 79£®ÕýÈ· 80£®are¡úwere
81£®ÔÚleftºó¼Ófor 82£®È¥µôto 83£®his¡úher 84£®find¡úfinding 85£®late¡úlater