Dear Lin li£¬
I'm glad to hear from you£®You asked me about the difficulties you may meet with when you get here in UK£®
Li Ming£®
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1£®ÔËÓöÌÓïglad to do sth£®ºÜ¸ßÐË×öijÊ£¬hear fromÊÕµ½Ä³È˵ÄÀ´ÐÅ£¬±í´ïÊÕµ½ÅóÓÑÀ´ÐźóµÄϲÔÃÖ®Ç飬²¢±íÃ÷ºÜÔ¸Òâ°ïÖúËû£®
2£®Ìá³öËûµ½Ó¢¹úºó¿ÉÄÜÓöµ½µÄÎÊÌ⣬ÓïÑÔ£¬Òûʳ£¬Ïë¼ÒµÈµÈ£¬ÁíÍâÒª³ä·ÖÀûÓÃÏñbesides¡¢what's moreÕâÑùµÄÁ¬½Ó´ÊʹÐÐÎĸü¼ÓµÄÁ¬¹á£®
3£®Ã÷È·¸æËßËûËäÈ»»áÓöµ½ÕâЩÎÊÌ⣬µ«Äã»á¾¡×Ô¼º×î´óµÄŬÁ¦°ïËû½â¾öÕâЩÎÊÌ⣮try one's best to do sth£®¾¡Ä³ÈË×î´óµÄŬÁ¦£®
½â´ð Dear Wang Ping£¬
I'm glad to hear from you£®You asked me about the difficulties you may meet with when you get here in UK£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©Now£¬I'd like to tell you something about it£®
First£¬you may have problems about the language which you think you have learned so well£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£© You may find it difficult to communicate with the natives£¬because many of them have a strong accent£®Besides£¬you may not get used to the western food here or even hate to have it£®What's more£¬you may feel lonely and miss your family and friends£¬especially in the very beginning£®
However£¬you needn't worry about it£®Several weeks later£¬you will get used to everything here and get to love the place£¬and I'll also try my best to
help you when necessary£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÈý£©
Best wishes!
Li Hua
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Two days later£¬I went to collect the shoes£®At first £¨43£©B I found there were indeed more cuts on each shoe£¬but all of them were £¨44£©D with red thread around£®The shoes looked more unique and interesting than ever before£®I couldn't help but praise his£¨45£©C£®
Another time£¬my wife's white skirt had an opening£®My wife checked it £¨46£©A and said£¬"I'll mend it myself£®"Three days later£¬seeing the skirt again£¬I was shocked£ºthe £¨47£©D had been repaired by thin and white thread and it looked like a flower£®I £¨48£©A£¬"It's just as beautiful as a piece of art!"
"I got the £¨49£©C from that shoemaker£®Patches £¨²¹¶¡£© are supposed to be ugly£¬but a skillful person can make it look perfect£®"replied my wife£®
£¨50£©A she said set me thinking£ºperfection is £¨51£©C to achieve in everything£» patches are unavoidable£¨²»¿É±ÜÃâµÄ£©£¬so is human's life£¬which will appear £¨52£©B the form of injury£¬disability or disease£®£¨53£©D you can't change the existence of them£¬all you £¨54£©B do and have to do is to deal with the wound by patches and try your best to bloom£¨Ê¢¿ª£©a most beautiful flower on the wound£¬and that is the meaning of £¨55£©A£®
36£®A£®cleaned | B£®repaired | C£®sold | D£®painted |
37£®A£®styles | B£®faces | C£®bottoms | D£®cuts |
38£®A£®something | B£®anything | C£®nothing | D£®everything |
39£®A£®If | B£®Even if | C£®Though | D£®While |
40£®A£®delighted | B£®convinced | C£®confused | D£®embarrassed |
41£®A£®declared | B£®explained | C£®announced | D£®interrupted |
42£®A£®and | B£®or | C£®so | D£®but |
43£®A£®measure | B£®sight | C£®hand | D£®attempt |
44£®A£®crowded | B£®filled | C£®mixed | D£®decorated |
45£®A£®struggle | B£®strength | C£®skill | D£®chance |
46£®A£®carefully | B£®frequently | C£®gradually | D£®curiously |
47£®A£®gift | B£®wound | C£®injury | D£®opening |
48£®A£®praised | B£®breathed | C£®added | D£®complained |
49£®A£®plan | B£®truth | C£®idea | D£®action |
50£®A£®What | B£®That | C£®When | D£®Where |
51£®A£®probable | B£®unnecessary | C£®impossible | D£®possible |
52£®A£®on | B£®in | C£®at | D£®by |
53£®A£®In order that | B£®In case | C£®So that | D£®Now that |
54£®A£®must | B£®can | C£®may | D£®need |
55£®A£®life | B£®study | C£®work | D£®education£® |