

Not long before, my daughter's shoes were scratched with a knife.She burst into ________I took them to the shoemaker to get them ________.

The young apprentice (学徒) glanced at the ________and said, "Nothing I can do except replace the upper." His master looked at them and said to me, "If you ________ me, I will add more scratches on both of the shoes."

I was ________ and asked why.

He explained, "As if the openings were made ________ for the sake of special style and reuse."

I didn’t fully understand him ,but I decided to leave the shoes.

Two days later ,I dropped by from work to collect the shoes. I found there were indeed more scratches on ________shoe, all the openings were patched (打补丁)by soft red leather with edges sewed by thick thread, ________ more unique and interesting than ever.I couldn't help but________ the master's skill.

Another time, my wife's sister's white blouse had been torn, leaving a large opening on the back.My wife checked the blouse ________ , and then said, "Let me take it home and ________t."

Three days later, seeing the blouse again, I was shocked: all the torn parts had been sewed up by thin and _______ thread and they _______ a look of ice crystal (冰晶) hanging from a winter's branch._______ , she had attached a snowman and a cabin made of flowery cotton rags onto the shirt.I _______with praise, "It's just as beautiful as a piece of _______ !"

"I was inspired by that craftsman.Patches are supposed to be _______, but a skillful craftsman can make it take on a kind of perfection," replied my wife.

Her words inspired me even more: Perfection is _______ to achieve in everything; Patches are unavoidable, so is human's life.Since you can't _______ the existence of wound, you should not expect people's sympathy by exposing the wound, which reveals nothing meaningful.Just sew the wound by patches and produce a most beautiful flower on it, and this is the _______ of life.

1.A.laughter B.cheers C.tears D.speech

2.A.made B.repaired C.decorated D.preserved

3.A.Anything B.Something C.Everything D.Nothing

4.A.trust B.inform C.appoint D.convince

5.A.annoyed B.confused C.disappointed D.discouraged

6.A.on purpose B.by accident C.in vain D.beyond control

7.A.neither B.any C.every D.each

8.A.remaining B.growing C.looking D.feeling

9.A.appreciate B.witness C.praise D.describe

10.A.delivered B.checked C.washed D.ironed

11.A.outside B.downtown C.home D.abroad

12.A.red B.white C.pink D.purple

13.A.took on B.put on C.decided on D.focused on

14.A.Therefore B.Otherwise C.Anyway D.Besides

15.A.sighed B.signed C.greeted D.paused

16.A.cake B.art C.furniture D.jewellery

17.A.pretty B.attractive C.tough D.ugly

18.A.easy B.improper C.likely D.impossible

19.A.change B.imagine C.stand D.prove

20.A.respect B.friendship C.sympathy D.apology



Many years have passed, but she still remembers the last day of her whole class. They got together to say goodbye to their ________schooldays. She wonders herself if any of them still remembers their ________ , now that time has cloaked the past memories with layers of dust and ________ each fate beyond any expectations.

The jolly “dwarf” of the class has now ________ a successful businessman. The shy skinny “bookworm” is now a talented Ph.D. Trying his luck in some ________ land in the Western atmosphere. The naughty, tomboy has________ her carefree laughter in exchange for a sheltered, comfortable life. And________ , a literature addict, was driven by an inner force to put her pen aside and become a________ instead.

She decided to ________ her old teacher, who had sowed the seed for the cause of nurturing people in her directionless mind ________ his poetical lessons. She used to dream of the enlightened faces of her ________ and their round eyes running over every page of the books. Yet, at the most ________turn of her life’s course, she didn’t ________ literature for her career, for she had been told that literature is just like a magical paradise to which the way is extremely ________ .

Her hands are so small; ________ can they hold the depths and the fullness that literature can bring? Still, she promises herself to go ________ , bearing in mind the last ________ of her dear teacher, “Don’t ________ what you give or receive. Learn to live generously to enjoy life, even when it’s not generous toward us.”

Now, she is a teacher, yet she has to continue learning numerous difficult ________ of life. The more she ________ , the better she understands the value of her teacher’s last lesson.

1.A. oldest B. dearest C. hardest D. longest

2.A. successes B. failures C. lessons D. promises

3.A. transformed B. supported C. organized D. developed

4.A. fought against B. stood for C. tuned into D. found out

5.A. large B. distant C. poor D. past

6.A. insisted on B. suffered from C. stuck to D.thrown away

7.A. she B. you C. I D. he

8.A. worker B. officer C. teacher D. writer

9.A. assist B. follow C. visit D. leave

10.A. beyond B. among C. across D. through

11.A. students B. roommates C. relatives D. friends

12.A. expensive B. effective C. decisive D. creative

13.A. write B. choose C. elect D. find

14.A. smooth B. perfect C. difficult D. rough

15.A. how B. when C. why D. where

16.A. up B. in C. on D. down

17.A. words B. results C. notes D. chances

18.A. hope for B. search for C. look for D. care about

19.A. problems B. lessons C. vocabularies D. passages

20.A. introduces B. forgets C. experiences D. Donates

With all the wars, fighting and sadness in the world today, it's not only necessary, but also essential to have a good sense of humor just to help us get through each and every day of our lives. Putting a smile on someone's face when you know they are feeling down in the dumps ( 处于沮丧中), as the saying goes, makes me feel good and warms my heart.

How would you feel if you could not joke around with your wife, husband, child, co-worker, neighbor, close friend, or even just someone that you are standing in line with at your corner store? I am always saying things that make others smile or laugh, even if I don't know the person I'm joking around with. My Grandma always found humor in everything she did, even if it was the hardest job anyone could imagine. This not only relieves stress in any situation, but also is common courtesy (礼貌) to speak to others that are around you.

I know of a few people that don’t have a funny bone in their bodies, as they say. Everyone around them could be rolling on the floor after hearing a great joke and they would sit there without the slightest smile on their face. They don't get the joke that makes others laugh. I am busting a gut while they just sit there, looking at me as if I were from outer space. How can people not get a really funny joke?

Laughing is essential to keep your stress levels under control. Without humor we would find ourselves with a lot of psychological problems, or on a lot of medications to keep us from going crazy. There is too much sadness in this present world. It drives people crazy. We all need to find a way to bypass the sadness and bring a little light into our lives. So, I believe our best medicine is to get together and tell some jokes and have some fun laughing together.

1.According to the author, humor is useful in the aspect that ____________.

A. it makes people more confident

B. it can pick up people' s spirits

C. it can help rid the cruelty in the world

D. it can help people get on well with others

2.The phrase “busting a gut" in the third paragraph can be replaced by __________.

A. explaining carefully B. speaking loud

C. keeping silent D. laughing hard

3.In writing the passage, the author mainly intends to __________.

A. talk about his own understanding of humor

B. encourage people to be humorous in daily life

C. introduce a practical way to get through daily life

D. convince people of the power of being optimistic about life

4.What is the author' s attitude towards the present world?

A. Positive. B. Critical.

C. Satisfied. D. Indifferent.

Filmmaker Jennifer Nelson had to pay $1,500 to have “Happy Birthday to You” sung in the movie she’s making. The money went to Warner Music Group, a company that claims to own the copyright on the song. A copyright is the legal right to use or sell a creative product such as a song, a TV show, a book, or a work of art. Warner has claimed the copyright for “Happy Birthday to You” since 1988.

“I never thought the song was owned by anyone,” Nelson said in an e-mail to The New York Times. “I thought it belonged to everyone.”

Nelson’s movie is a documentary(纪录片)— a film that uses pictures and/or interviews with people to create a factual report of real-life events — and is actually about the history of the “Happy Birthday” song itself.

Two sisters named Mildred and Patty Hill wrote a song called “Good Morning to All” in 1893. Over a short period of time, people began to sing the words “happy birthday to you” in place of the original lyrics to the tune of the Hill sisters’ song.

A number of history experts say that there is no record of who actually wrote the “Happy Birthday to You” lyrics(歌词). Historians also say there is no way to know when the general public began singing the “Happy Birthday” song, but they believe it was being sung by the public long before it was printed and owned by a company.

Nelson’s lawyers say this piece of music’s history proves that “Happy Birthday to You” belongs to everyone in the general public. That would mean Warner Music Group has no right to charge anyone a fee to sing the song in any setting.

Experts estimate that Warner/ Chappell, the publishing division of the Warner Music Group, has made about $2 million a year from licensing fees for “Happy Birthday to You.”

Nelson’s lawyers are asking a court in New York City to order Warner/Chappell to return fees they have collected over the past four years for use of the “Happy Birthday” song.

1.Jennifer Nelson had to pay Warner Music Group to ____________.

A. own the copyright on a song

B. have it write a song for her movie

C. have it play a song in her movie

D. have a song sung in her movie

2.The history experts’ statement can prove that the “Happy Birthday” song ____________.

A. does not belong to Warner Music Group

B. has more than 200 years’ history

C. was initially owned by another company

D. has always been very popular

3.According to Nelson’s lawyers, to sing the “Happy Birthday” song, people ____________.

A. should pay the Hill sisters

B. should pay Warner Music Group

C. need not pay for any purpose

D. need not pay except for commercial use

4.If the court supports Nelson’s lawyers’ claim, ____________.

A. she can obtain the copyright on the song

B. Warner will return about $8 million

C. Warner will have to pay her for her damages

D. she only needs to pay a little money to use the song


As a child grows up,you may wonder how you can teach him to become a respectful adult. 1. A child who learns to respect not only learns to receive respect from others in kind,but also learn to respect himself.

●Show him respect.

This is the best way to teach your child how to respect others.Listen to your child attentively and he will learn to listen to you,understanding how important this is in communication.


The more you say “please” and “thank you” to your child,the more likely he will learn to use them.Politeness then becomes a normal part of any conversation.

●Agree to disagree.

3. Explain your decision so that he will understand you and expect respectful responses.Disagreeing with you doesn't necessarily mean disobedience(不顺从).

●Control your impulse to overreact.

When a situation arises(出现),stay calm and keep in mind that you are supposed to be modeling correct behavior. 4.


So much is focused on what a child does wrong and how to correct it that his accomplishments(成绩)are not celebrated enough. 5.

A.Teach manners by using polite requests and responses.

B.Try to remember that a child won't always agree with you.

C.Respect is necessary for a meaningful and successful life.

D.If he sees you lose your temper,he is more likely to respond that way in future.

E.A child may act as he pleases,and he will live a happy life.

F.Seeing a child exhibit respectful behavior,make sure he knows how proud you are of him.

G.Respectful behavior is always accompanied by bad behavior as a child.

Have you ever noticed that the more you have the more you want? Let’s face it.Thinking our life is good enough doesn’t come naturally to many people.When we have high expectations of everything in life we will run into disappointment.Only when we are aware that needs are different from desires can we live with satisfaction.Here are a few ideas to help you be happier with what you have and who you are.

Focus on what you are thankful for.Most people want things to be better than they are, or when things are going well, we forget to appreciate what we have.Learn to reflect on how much better things are than they could be.Focus on what you are thankful for.Write down 5 things you are grateful for right now.

When we hold onto regrets from decisions we have made, it can really poison our well-being.Many people regret something they can no longer change, which ends up holding them back from moving forward in a more positive manner.What happened in the past is done and gone, so work to stay present and be mindful of the current moment to find more joy and fulfillment.

When we use other people as the measuring stick for our personal success and quality of life we are likely to be less satisfied.Social comparisons can provide useful information when we try to learn from others, but they also hold our perspective in a discontented position.Compare yourself less with others so you can be satisfied more.

When you are focused on your big ambitions and future goals you might elide the daily pleasures that surround you.Learn to slow down and absorb the wonder and beauty around you.Stay present and focus on the task you’re undertaking at the moment.Don’t let the life pass you by because you’re always on the go and distracted by ambition.

Practice looking at life through the lens of contentment and it will become more natural.

1.How can we live with contentment?

A.To change our lifestyle.

B.To have a motivation in life.

C.To give less attention to what we are grateful for.

D.To realize the difference between needs and desires.

2.What’s the main idea of Paragraph 3?

A.Make wise decisions

B.Know the present situation

C.Let go of regrets

D.Remember the past

3.The underlined word “elide”(in Paragraph 5) probably means “______”.

A.enjoy B.change C.create D.neglect

4.What should you do to put yourself in a good mood?

A.Make time for simple pleasures.

B.Learn from successful people.

C.Focus on your future goals.

D.Create chance to learn more.

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