
【题目】A. 单词拼写(5分)

【1】Our school rules won t have this kind of bad behavior go u_______.

2Nobody is willing to make friends with him because he is always finding f_____ with others.

3Though they live in the mountainous area, they are well kept i_______ about the outside world by watching TV every day.

4Could you give us an _________ (解释) of how water travels in water?

5I’m sorry to tell you that my father _____(禁止)me from watching the football game yesterday.









【1】考查固定搭配和形容词作表语。句意:我们学校的规定不会不惩治这种不好的行为。go+形容词,表示状态,例:go bad/wrong变质/出毛病;go unpunished未受惩罚,故填unpunished

【2】考查固定搭配。find fault with sb挑某人的毛病,故填fault

【3】考查固定搭配。keep sb informed of/about sth使某人知晓某事,故填informed

【4】考查词性转换。give sb an explanation of...给某人解释......,explain的名词形式是explanation,故填explanation

【5】考查时态。根据yesterday可知,宾语从句用一般过去时,forbid sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事,故填forbade



A. How inner beliefs can help

B. How to develop positive habits

C. Improve your life

D. You can do it

E. Action plan

F. Why are habits so important

The single most important factor that contributes to success is what you do every single day. It is as simple as that. Your habits will determine whether you are successful or not. If you have strong and healthy positive habits, it does not matter whether or not you fail today because you are guaranteed to succeed in the long run.


Because you repeat the same actions and the same behaviors every single day, a single positive action will not change your life, but the same action repeated 1,000 times will have a significant impact on your life. For example, if you go to the gym one time, you won't see a big difference in your life. However, if you go to the gym 1,000 times over a five year period, you will see a big difference in your body. The same principle applies to finance, health, relationships, work, career, and school. Simple positive actions repeated every single daywill have a great impact on your life in the long run.


There's nothing easier than developing positive habits. You simply have to do every single day the action you want to make a habit. If you want to develop the habit of running, run almost every day. If you want to develop the habit of eating healthy, eat healthy every day. If you want to develop the habit of reading, read every day. Habits are created by repetition. The more you do an action, the easier it becomes in the long run.


If you want to be successful in changing your habits, you should think about changing your inner beliefs about your habits. For example, your old belief was: "I love cigarette because it makes me feel good and relaxed. I need cigarette to be happy and relaxed." If you keep this belief, you won't be able to keep your resolution to stop smoking for very long. Instead, you should adopt this new belief: "I love yoga because it makes me feel good and relaxed. Cigarette is poisonous and destroys my body. Yoga makes me happy." You should analyze your beliefs and make sure they won't stop you from changing your habits. The same is true when you try to form positive habits. If you want to start eating healthy food, here are some positive beliefs you should start thinking about: "Healthy food is very good for my health. It gives me a lot of energy and I feel very good."


It's now time for you to develop positive habits in your life and avoid your negative habits. Write down 3 positive habits that you would like to develop and 3 negative habits that you would like to get rid of. For each positive habit, write down exactly what actions you're going to take every single day in order to develop the new habit. For each negative habit, write down exactly what actions you're not going to take in the next weeks. Here are some positive habits that will lead to success: exercise, healthy food, reading, saving, studying, healthy relationships, hard work, etc... Here are some negative habits to get rid of: gambling, drug and alcohol abuse, overeating, shyness, etc.


Everybody can change. All it takes is courage and commitment. Decide right now to improve your life by changing your habits. Take action right now! Don't be afraid. Yes, you will probably make mistakes along the way. But never forget that success is guaranteed for you if you have positive habits in your life. If you refuse to quit, success will be yours

【题目】My friend’s grandfather came to America from a farm in Thailand. After arriving in New York, he went into a cafeteria(自助餐厅) in Manhattan to get something to eat. He sat down at an empty table and waited for someone to take his order. Of course nobody did. Finally, a woman with a big plate full of food came up to him. She sat down opposite him and told him how a cafeteria worked.

“Start out at that end,” she said, “Just go along the line and choose what you want. At the other end they’ll tell you how much you have to pay.”

“I soon learned that’s how everything works in America,” the grandfather told my friend later, “Life’s a cafeteria here. You can get anything you want as long as you want to pay the price. You can even get success, but you’ll never get it if you wait for someone to bring it to you. You have to get up and get it yourself.”

1My friend’s grandfather came from ________.

A. Thailand B. Manhattan C. New York D. China

2The grandfather went into a cafeteria to ________.

A. wait for someone B. get something to eat

C. meet my friend D. buy something

3The woman in the cafeteria might be ________.

A. a waitress B. a friend of grandpa’s

C. a customer D. an assistant

4What should we do to get food in a cafeteria?

A. Wait for the waiter.

B. Ask someone for help.

C. Get it ourselves.

D. sit down at an empty table

5What can we learn from the grandfather’s words about the life in the US?

A. Get up early and you can succeed.

B. Act and get what you want on your own.

C. Nobody brings you anything unless you pay the price.

D. Waiting is very important.

【题目】The Great Fire of London started in the very early hours of 2 September 1666 . In four days it destroyed more than three-quarters of the old city , where most of the houses were wooden and close together .Over one hundred people became homeless , but only a few lost their lives .

The fire started on Sunday morning in the house of the King’s baker(面包师)in Pudding Lane. The baker, with his wife and family , was able to get out through a window in the roof . A strong wind blew the fire from the bakery(面包房)into a small hotel next door .Then it spread quickly into Thames Street. That was the beginning.

By eight o’ clock three hundred houses were on fire . On Monday nearly a kilometer of the city was burning along the River Thames. Tuesday was the worst day. The fire destroyed many well-known buildings, old St Paul’s and the Guildhall among them.

Samuel Pepys, the famous writer, wrote about the fire, “People threw their things into the river. Many poor people stayed in their houses until the last moment.Birds fell out of the air because of the heat.”

The fire stopped only when the King finally ordered people to destroy hundreds of buildings in the path of the fire.With nothing left to burn, the fire became weak and finally died out.

After the fire, Christopher Wren, the architect(建筑师), wanted a city with wider streets and fine new houses of stone.In fact, the streets are still narrow, but he did build more than fifty churches, among which were St Paul’s

The fire caused great pain and loss, but after it London was a better place: a city for the future and not just of the past.

【1】How was the fire put out according to the text?

A. The King and his soldiers came to help.

B. All the wooden houses in the city were destroyed.

C. Houses standing in the direction of the fire were pulled down

D. People managed to get enough water from the river.

2It seems that the writer of the text was most sorry for the fact that ______.

A.some people lost their lives

B.the birds in the sky were killed by the fire

C.the King’s bakery was burned down

D.many famous buildings were destroyed

3Why did the writer cite(引用)Samuel Pepys?

A.Because Pepys was among those putting out the fire.

B.Because Pepys also wrote about the fire.

C.To show that poor people suffered most.

D.To give readers a clearer picture of the fire.

4Which of the following were reasons for the rapid spread of the big fire?

(a) There was a strong wind.

(b) The streets were very narrow.

(c) Many houses were made of wood.

(d) There was not enough water in the city.

(e) People did not discover the fire earlier.

A.(a) and (b)

B.(a), (b) and (c)

C.(a), (b), (c) and (d)

D.(a), (b), (c), (d) and (e)

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