Li Yang advised me _________ too much, otherwise I would have been drunk .
A. not to drink B. to drink
C. not drinking D. drinking

Listen to Li Yang, founder of Crazy English. He speaks English _____ he were American.
A.if | B.because | C.even if | D.as if |
Dr. Green, Mrs. Brown, Li Ming 以及其他的读者,Mr. King 和Henry Jordan 正在书店选择自己所需的书刊。阅读下面六个介绍书籍及杂志的广告(选项A、B、C、D、E和F),选出符合各人需要的最佳选项,并标在相应的位置。选项中有一项是多余选项。
____1.Dr. Green — a historian who is interested in the English history.
____2. Mrs. Brown — a woman who tries her best to keep pace with the fashion.
3. Li Ming—a Chinese student who considers English a headache but wants to make progress in it.
___4. Mr. King—a CEO in an IT company.
____5. Henry Jordan—an ordinary worker who is crazy about the mysteries of nature.
A.Discover Newsmagazineofsciencedevotedtothewondersandstoriesofmodernscience,writtenfortheeducated generalreaders.Published(出版) byDisneyMagazinePublishingCo., Discover tells many of the same stories by professionals(专业人员) read in Scientific American. A truly delightful family science magazine, eachissue(每期) bringslightandnewsworthytopicstomake dinnertime andwater-cooler conversations interesting. CoverPrice:$59.88 Price:$19.95($1.66/issue) YouSave:$39.93(67%) Issues:12issues/12months |
B.Self PublishedbyCondeNastPublicationsInc.,Selfisahandbookdevotedtowomen’soverallphysicalandmentalhealth.Eachissuecontainsusablearticlessuchas“StyleLab”,inwhichwearableclothesare mixedandmatchedon“Non-models”andthe“Eat-rightRoadMap”,withtipsonhowtoeatproperly. CoverPrice:$35.86 Price:$15.00($2.5/issue) YouSave:$20.86(58%) Issues:10issues/12months |
C.Instyle Instyleisaguidetothelifeandlife-stylesoftheworld’sfamouspeople.Themagazinecoversthe choicesabouttheirhomes,theirclothesandtheirfreetimeactivities.Withphotosandarticles,itopens thedoortothesepeople’shomes,families,partiesandweddings,offeringideasaboutbeauty,fitnessand ingeneral,life-styles.Publisher:TheTimeInc.MagazineCompany. CoverPrice:$47.88 Price:$23.88($2.38/issue) YouSave:$24.00(50%) Issues:10issues/12months |
D.Wired |
This magazine is designed for leaders in the field of information engineering including top managers and professionals in the computer, business, design and education industries. Published by Conde Nast
Publications Inc., Wired often carries articles on how technology changes people’s life.
Cover Price: $59.40
Price: $10.00 ($1.00 / issue)
You Save: $ 49.40 (83%)
Issues: 10 issues / 12 months
E. Crazy English
This book is meant for the students who are learning English as a foreign language or a second language. Published by Guangming Publishing Company. The writer—Li Yang says it will be of great help to whoever reads it carefully.
Cover Price: 15 yuan
Price: 10 yuan
You Save: 5 yuan (50%)
Issues: 10 issues / 12 months
F. A History of the English-speaking Peoples
The book, written by Winston Churchill, who once was a famous Prince Minister of the UK, informs us
something about the history of English-speaking people. It says something until the time when the New World was discovered by Christopher Columbus.
Cover Price: $59.40
Price: $10.00 ($1.00 / issue)
You Save: $ 49.40 (83%)
Issues: 10 issues / 12 months