Dr. Green, Mrs. Brown, Li Ming 以及其他的读者,Mr. King 和Henry Jordan 正在书店选择自己所需的书刊。阅读下面六个介绍书籍及杂志的广告(选项A、B、C、D、E和F),选出符合各人需要的最佳选项,并标在相应的位置。选项中有一项是多余选项。
____1. Dr. Green — a historian who is interested in the English history.
____2. Mrs. Brown — a woman who tries her best to keep pace with the fashion.
____3. Li Ming—a Chinese student who considers English a headache but wants to make progress in it.
___4. Mr. King—a CEO in an IT company.
____5. Henry Jordan—an ordinary worker who is crazy about the mysteries of nature.
A. Discover
Newsmagazine of science devoted to the wonders and stories of modern science, written for the educated
general readers. Published (出版) by Disney Magazine Publishing Co., Discover tells many of the same stories by professionals (专业人员) read in Scientific American. A truly delightful family science magazine, each issue (每期) brings light and newsworthy topics to make dinnertime and water-cooler conversations interesting.
Cover Price: $59.88
Price: $19.95 ($1.66 / issue)
You Save: $ 39.93 (67%)
Issues: 12 issues / 12 months
B. Self
Published by Conde Nast Publications Inc., Self is a handbook devoted to women’s overall physical and mental health. Each issue contains usable articles such as “Style Lab”, in which wearable clothes are
mixed and matched on “Non-models” and the “Eat-right Road Map”, with tips on how to eat properly.
Cover Price: $35.86
Price: $15.00 ($2.5 / issue)
You Save: $ 20.86 (58%)
Issues: 10 issues / 12 months
C. Instyle
Instyle is a guide to the life and life-styles of the world’s famous people. The magazine covers the
choices about their homes, their clothes and their free time activities. With photos and articles, it opens
the door to these people’s homes, families, parties and weddings, offering ideas about beauty, fitness and
in general, life-styles. Publisher: The Time Inc. Magazine Company.
Cover Price: $47.88
Price: $23.88 ($2.38 / issue)
You Save: $ 24.00 (50%)
Issues: 10 issues / 12 months
D. Wired
This magazine is designed for leaders in the field of information engineering including top managers and professionals in the computer, business, design and education industries. Published by Conde Nast
Publications Inc., Wired often carries articles on how technology changes people’s life.
Cover Price: $59.40
Price: $10.00 ($1.00 / issue)
You Save: $ 49.40 (83%)
Issues: 10 issues / 12 months
E. Crazy English
This book is meant for the students who are learning English as a foreign language or a second language. Published by Guangming Publishing Company. The writer—Li Yang says it will be of great help to whoever reads it carefully.
Cover Price: 15 yuan
Price: 10 yuan
You Save: 5 yuan (50%)
Issues: 10 issues / 12 months
F. A History of the English-speaking Peoples
The book, written by Winston Churchill, who once was a famous Prince Minister of the UK, informs us
something about the history of English-speaking people. It says something until the time when the New World was discovered by Christopher Columbus.
Cover Price: $59.40
Price: $10.00 ($1.00 / issue)
You Save: $ 49.40 (83%)
Issues: 10 issues / 12 months

How far would you be willing to go to satisfy your need to know? Far enough to find out your possibility of dying from a terrible disease? These days that’s more than an academic question, as Tracy Smith reports in our Cover Story.
There are now more than a thousand genetic tests, for everything from baldness to breast cancer, and the list is growing. Question is, do you really want to know what might eventually kill you? For instance, Nobel Prize-winning scientist James Watson, one of the first people to map their entire genetic makeup, is said to have asked not to be told if he were at a higher risk for Alzheimer’(老年痴呆症).
“If I tell you that you have an increased risk of getting a terrible disease, that could weigh on your mind and make you anxious, through which you see the rest of your life as you wait for that disease to hit you. It could really mess you up.” Said Dr. Robert Green, a Harvard geneticist.
“Every ache and pain,” Smith suggested, “could be understood as the beginning of the end.” “That ’s right. If you ever worried you were at risk for Alzheimer’s disease, then every time you can’t find your car in the parking lot, you think the disease has started.”
Dr. Green has been thinking about this issue for years. He led a study of people who wanted to know if they were at a higher genetic risk for Alzheimer’s. It was thought that people who got bad news would, for lack of a better medical term, freak out. But Green and his team found that there was “no significant difference” between how people handled good news and possibly the worst news of their lives. In fact, most people think they can handle it. People who ask for the information usually can handle the information, good or bad, said Green.
【小题1】Which of the following is true about James Watson?
A.He doesn’t want to know his chance of getting a disease. |
B.He is strongly in favor of the present genetic tests. |
C.He believes genetic mapping can help cure any disease. |
D.He is more likely to suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. |
A.ask some questions | B.satisfy readers’ curiosity |
C.introduce the topic | D.describe an academic fact |
A.necessary to remove his anxiety | B.impossible to hide his disease |
C.better to inform him immediately | D.advisable not to let him know |
A.leave off | B.break down | C.drop out | D.turn away |
A.can accept some bad news | B.tend to find out the truth |
C.prefer to hear good news | D.have the right to be informed |
Dr. Green, Mrs. Brown, Li Ming 以及其他的读者,Mr. King 和Henry Jordan 正在书店选择自己所需的书刊。阅读下面六个介绍书籍及杂志的广告(选项A、B、C、D、E和F),选出符合各人需要的最佳选项,并标在相应的位置。选项中有一项是多余选项。
____1.Dr. Green — a historian who is interested in the English history.
____2. Mrs. Brown — a woman who tries her best to keep pace with the fashion.
3. Li Ming—a Chinese student who considers English a headache but wants to make progress in it.
___4. Mr. King—a CEO in an IT company.
____5. Henry Jordan—an ordinary worker who is crazy about the mysteries of nature.
A.Discover Newsmagazineofsciencedevotedtothewondersandstoriesofmodernscience,writtenfortheeducated generalreaders.Published(出版) byDisneyMagazinePublishingCo., Discover tells many of the same stories by professionals(专业人员) read in Scientific American. A truly delightful family science magazine, eachissue(每期) bringslightandnewsworthytopicstomake dinnertime andwater-cooler conversations interesting. CoverPrice:$59.88 Price:$19.95($1.66/issue) YouSave:$39.93(67%) Issues:12issues/12months |
B.Self PublishedbyCondeNastPublicationsInc.,Selfisahandbookdevotedtowomen’soverallphysicalandmentalhealth.Eachissuecontainsusablearticlessuchas“StyleLab”,inwhichwearableclothesare mixedandmatchedon“Non-models”andthe“Eat-rightRoadMap”,withtipsonhowtoeatproperly. CoverPrice:$35.86 Price:$15.00($2.5/issue) YouSave:$20.86(58%) Issues:10issues/12months |
C.Instyle Instyleisaguidetothelifeandlife-stylesoftheworld’sfamouspeople.Themagazinecoversthe choicesabouttheirhomes,theirclothesandtheirfreetimeactivities.Withphotosandarticles,itopens thedoortothesepeople’shomes,families,partiesandweddings,offeringideasaboutbeauty,fitnessand ingeneral,life-styles.Publisher:TheTimeInc.MagazineCompany. CoverPrice:$47.88 Price:$23.88($2.38/issue) YouSave:$24.00(50%) Issues:10issues/12months |
D.Wired |
This magazine is designed for leaders in the field of information engineering including top managers and professionals in the computer, business, design and education industries. Published by Conde Nast
Publications Inc., Wired often carries articles on how technology changes people’s life.
Cover Price: $59.40
Price: $10.00 ($1.00 / issue)
You Save: $ 49.40 (83%)
Issues: 10 issues / 12 months
E. Crazy English
This book is meant for the students who are learning English as a foreign language or a second language. Published by Guangming Publishing Company. The writer—Li Yang says it will be of great help to whoever reads it carefully.
Cover Price: 15 yuan
Price: 10 yuan
You Save: 5 yuan (50%)
Issues: 10 issues / 12 months
F. A History of the English-speaking Peoples
The book, written by Winston Churchill, who once was a famous Prince Minister of the UK, informs us
something about the history of English-speaking people. It says something until the time when the New World was discovered by Christopher Columbus.
Cover Price: $59.40
Price: $10.00 ($1.00 / issue)
You Save: $ 49.40 (83%)
Issues: 10 issues / 12 months