

1________(face) with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time.

2Scientific research is ________ great benefit to mankind.

3He tries to create an atmosphere ________ workers can communicate effectively.

4I won’t have you ________(speak) to your father like that. It is very impolite.

5She will give warm support to________ needs help .

6There are so many trees in the forest, the tallest of them________(measure) 50 meters.

7It was April 29, 2011 ________ Prince William and Kate Middleton walked into the palace hall of the wedding ceremony.

8Such an honest person is he _______ you can turn to him when you are in trouble.

9The more exposed young people are to financial issues, the _________(likely) they are to become responsible.

10I _________ (intend) to see you off at the airport, but I had an unexpected visitor when I was about to leave.

11Tom as well as two of his colleagues__________(fire) up to now.

12___________(bring) up in the countryside made Mr Wilson very hardworking when he was very young.

13Our school has about 200 computers, but only sixty percent _______(use) regularly.

14The church __________(date) back to the 18th century is under repair at present.

15I had just finished the experiment ______ the power cut occurred.










9more likely

10had intended

11has been fired

12Being brought

13are used





2考查介词。句意:科学研究对人类有巨大的好处。分析句子可知,此处考查be of + 抽象名词= be + 抽象名词的adj.这两种结构表达事物的特征,be of great benefit“有巨大好处”,故填of



5考查宾语从句。句意:她给予任何需要帮助的人温暖的支持。分析句子可知,此处是宾语从句连接词,从句needs help缺少主语,且意为“无论谁”,故用whoever引导,故填whoever


7考查强调句。句意:在201142日,威廉王子和凯特走进了婚礼殿堂。分析句子可知,此处考查强调句it was + 强调部分 + that…,故填that


9考查固定句型。句意:年亲人越多地面临经济问题,就越可能变得负责任。此处考查固定句型,the + 比较级the + 比较级“越…………”,故填more likely

10考查虚拟语气。句意:我本打算去机场送你,但正当我准备出发时,来了一个意外的访客。结合句意可知,此处考查had intended/ planned/ expected…“本打算/计划/期待”,它们是特殊的虚拟语气,表示没有按计划/安排等完成任务,故填had intended

11考查时态和语态。句意:到目前为止,汤姆和他的两个同事已经被开除了。由up to now判断为现在完成时,as well as“和……”有就远原则,故主语只看Tom,他和fire之间是被动关系,故用现在完成时的被动语态,主语Tom是第三人称单数,故填has been fired

12考查动名词。句意:在农村被养大使得威尔逊在年轻时很努力。分析句子可知,此处应用动名词作为句子主语,又Wilsonbring up之间是逻辑上的被动关系,故用动名词的被动形式being done,故填Being brought

13考查时态和语态。句意:我们学校有大约200台电脑,但是只有60%可以经常使用。此处是句子谓语动词,由has判断为一般现在时,主语sixty percent是指60%的电脑,故是复数形式,又computeruse之间是被动关系,故用一般现在时的被动语态,故填are used

14考查非谓语动词。句意:这些追溯到18世纪的教堂正在被维修。分析句子可知,此处是非谓语动词作后置定语,date back tochurch之间是逻辑上的主动关系,故用现在分词作定语,故填dating

15考查状语从句连词。句意:我刚完成实验,就停电了。根据句意可知,此处考查固定句型had done…when…“刚做完…………”,故填when

15小题考查when的特殊句型,像这样的句型搭配常见的有以下三个,be doing sth...when正在做……突然就, be about to do sth/be on the point of doing sth...when正要做……突然就……had done…when刚做完……突然就……,这三个句型中的when不能换成whileas,例如:

My mother was cooking when the doorbell rang.我妈妈正在做饭,突然门铃响了。

I hand finished my work when time was up.我刚完成工作时间就到了。

He was on the point of leaving when an unexpected visitor come.他正准备出门突然一个意外访客来了。


【题目】 Some best music and opera holidays for 2019.

Tangle wood Festival

The villages of Lenox and Stockbridge in western Massachusetts have been the summer home of the Boston Symphony Orchestra for more than 80 years, and its annual Tanglewood festival is East Coast America’s most distinguished music event. Andris Nelsons, BSO music director, conducts 14 of the concerts and star performers include Emanuel Ax, Paul Lewis and Anne-Sophie Mutter. Tickets on sale Feb 10.

June 15—Aug 25 (tanglewood.org)

Aspen Festival

This year is the 70th anniversary of the Aspen Music Festival, one of the longest-running and most prestigious festivals in the United States. The 2019 program has yet to be announced, but a typical eight- week summer season includes more than 400 classical music events—including concerts by five orchestras, solo (独奏) and classical music performances, fully staged opera productions, music lessons, lectures, and children’s programming. Tickets and details available in February.

June 27—Aug 18 (aspenmusicfestival. com)

Grand Teton Music Festival

Aspen’s great classical music competitor in the Rocky Mountains is the Grand Teton, which has been held in Jackson Hole since 1962 and at its heart is a timber concert hall, the Walk Festival Hall, famous for its friendly atmosphere and excellent natural sound. Despite its relatively modest size, the hall attracts the greats—current music director is the Scottish conductor Donald Runnicles. The program for 2019 is yet to be announced but subscriptions are on sale from Feb 1, single tickets from March 1.

July 2—Aug 17 ( gtmf. org)

Salzburg Festival

The excitement is building in Salzburg both for this summer and for its 100th anniversary year in 2020. Bar the Proms, it is the world’s oldest music festival and this year it will pack in an unbelievable 199 performances in 43 days at 16 venues. This year’s theme is ‘Myths’ and includes first public performances of Mozart’s Idomeneo and George Enescu’s opera dipe.

July 20—Aug 31 (salzburgfestival. at)

1Which of the festivals has the shortest history?

A.Tangle wood Festival.B.Aspen Festival.

C.Salzburg Festival.D.Grand Teton Music Festival.

2What can we learn about Tanglewood Festival?

A.It is held from June 27 to Aug. 18.

B.Its tickets can be available from March 1.

C.It is best known in the east coast of America.

D.Its more information can be got from gtmf. org.

3What is the similarity of Aspen Festival and Salzburg Festival?

A.Their tickets can be got in February.

B.They will be held in the same months.

C.They both have music and opera performances.

D.Their audience can be both adults and children.

【题目】 Tiny microbes (微生物) are at the heart of a new agricultural technique to manage harmful greenhouse gas. Scientists have discovered how microbes can be used to turn carbon dioxide into soil-enriching limestone (石灰石), with the help of a type of tree that grows in tropical areas, such as West Africa.

Researchers have found that when the Iroko tree is grown in dry, acidic soil and treated with a combination of natural fungi (霉菌) and other bacteria, not only does the tree grow well, it also produces the mineral limestone in the soil around its root.

The Iroko tree makes a mineral by combining Ca from the earth with CO2 from the atmosphere. The bacteria then create the conditions under which this mineral turns into limestone. The discovery offers a new way to lock carbon into the soil, keeping it out of the atmosphere. In addition to storing carbon in the trees' leaves and in the form of limestone, the mineral in the soil makes it more suitable for agriculture.

The discovery could lead to reforestation projects in tropical countries, and help reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in the developing world. It has already been used in West Africa and is being tested in Bolivia, Haiti and India.

The findings were made in a three-year project involving researchers from the Universities of Edinburgh, Granada, Lausanne and Delft University of Technology. The project examined several microbiological methods of locking CO2 as limestone, and the Iroko-bacteria way showed best results. Work was funded by the European Commission under the Future&Emerging Technologies(FET)scheme.

Dr Bryne Ngwenya of the University of Edinburgh's School of GeoSciences, who led the research, said"By taking advantage of this natural limestone-producing process, we have a low-tech, safe, readily employed and easily operating way to lock carbon out of the atmosphere, while improving farming conditions in tropical countries."

1The passage is mainly introducing ______ .

A.some useful natural fungi and bacteria

B.the soil-enriching limestone created by scientists

C.a newly-found tree in West Africa

D.a new way to deal with greenhouse gas

2Which of the following is True about tiny microbes?

A.Tiny microbes get along well with the Iroko tree in special soil.

B.CO2 can be broken down by natural fungi and bacteria.

C.The more greenhouse gas is, the more active tiny microbes become.

D.Most tiny microbes like living in dry, acidic soil.

3What does the underlined word "it" in paragraph 3 probably refer to?

A.Carbon dioxide.B.Soil.


4According to the passage, what can we infer?

A.The action of the tiny microbes can increase the oxygen in the earth.

B.Researchers tend to use natural power to solve their problem.

C.Researchers have done the experiment on trees in Africa for three years.

D.West Africa is one of the most polluted areas all over the world.

【题目】 The $380,000 aircraft, called the "Speeder", will be able to reach at least 150 miles per hour and have a 45-mile range and fly as high as 15,000 feet when it is on sale next year, according to David Mayman, CEO of JetPack Aviation, one of the companies that create and sell flying vehicles. This motorcycle can take off vertically (垂直地) from the grassland or a street and land on the other side of the city in a similar position. This idea has always been treated like science fiction.

At some point, the Speeder could be adapted to use electric energy, which is more environmentally friendly, but for now, Mayman said, no battery cells come close to the speed and potential power created by jet engines. Besides, like other developing similar craft, currently the Speeder will only be used for recreation and sport until laws and regulations begin to change in America.

Mayman argued that there was a large role for the Speeder to play in both civilian and military life. He said his company has been working for several years to develop a jet pack that could be used by Special Forces soldiers. As their cost continued to increase, he said, engineers began designing a personal aircraft that eventually turned into the Speeder.

Mayman said that the aircraft could be used to transport heavy loads or move soldiers on and off the battlefield, especially in areas too dangerous for helicopters. Unlike other flying vehicles, the craft is small enough to sit on the back of a boat or can be easily delivered by a common fighting vehicle.

1What can we infer about the Speeder according to paragraph 1? ______

A.It can fly 150 miles without stop.

B.It is created by several companies.

C.It has already appeared in markets.

D.It can land on a school playground.

2What limits the use of the Speeder at present? ______

A.The financial crisis.

B.The government policy.

C.The bad environment.

D.The technology development.

3What was the Speeder first intended for? ______

A.Sports games.

B.Military force.

C.Electrical engineering.

D.Public transportation.

4What advantage does the Speeder have when compared to other flying vehicles? ______

A.Its high speed to move heavy loads.

B.Its potential to use electric energy.

C.Its ability to replace helicopters.

D.Its small size that makes it convenient.

【题目】 In a study of young people in the UK aged 12-20, half of them said they had been bullied (欺凌) . People who are bullied are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety. They might lose interest in the activities they enjoy, avoid spending time with other people and not go to classes or school, which has a negative effect on their learning.

Bullying is not just physical, like hitting or kicking someone, or taking their things without permission. Bullying can also be With words- -saying or writing things that are not nice. Another type of bullying is social- choosing not to include someone, embarrassing someone or telling other people not to be friends with them. Bullying can happen at school, on public transport, when you're walking home, online .... In fact, it can happen anywhere.

Bullying usually involves more people than you think. There are the people who bully and those who are bullied. Sometimes other people help the bully or join in. Then there are the kids that support- -they don't bully anyone directly, but they support the bullying by being audience. They laugh or encourage the children who are bullying in other ways. This is why it's important for everyone to work together against bullying. Some children see what is happening and want to help, although they don't know how. Others may comfort and defend the person being bullied. To stop bullying we need everyone to be brave and take a stand.

Does your school do anything to prevent bullying? Why don't you create a student anti-bullying group? This group can do many things. Let the head teacher know how well the school is doing with fighting bullying and give them advice. Choose an anti-bullying slogan for your school, make posters and displays or take over the school's social media for a week to send out anti-bullying messages.

Bullying is a social problem and it needs a solution from society- in other words, everyone. Next time you see someone being cruel to someone else, take a stand! Don't laugh or ignore what's happening- -tell an adult as soon as possible and help everyone to realize that bullying is not OK.

1What happens to the students when they were school bullied?

A.They have interest in the activities.B.They are likely to talk with people.

C.They have to finish their learning.D.They become upset and anxious.

2What is the writer's attitude to being audience to bullying?



3What can we do to stop school bullying?

A.Watch and laugh at it.B.Realize and fight against it.

C.Comfort the victims.D.Stand by to be audience.

4What is the main idea of this passage?

A.School bullying and ways out.B.An introduction to school bullying.

C.An anti-bullying slogan.D.A student anti-bullying group.

【题目】 Hotels in Shanghai are requested to stop offering disposable toiletries (一次性洗漱用品) unless customers ask, in order to make efforts to reduce waste and pursue (追求) green development.1. The move is stated in a set of regulations on garbage sorting and recycling that went into effect in Shanghai.

Under the new regulations, most household plastic wastes should be sorted and recycled. The city also encourages individuals and companies to reduce their use of disposable plastic products. Kunlun Jing An hotel is one of those that answered the government call that “not offering disposable toiletries unless asked”.2. “Shanghai is taking a lead in the country to fight against plastic waste,” said Gerd Knaust, general manager of Kunlun Jing An hotel. “Hotels should make contributions to sorting and recycling garbage.3.”

4. “It is a good thing to reduce waste in daily life,” said Zhang Wei, 40, from east China’s Shandong Province who checked in the hotel for a business trip. He brought a reusable toothbrush after being informed by the hotel in advance.

At least 6.5 million sets of disposable toiletries are said to be used every day if the occupancy rate is 50 percent for the 13 to 15 million hotel rooms across China, said Du Liangliang of the Hotel Business Unit of Ctrip, China’s leading online travel agency. “5,” Du said.

A. The new measure will help reduce plastic waste, the hotel said

B. Guests are encouraged to use recyclable toiletries during their stay

C. If hotels stop offering disposable toiletries, it will be great progress

D. It is one of the steps that the government takes to protect our environment

E. Also, we should encourage customers worldwide to lead an eco-friendly life

F. The hotel has informed people of the change through online and offline means

G. Plastic products harm our environment so greatly that we shall reduce their use

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