
【题目】Directions: Complete the following sentences by using the proper form of the words or expressions given in the frame. Each one can only be used once.

There’s a Museum for Everyone

What comes to mind when you think of a museum? Perhaps you 1 an imposing building in a rather conventional(传统的)design made of high-quality stone? Perhaps you imagine a classic 2, such as the museum of natural history, the museum of fine art, or the national museum -- its exhibits displayed in a time - 3 style and falling in line with tradition.

Some people might consider these customary institutions the best way to 4 the future of typical educational topics. A museum of old breadboards, they may say, does not make up an orthodox(正统的)exhibition. But according to the Museum Association, a museum is defined as a place enabling “... people to 5 collections for inspiration, learning and enjoyment.” And so of the 2500 estimated museum in the UK, a few are bound to be considered a little unconventional.

What about Neil Cole’s Adventures in Science Fiction? This odd museum of classic science fiction was opened by the 6 Neil Cole. “Science fiction has become more mainstream so I thought people might want to see this,” says Mr Cole.

If clocks are more to your 7, why not visit the Cuckoo-land Museum? Set up by brothers Roman and Maz Piekarski, this collection of over 600 cuckoo(布谷鸟)clocks is considered to be the largest of its kind in the world -- and all from the Black Forest region in Germany.

Finally, you could visit the Victor Wynd Museum of Curiosities in London. This 8 institution reverses the trend of educating visitors through 9 explanations alongside its exhibits. Instead, it displays all of its 10 treasures, which include dodo bones, shrunken heads and a collection of McDonald’s Happy Meal toys, with no explanation at all.














1考查动词。句意:也许你会想象一座用高品质石头建造的传统建筑?此处缺少动词做谓语,根据“What comes to mind when you think of a museum?”可知此处表示“想象”,故填H

2考查名词。句意:也许你会想象一个经典的概念,比如自然历史博物馆,美术博物馆,或者国家博物馆——它的展品以一种具有时代影响力的风格展示,并且符合传统。做动词imagine的宾语用名词,根据“such as the museum of natural history, the museum of fine art, or the national museum”可知此处表示“概念”,故填B

3考查形容词。句意同上,修饰名词style用形容词,根据“falling in line with tradition”可知此处表示“有影响力的”,故填F

4考查动词。句意:有些人可能会认为这些惯例制度是保护典型教育主题未来的最佳方式。空前的to为不定式符号,此处需要填动词原形,根据“the future of typical educational topics”可知此处表示“保护”,故填I

5考查动词。句意:但是根据博物馆协会的说法,博物馆被定义为一个能够使人们为了获得灵感、学习和享受而探索收藏品。空前的to为不定式符号,此处需要填动词原形,根据“for inspiration, learning and enjoyment”可知此处表示“探索”,故填C

6考查名词。句意:这座古怪的经典科幻小说博物馆是由创始人尼尔·科尔创办的。做介词by的宾语用名词,根据“was opened”可知此处表示“创始人”,故填D

7考查名词。句意:如果钟表更合你的品味(你更喜欢钟表),为什么不去布谷鸟博物馆呢?做介词to的宾语用名词,根据“why not visit the Cuckoo-land Museum?”可知此处表示“品味”,故填J



10考查形容词。句意:相反,它展示了所有的奇珍异宝,包括渡渡鸟的骨头、萎缩的头颅和麦当劳的快乐儿童餐玩具,没有任何解释。修饰名词treasures用形容词,根据“which include dodo bones, shrunken heads”可知此处表示“古怪的”,故填G


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