
14.Shanghai Children Prove Money Smarts
Shanghai,the financial center of China,sure has raised some money-savvy children.
Ninety-two percent of Shanghai primary school students who took a recent test of their money smarts showed an understanding of financial management,and some even knew a thing or two about stocks (股票) and debts.
The FQ,or Financial Quotient test was conducted on Wednesday at three primary schools.It was designed to measure the students'ability to handle money,their understanding of spending and saving,and their knowledge of family finances and investment (投资).
One 8-year-old could identify six ways to make money-including investing in the stock and real estate (房地产) markets,selling old toys and getting good grades,said Xu Ting,head of the FQ Lab at Ant Fortune,the mobile financing platform of Alibaba Group Holding.
The students scored 73percent on average,surpassing the organizer's expectations about what children might be expected to understand about money management,Xu said.Twenty-six percent of the 200test takers,who were aged 8to 11,scored over 80points,and only 8percent notched under 60.
Asked about managing a New Year's money gift,61percent of the students said they would deposit the money in the bank,while 31percent said they would give it to their parents for investment.One student said he would lend the money to relatives to buy property-and charge interest.
Not all of the students who were tested had received financial education,although it is studied at the primary school affiliated (附属的) with the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology.Money education there is made into classes to teach students responsibility,teacher Xue Lei said.
"It's mostly to help the students to manage their pocket money,"Xue said.
Lao Kaisheng,a professor of education at Capital Normal University,shrugged off (耸肩表示蔑视) the test as more commercial than scientific.But it's clear that modern parents are conscious of money management and want their children to spend-and save-wisely.
63.The recent tests showed thatC.
A.Shanghai students pay off their own debts
B.Shanghai students focus too much on money
C.most Shanghai students are conscious of money
D.some Shanghai students take part in family investments
64.During the FQ test,the researcher measuredD.
A.how much Shanghai parents invest for their children
B.how much pocket money Shanghai children get every year
C.where Shanghai Children gain the knowledge of family finances
D.what Shanghai students know about making and managing money
65.What does the underlined word notched in paragragh 5mean?A
66.According to teacher Xue,financial education helps studentsD.
A.become more social
B.become more creative
C.become more confident
D.become more responsible.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了金融测试表明,上海的孩子更具有金钱的智慧,他们对储蓄和消费的理解更深刻,懂得更好的管理自己的财富,而金钱教育也使得他们更具责任感.

解答 63.C.细节理解题.根据文章第二段"Ninety-two percent of Shanghai primary school students who took a recent test of their money smarts showed an understanding of financial management,and some even knew a thing or two about stocks (股票) and debts"可知上海的小学生都已经有了钱的意识;故选C.
64.D.细节理解题.根据文章第三段"It was designed to measure the students'ability to handle money,their understanding of spending and saving,and their knowledge of family finances and investment (投资)"可知FQ试验过程中,研究者测量了上海学生所知道的关于创造和管理金钱的知识;故选D.
65.A.句意推断题.根据文章第五段"Xu said.Twenty-six percent of the 200test takers,who were aged 8to 11,scored over 80points,and only 8percent notched under 60"句意为200个测试者中百分子26的人,年纪在8-11之间,得分超过80.只有百分之8的人得分在60以下,可推测notched意为得分;故选A.
66.D.细节理解题.根据文章第七段"Money education there is made into classes to teach students responsibility"金钱教育会教育学生的责任感.可知金钱可以使学生变得更有责任感;故选D.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

9.Have you ever heard of homecoming?It's a tradition celebrated every year in the US.At homecoming,a school or university welcomes back former students or alumni(校友).(36)BIt means,"coming home."
This is a time when everyone can get together.(37)CThere are events that encourage school spirit all throughout homecoming week,which leads to the big day on Friday.
A major activity that most students will take part in is choosing the homecoming king and queen.(38)FThis is a group of boys and girls who represent (代表) school spirit.At the end of the week,students vote for a boy and a girl to be the king and the queen.
Then it's time for the football game,the main event of homecoming week!(39)DAlmost everyone from school goes to the game:students,parents,teachers,and alumni visitors.If they win,everyone is very happy.(40)AStudents dress up,and some might even bring a date to go with them.After the dance,homecoming is officially over,and everyone can't wait for next year!

A.The last event is the homecoming dance.
B.That is where the name comes from.
C.Homecoming usually lasts a week and happens in the fall.
D.The football team faces a lot of pressure to do well for the big crowd.
E.The tradition began more than 100 years ago in the United States.
F.Students get to pick who will be on homecoming court early in the week.
G.Homecoming week was not just about fun,but also a chance to try out new things.
5.Senator Jeff Flake,an adventurous politician,went on a four-day Robinson Crusoe style holiday with his two sons,(25)both of whom are teenagers,to a remote,uninhabited island in the North Pacific Ocean.They traveled 5,200miles from Phoenix,Arizona to the island of Biggarenn.They didn't carry any food or water.
The island is part of the Marshall Islands.It offered no basic facilities,(26)so/and the Flakes had to catch and cook their own food and purify their water.Their diet (27)was made(make) up of coconuts(椰子),fish and other seafood.They captured the fish and other sea creatures themselves and cooked the food over an open fire (28)started(start) with a magnifying glass(放大镜).
The Flakes brought along a lobster(龙虾) trap in hopes of having some delicious treats,but it was lost within the first few hours after (29)being attacked(attack) by a shark.They also carried two pumps to remove salt from ocean water.It took them hours each night (30)to pump (pump) for just a small amount of fresh water.
One of the most memorable moments of the trip,the father said,was (31)when he and his 15-year-old son were chased by sharks after catching a fish in the ocean.
Still,it was quite (32)an enjoyable holiday for the politician."For a dad it was a wonderful thing.No video games around,no television,no texting,"Flake recalled.

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