

How to Prevent Near-sightedness

Myopia, or near-sightedness, can be a severe inconvenience and may even cause big troubles when we operate cars or heavy machinery. Here are some tips that may help you to prevent myopia.


Whether it’s for the love of books or because you are studying for a test that just happens to take place tomorrow, don’t overdo it. This means either getting away from a page-turner or starting your studies a few days earlier. If prolonged reading can’t be avoided, try taking regular breaks to rest your eyes or take a nap.

2. Consume lots of eye-protecting vitamins.

2. It’s very meaningful to get kids to eat this healthy orange vegetable, which is rich in vitamins. Still, good doses of multi-vitamins will improve not only your eyesight but your health in general.

3. Do your reading or focusing in well-lit room.

Weak light may cause damage to your eyes and result in the need for glasses. 3.

Buy a reading light or just turn on a bright lamp.

4. Be mindful of the distance between your eyes and the object you’re focusing on.

4. It will also cause your head to ache and may dry out your eyes.

5. 5.

Early detection of near ­–sightedness can lead to quick treatment and less serious symptoms.

A. Try not to read for long lengths of time.

B. You should also eat a lot of other green vegetables.

C. Talk to an eye care doctor at the first signs of eye trouble.

D. Of course the first choice that comes to mind is the carrot.

E. It will also give you a headache and cause you to become tired.

F. Encourage more outdoor activities, such as running, cycling and playing tennis.

G. Whether it’s a book or the television, being too close is going to bother your eyes.

Researchers are placing robotic dogs (机器狗) in the homes of lonely old people to determine whether they can improve the quality of life for humans. Alan Beck, an expert in human-animal relationship, and Nancy Edwards, a professor of nursing, are leading the animal-assisted study concerning the influence of robotic dogs on old people’s depression, physical activity, and life satisfaction. “No one will argue that an older person is better off being more active, challenged, or stimulated (刺激),” Edwards points out. “The problem is how we promote (使……成为现实) that, especially for those without friends or help. A robotic dog could be a solution.”

In the study, the robot, called AIBO, is placed for six weeks in the houses of some old people who live alone. Before placing AIBO in the home, researchers will collect baseline data for six weeks. These old people will keep a diary to note their feelings and activity before and after AIBO. Then, the researchers will review the data to determine if it has inspired any changes in the life of its owner.

“I talk to him all the time, and he responds to my voice,” says a seventy-year-old lady. “When I’m watching TV, he’ll stay in my arms until he wants down. He has a mind of his own.”

The AIBOs respond to certain orders. The researchers say they have some advantages over live dogs, especially for old people. Often the elderly are disabled and cannot care for an animal by walking it or playing with it. A robotic dog removes exercise and feeding concerns.

“At the beginning, it was believed that no one would relate to the robotic dog, because it was metal and not furry, ” Beck says. “But it’s amazing how quickly we have given up that belief.”

“Hopefully, down the road, these robotic pets could become a more-valuable health helper. They will record their masters’ blood pressure, oxygen levels, or heart rhythms. AIBOs may even one day have games that can help stimulate older people’s minds. ”

1.The purpose of Beck and Edwards’ study is to __________.

A. understand human-animal relationship

B. make lonely old people’s life better

C. find the causes of old people’s loneliness

D. promote the animal-assisted research

2.In the research, the old people are asked to ____________.

A. note the activities of AIBOs

B. keep AIBOs at home for 12 weeks

C. record their feelings and activity.

D. analyze the collected information

3.What is the advantage of AIBO over live dogs?

A. It is easier to keep at home.

B. It can help the disabled people.

C. It responds to all the human orders.

D. It can watch TV with its owner.

4.The author seems to suggest that the future robotic dogs may _____________.

A. cure certain diseases

B. keep old people active

C. change people’s beliefs

D. look more like real dogs

Robert and Peter study in the same university. They do everything together and help each other. But they often play jokes on each other. The school year was over last month and they decided to travel through the country in America. They drove a car and could stop wherever they were interested in and started whenever they wanted. Of course they enjoyed themselves. It was very hot one day and they were both hungry and thirsty. They stopped in front of a restaurant by the road. They came in, sat down at a table and ordered some dishes. Robert looked around and found there was a small bowl on the table. He thought there was some ice cream in it and took a spoonful of it and put it into his mouth. Immediately he knew it was mustard(芥末),but it was too late. Tears ran down his face, but he pretended nothing had happened. The other young man, seeing his friend crying, asked, “What are you crying about, Robert?” “I’m thinking of my father who was hanged twenty years ago,” was his reply.

After a while, Peter made the same mistake. Tears ran down his cheeks, too. And his friend asked him why.

“I wonder why your father hadn’t been hanged before he got married!”

1.Robert didn’t tell Peter it was some mustard in the bowl because .

A. he wanted his friend to repeat the mistake.

B. he didn’t know his friend hated it.

C. he thought his friend knew what it was.

D. he thought his friend was interested in it.

2.What do Peter’s last words mean?

A. Robert’s father would be hanged earlier.

B. It was wrong to play a joke on a friend.

C. He must give his friend a lesson.

D. His friend wouldn’t be born.

3.The writer mainly wants to tell us________ in this passage.

A. not to trust your friend.

B. a joke

C. not to mistake mustard for Ice cream.

D. it’s wrong to lie to friends

Death Valley is one of the most famous deserts in the United States, covering a wide area with its alkali sand. Almost 20 percent of this area is well below sea level, and Badwater, a salt water pool, is about 280 feet below sea level and the lowest point in the United States.

Long ago the Panamint Indians called this place “Tomesha”— the land of fire. Death Valley’s present name dates back to 1849, when a group of miners coming across from Nevada became lost in its unpleasantness and hugeness and their adventure turned out to be a sad story. Today Death Valley has been declared a National Monument(纪念碑) and is crossed by several well-marked roads where good services can be found easily. Luckily the change created by human settlement has hardly ruined the special beauty of this place.

Here nature created a lot of surprising, almost like the sights on the moon, ever-changing as the frequent wind moves the sand about, showing the most unusual colors. One of the most astonishing and variable parts of Death Valley is the Devil’ s Golf Course, where it seems hard for one to tell reality from terrible dreams. Sand sculptures(沙雕) stand on a frightening ground, as evening shadows move and lengthen.

1._______ is the lowest place in the desert.

A. Tomesha B. Death Valley

C. Nevada D. Badwater

2.The name of the valley comes from _______.

A. an Indian name

B. the death of the miners

C. the local people

D. a National Movement

3.From the passage we can learn that _______.

A. no one had ever known the desert before the miners

B. it’s still not easy to travel across the desert

C. people can find gas-stations, cafes and hotels in the desert

D. people have changed the natural sight of the desert

4.Devil Golf Course is famous for _______.

A. the frequent wind B. the colors of the sand

C. dream-like sights D. the sand sculptures

5.From the passage we can see that the writer _______ the Death Valley.

A. appreciates B. is fearful of

C. dislikes D. is tired of

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