
19.Square dancing is a form of entertainment and physical exercise,which is a good thing.However,a group of senior Chinese ladies dancing in New York's Sunset Park were recently faced with noise complaints from nearby residents.The local court even served a summons (传票) related to a certain Ms.Wang.
The news soon caused heated discussion across China,with many believing the incident to involve a cultural conflict between the East and West,while others view it as a form of discrimination against Chinese in the United States.
The United States is a diverse society,and in many cases,Chinese dancers are tolerated and even appreciated.Meanwhile,the United States is a society based on the rule of law,and due to cultural differences,local regulations seem to be very different from those in China.As a result,some old Chinese ladies dancing in New York's Sunset Park found themselves caught in an embarrassing situation.Locals and immigrants from other nations view such noise as a violation of their right to enjoy tranquility.Calling the police is regarded as the most efficient way to solve such a problem.
Before,these ladies probably did not understand local customs and rules.However,since the incident took place,they should perhaps know a little better next time and keep the noise to a minimum.People from different nations are often supposed to reach compromises,respecting and tolerating each other.
Whatever your choice of entertainment,it is important not to affect other people's lives.Square dancing is only one of many activities during which people should mind their behavior.
As for U.S.police practice,there might still be some room for improvement.Some were said to be rather rude,leading to the so-called"racial discrimination,"which is a sensitive topic in U.S.society.
If the involved parties could be more tolerant,and solve such problems without involving the court,perhaps immigrants would mix more.

28.The writer mentions the incident in Paragraph 1toD.
A.make complaints                 B.show his opinion
C.criticize the local police      D.bring up the topic
29.What will the senior Chinese ladies most probably do after the incident?B
A.Ask America to change its law.
B.Keep the noise lower.
C.Go back to China.
D.Fight for their right.
30.What's the writer's attitude towards senior Chinese ladies dancing in New York's Sunset Park?C
A.He strongly supports the action of the local police.
B.He considers it a shame for senior Chinese ladies to do so.
C.He thinks all parties involved should be more tolerant.
D.He suggests such kind of problem should be solved in the court.
31.Where could this passage most likely be taken from?D
A.a story book     B.a brochure      C.a complaint letter      D.a newspaper.

分析 广场舞是一种娱乐和体育运动,这是一件好事.然而,一批资深的中国女士在纽约的日落公园跳舞最近面临来自附近居民的噪音投诉.当地法院甚至送达传票.

解答 28-31  D B C D
29题答案是B.细节理解题.根据they should perhaps know a little better next time and keep the noise to a minimum.他们或许应该知道得更多一些,下次使噪音降至最低.可住选B.
30题答案是C.推理判断题.根据If the involved parties could be more tolerant,and solve such problems without involving the court,perhaps immigrants would mix more.如果参与双方更宽容地解决问题,将会有更多的移民.故选C.

点评 这是一篇关于社会现象的阅读题.题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时需要结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案;推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理地分析才能得出正确答案,切记胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.

10.It is very important for people to drink water in our everyday life.Many people believe they are supposed to drink eight glasses of water a day,or about two liters.Why?Because that is what they have been told all their life.But a recent report offers some different advice.Experts say people should obey their bodies; they should drink as much water as they feel like drinking.The report says most healthy people meet their daily needs for liquid by letting thirst be their guide.The report is from the Institute of Medicine,part of the National Academies.The report contains some general suggestions.The experts say women should get about 2.7liters of water daily.Men should get about 3.7liters.But wait--in each case,that is more than eight glasses.
There is one important difference.The report does not tell people how many glasses of water to drink.In fact,the experts say it may be impossible to know how many glasses are needed to meet these guidelines.This is because the daily water requirement can include the water content in foods.People do not get water only by forcing themselves to drink a set number of glasses per day.People also drink fruit juices and sodas and milk.They drink coffee and tea.These all contain water.Yet some also contain caffeine.This causes the body to expel(排出)more water.But the writers of the report say this does not mean the body loses too much water.
As you might expect,the Institute of Medicine says people need to drink more water when they are physically active.The same is true of those who live in hot climates.Depending on heat and activity,people could need two times as much water as others do.All this,however,does not answer one question.No one seems sure why people have the idea that good health requires eight glasses of water daily.
It may have started with a misunderstanding.In 1945,the National Academy of Sciences published some guidelines.Its Food and Nutrition Board(营养膳食) said a good amount of water for most adults was 2.5liters daily.This was based on an average of one milliliter(毫升)for each calorie of food eaten.But that was only part of what the board said.It also said that most of this amount is contained in prepared foods.

56.In experts'opinion,every day a person should drinkC.
A.as much water as he can
B.more than eight glasses of water
C.according to actual need for his body
D.when he comes in sight of water
57.What is mainly described in the second paragraph?C
A.People know about the daily water requirement.
B.People need water instead of all kinds of drink.
C.People get daily water not only from drinking.
D.People drink all kinds of drink every day.
58.Who might drink less water according to the third paragraph?A

59.The writer mentions the guidelines in 1945toD.
A.meet with good results
B.follow the advice
C.give up his idea
D.correct the conclusion
60.The main purpose of writing the texts is toB.
A.make a good suggestion of drinking daily   
B.make clear the requirements to drink daily
C.tell the importance of drinking water daily 
D.figure out a good amount of water daily.
7.When international aid is given,steps must be taken to ensure(确保)that the aid reaches the people for whom it is intended.The way to achieve this may not be simple.It is very difficult for a nation to give help directly to people in another nation.The United Nations Organization (UNO) could undertake to direct the distribution of aid.Here however rises the problem of costs.Also tied with this is time.Perhaps the UNO could set up a body of devoted men and women in every country who can speedily distribute aid to victims of floods and earthquakes.
More than the help that one nation can give to another during a disaster,it would be more effective to give other forms of help during normal times.A common proverb says,"Give me a fish and I eat for a day,teach me to fish and I eat for a lifetime."If we follow this wise saying,it would be right to teach people from less developed nations to take care of themselves.For example,a country could share its technology with another.This could be in simple areas like agriculture or in more complex areas like medical and health care or even in building satellites.Even a small country is able to help less developed nations.Sometimes what is taken for granted,like the setting up of a water purification plant or the administration of a school,could be useful for countries which are looking about to solve common problems.It does not cost much to share such simple things.Exchange students could be attached for a number of months or years and learn the required craft while on the site.They can then take their knowledge back to their homelands and if necessary come back from time to time to clear doubts or to update themselves.Such aid will be truly helpful and there is no chance of it being temporary or of it falling into the wrong hands.
Many countries run extensive courses in all sorts of skills.It will not cost much to include deserving foreigners in these courses.Besides giving effective help to the countries concerned,there is also the build-up of friendships to consider.Giving direct help by giving materials may be effective in the short run and must continue to be given in the event of emergencies.However,in the long run what is really effective would be the sharing of knowledge.

56.According to the author,how could international aid reach the victims in time?C
A.By solving the cost problems.
B.By solving the transportation problems.
C.By setting up a body of devoted people in every country.
D.By relying on the direct distribution of the UNO.
57.What does the author try to express in the underlined sentence?C
A.Providing food is vital.
B.Learning to fish is helpful.
C.Teaching skills is vital.
D.Looking after others is important.
58.The second paragraph is developed mainlyA.
A.by example          B.by process         
C.by comparison       D.by contrast
59.Which aid is likely to fall into the wrong hands?D
A.A medical team.     B.An exchange program.
C.A water plant.      D.Financial support.
60.What can we infer about international aid from the passage?C
A.It is facing difficulties.
B.It is unnecessary during normal times.
C.It should be given in the form of materials.
D.It has gained support from developed countries.
4.This month,my 7-year-old daughter invited her friend to sleep over.Her mom,who had told me before she did not allow sleepovers,explained that she did not think the kids were ready for a sleepover until the age of 10.I then started to wonder whether there actually was a"right"age for a sleepover.
   I remember the first real sleepover I ever had.It happened when I was about 13 and a friend of mine invited me to sleep at her house.Luckily for me,her parents were not strangers.
   I think I cried for 2 months straight before being allowed my first sleepover.My parents were not completely heartless,though.I was actually sick at the time and had to take medication and they were very concerned about that,but I still did not like them saying"no".
   I remember my excitement the day before I finally got my sleepover.I could not sleep that night from the excitement.When I got there,my friend's house looked so beautiful and her parents were so nice and welcoming.
   Unfortunately though,the number of sleepovers I had throughout my childhood can be counted on two hands.And after every one of them,I realized exactly how much I was missing.It was only as an adult,when I was studying education,that I actually learned about the importance of sleepovers in kids'development no matter how old they are.
   A sleepover is one of those things every child needs experience on their own.It can do them a lot of good.
25.The friend of the author's daughterB.
A.is too sick to sleep over     
B.is less than ten years old
C.never listens to her mother  
D.has grown tired of sleepover
26.How was the author's first sleepover?D
A.It was really boring.
B.She can't remember it.
C.It was a painful experience     
D.She thinks it was enjoyable.
27.The author writes the text mainly toC.
A.explain what kids'development is  
B.discuss how strict parents should be
C.encourage children to have sleepovers
D.ask parents to keep an eye on their children.
11.Have you ever run into a careless cell phone user on the street?Perhaps they were busy talking,texting or checking updates on WeChat without looking at what was going on around them.As the number of this new"species"of human has kept rising,they have been given a new name-phubbers(低头族).
    Recently,a cartoon created by students from China Central Academy of Fine Arts put this group of people under the spotlight.In the short film,phubbers with various social identities(身份) bury themselves in their phones.A doctor plays with his cell phone while letting his patient die,a pretty woman takes selfie in front of a car accident site,and a father loses his child without knowing about it while using his mobile phone.A chain of similar events eventually leads to the destruction of the world.
    Although the ending sounds overstated,the damage phubbing can bring is real.
    Your health is the first to bear the effect and result of it."Constantly bending your head to check your cell phone could damage your neck,"Guangming Daily quoted doctors as saying."the neck is like a rope that breaks after long-term stretching."Also,staring at cell phones for long periods of time will damage your eyesight gradually,according to the report.
    But that's not all.Being a phubber could also damage your social skills and drive you away from your friends and family.At reunions with family or friends,many people tend to stick to their cell phones while others are chatting happily with each other and this creates a strange atmosphere,Qilu Evening News reported.
    It can also cost you your life.There have been lots of reports on phubbers who fell to their death,suffered accidents,and were robbed of their cell phones in broad daylight.
32.For what purpose does the author give the example of a cartoon in Paragragh2?A
A.To inform people of the bad effects of phubbing.
B.To advertise the cartoon made by students.
C.To indicate the world will finally be destroyed by phubbers.
D.To warn doctors against using cell phones while treating patients.
33.Which of the following is NOT a risk a phubber may have?C
A.His social skills could be affected.
B.His neck and eyesight will be gradually harmed.
C.He will cause the destruction of the world.
D.He might get separated from his friends and family.
34.Which of the following may be the author's attitude towards phubbing?B
35.What may the passage talk about next?C
A.Advice on how to use a cell phone.
B.People addicted to phubbing.
C.Measures to reduce the risks of phubbing.
D.Consequences of phubbing.
8.My father was,by nature,a cheerful,kindly man.Until he was thirty-four years old he worked as a farm-hand for Thomas Butterworth near the town of Bidwell,Ohio.On Saturday evenings he drove his horse into town to spend a few hours in social intercourse with other farm-hands.He was quite happy in his position in life.
It was in his thirty-fifth year that father married my mother,a school teacher.Something happened to the two people.The American passion for getting up in the world took possession of them.Mother induced father to give up his place as a farm-hand,sell his horse and start an independent enterprise of his own.They rented ten acres of poor stony land and launched into chicken raising.
One inexperienced in such matters can have no idea of the many and tragic things that can happen to a chicken.It is born out of an egg,lives for a few weeks as a tiny fluffy thing,then becomes naked,gets diseases,and dies.A few hens,and now and then a rooster,intended to serve God's mysterious ends,struggle through to maturity.The hens lay eggs out of which come other chickens and the awful cycle is thus made complete.It is all unbelievably complex.Most philosophers must have been raised on chicken farms.One hopes for so much from a chicken and is so awfully disappointed.Small chickens,look so bright and in fact so awfully stupid.They are so much like people they mix one up in one's judgments of life.If disease does not kill them they wait until your expectations are thoroughly aroused and then walk under the wheels of a carriage.
In later life I have seen how a literature has been built up on the subject of fortunes to be made out of the raising of chickens.It is intended to be read by the gods who have just eaten of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.It is a hopeful literature and declares that much may be done by simple ambitious people who own a few hens.Do not be misguided by it.It was not written for you.Go hunt for gold on the frozen hills of Alaska,put your faith in the honesty of a politician,believe if you will that good will defeat evil,but do not read and believe the literature that is written concerning the hen.
For ten years my father and mother struggled to make our chicken farm pay and then they gave up that struggle and began another.They moved into the town of Bidwell,Ohio and began the restaurant business,with the tiny hope of looking for a new place from which to start on our upward journey through life.
61.Which of the following is the right order of what happened?A
a.Father got married to Mother,a school teacher.
b.Father quitted working at Butterworth's.
c.My parents launched a business in Bidwell.
d.Father socialized in town on Saturday evenings
e.My parents started their job of chicken farming.
62.By saying"Most philosophers must have been raised on chicken farms",the author means that chicken farmingB.
A.is so complex that only philosophers can comprehend it
B.gives you a philosophical insight into life
C.exposes you to a complete circle of life
D.allows you the time to judge the life
63.In the author's opinion,the literature about chicken raisingD.
A.is full of hope and positive energy
B.proves the victory of good over evil 
C.persuades you to believe in politicians
D.tends to be blindly optimistic about its rewards
64.What's the author's attitude towards parents'dream of rise to success?C
9.Ears are for hearing-everyone knows that.But for a creature called the Cuvier's beaked whale,hearing starts in the throat,a new study found.
The observation might help explain how all whales hear.The work might also help scientists understand how animals are affected by underwater sonar (一种探测系统).This sonar,used by some ships,sends out sound waves to locate underwater objects.
The Cuvier's beaked whale is a so-called toothed whale.Toothed whales dive deep into the ocean in search of food.As the whales hunt,they produce sounds that reach objects and then return to the whales.This allows the animals to"see"the shape,size,and location of objects,even when they're 1,000meters under the sea,where it is totally dark.
To better understand how the whale hears,researchers from San Diego State University in California took X-rays of two Cuvier's beaked whales.The whales had died and washed up on the beach.
Ted Cranford and his colleagues used the images to make a computer model of a Cuvier's beaked whale's head.Then,they modeled the process of sound traveling through the head.
The researchers knew that some sounds get to the ears of a toothed whale through a structure  called"the window for sound".Found on the lower jaw,this structure is very thin on the outside and has a large pad (垫) of fat on the inside.
When the researchers used their computer model to work out how sound waves travel in the whale's head,they were surprised to find that sounds coming from right in front of the whale actually travel under the animal's jaw.From there,sound waves move through the throat,into a hole in the back of the jaw,and finally to the pad of fat near the animal's ears.
Cranford guesses that other types of whales may hear through their throats.Further testing is needed to be sure.Eventually,the insight into how whales hear might explain whether sonar testing by military ships is causing the animals to wind up on beaches.

72.Toothed whales look for food under the sea byC.
A.watching the shape and size of their objects  
B.diving deep into the sea
C.sending and receiving sounds     
D.making lots of noises
73.Researchers took X-rays of two Cuvier's beaked whales in order toD.
A.find out why they had died and washed up on the beach
B.make a computer model of a Cuvier's beaked whale's head
C.make sure that sound travels through the head
D.know more about the way the whale hears
74.Which of the following describes the way taken by sound waves through a Cuvier's beaked whale?B
A.A hole in the back of the jaw→the ears→the jaw→the throat.
B.The jaw→the throat→a hole in the back of the jaw→the ears.
C.The throat→the jaw→the ears→a hole in the back of the jaw.
D.The ears→the throat→a hole in the back of the jaw→the jaw.
75.What can be inferred from the last sentence of the passage?D
A.Ears are useless to the Cuvier's beaked whale.
B.Military ships send out sounds like a Cuvier's beaked whale.
C.The whale's unusual acts have nothing to do with human activities.
D.Further research might show human activities can influence whale's activities.

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