
On Monday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention predicted that 42% of Americans could be overweight by 2030. Our expanding waistlines lead to not only a medical problem, but according to a recent article In The New York Times, it could also endanger personal safety in some situations—in an airplane crash, for example.

The New York Times’ Christen Negroni reports that engineers and scientists are questioning whether airplane seats are adequately constructed to protect overweight travelers. Government standards for airplane seat strength(强度)— first set moe than 60 years ago — require that the seats be made for a passenger weighing 170 pounds (77kg). Today, the average American man weighs nearly 194 pounds (88kg) and the average woman 165 pounds (75kg). Negroni reports:

“If a heavier person completely fills seat, the seat is not likely to behave as intended during a crash,” said Robert Salazar, the leading scientist at the Center for Applied Biomechanics at the University of Virginia. “The energy absorption that is built into the aircraft seat is likely to be overpowered and the passengers will not be protected properly.”

“Nor would the injury be limited to that passenger only,” Dr. Salzar said. “If a seat or a seat belt fails,” he said, “those people who are seated nearby could be endangered from ‘the uncontrolled movements of the passenger’.”

Most complaints about airplane seats focus on their lack of comfort and high ticket price, and whether overweight passengers should be made to buy two seats. But The New York Times’ article brings up another reason to feel anxious about flying. Investigators of the issue got in touch with the airplane seat and seat belt makers, but they refused to comment on the problem. Experts agreed that crash testing should be done with overweight dummies (人体模型). Both airplane seats and seat belts should be tested, they said.

Fortunately, however, according to Nora Marshall, a senior adviser at the National Transportation Safety Board, the board’s investigators have never seen an accident involving a commercial plane in which the weight of a passenger was a problem.

1.What is the article in The New York Times mainly concerned with?

A. The size of airplane seats and seat belts.

B. Safety of overweight airplane passengers.

C. Airplane crashes involving commercial planes.

D. A medical problem caused by being overweight.

2.Robert Salzar would probably agree that .

A. overweight passengers should buy two seats

B. the government should help produce safer planes

C. standards for airplane seat strength should be raised

D. passengers should know how to protect themselves

3.We can learn from the text that .

A. airplane seat makers have taken action now

B. there are few complaints about airplane seats

C. those seate near the overweight may suffer too

D. only a small number of airplane accidents involve the overweight

4.What is the best title for the text?

A. Why Do Passengers Feel Anxious about Flying?

B. Will 42% of Americans Be OVERWEIGHT BY 2030?

C. When Will the Overweight Enjoy Their Flight?

D. Are Airplane Seats Safe Enough for the Overweight?


Many years ago,Dad worked as a farmhand(农场工人).At that time,he had a horse.Every Saturday he ________to the town after dinner and spent a few hours on social ________ with other farmhands,such as drinking, chatting,and playing cards in the cafe.On Saturday evenings,the cafe was ________ because many farmhands were there.Before midnight Dad returned home on his horse,quite satisfied with his ________.In his words,he ________ thought of changing his job.

At the age of 31,Dad married my mother who was a schoolteacher.In the following spring I came ________ into the world.Life became hard,so my mother felt ________.She told Dad that they must make a ________.

My mother had ________ of how some famous persons,especially Thomas Edison who was born in a poor family,fought against fate and achieved greatness and ________.And she ________ that I would some day become a great leader _____ men or cities and Dad should be a successful businessman.So she ________ Dad to give up his job as a farmhand,sell his horse and ________ a small business of his own.And I went to high school and college. She even sent me abroad for ________ education when I graduated from college.Under the drive of my mother’s hope,Dad and I ________ what we have today.Dad runs a big international ________ and I am a successful lawyer ________ great fame in my country,________ not a leader as my mother expected.

Dad said,without my mother,we wouldn’t be what we are today; at least,he would remain a farmhand.________ he got a lesson of life --- sometimes we really need drive from outside.

1.A. rode B. walked C. ran D. drove

2.A. conversations B. games C. relationships D. activities

3.A. cold B. crowded C. quiet D. dirty

4.A. horse B. entertainment C. life D. beer

5.A. often B. ever C. never D. sometimes

6.A. laughing B. singing C. sleeping D. crying

7.A. unimportant B. busy C. unsatisfied D. tired

8.A. living B. change C. decision D. house

9.A. dreamed B. heard C. thought D. spoken

10.A. honesty B. money C. fame D. energy

11.A. cared B. knew C. forgot D. hoped

12.A. training B. ruling C. helping D. protecting

13.A. warned B. wanted C. allowed D. persuaded

14.A. start B. find C. design D. sell

15.A. farther B. higher C. easier D. closer

16.A. showed B. kept C. lost D. achieved

17.A. company B. school C. farm D. cafe

18.A. suffering B. sharing C. enjoying D. following

19.A. though B. if C. and D. since

20.A. So B. However C. Or D. Because

Many visitors find the pace at which American people move very troubling. One’s first ______ is likely to be that everyone is in a rush. City people always ______ to be hurrying to get where they are going and are very impatient if they are delayed even for a brief moment.

____, this may seem unfriendly to you. But drivers will ______ you; storekeepers will be in a hurry as they ______ you; people will push you ______ they walk along the street. You will ______ smiles, brief conversations with people as you shop or dine away from home. Do not ______ that because Americans are in such a hurry they are ______. Often, life is much slower outside the big cities, as is true in other countries______.

Americans who live in cities such as New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles, often think that everyone is ______ in a hurry to get things done; they ______ others to “push back”, just as city people do in Tokyo, Singapore or Paris, for example. ______ when they discover that you are a stranger, most Americans become quite kind and will take great ______ to help you. Many of them first came to the city as ______ and they remember how frightening a new city can be. If you need help or want to ask a question, _______ a friendly-looking person and say, “I am a stranger here. Can you help me?”

Most people will stop, smile at you, and help you find your ______ or answer your questions. But you must let them know that you need help. Otherwise they are ______ to pass you by, not noticing that you are new to the city and in ______ of help. Occasionally, you may find someone too busy or perhaps too rushed to give you aid. If this happens, don’t be ______; just ask someone else. Most Americans enjoy helping a stranger.

1.A. mistake B. discovery C. experience D. impression

2.A. chance B. appear C. pause D. come

3.A. At times B. In the end C. At first D. Now and then

4.A. rush B. load C. remind D. send

5.A. drive B. persuade C. employ D. serve

6.A. because B. as C. although D. before

7.A. wear B. enjoy C. miss D. trust

8.A. think B. shock C. watch D. attract

9.A. unhappy B. unexpected C. uncertain D. unfriendly

10.A. as usual B. as well C. in need D. in reply

11.A. equally B. generally C. endlessly D. frequently

12.A. forbid B. limit C. expect D. choose

13.A. Even if B. So C. And D. But

14.A. temper B. care C. step D. energy

15.A. rebellers B. experts C. strangers D. patients

16.A. choose B. reject C. disturb D. avoid

17.A. hotel B. way C. necessity D. duty

18.A. likely B. unable C. nervous D. terrible

19.A. face B. charge C. front D. need

20.A. gentle B. tired C. discouraged D. surprised

Stephanie Plum Novels by Janet Evanovich

Janet Evanovich’s series about brash and beautiful New Jersey bounty hunter(赏金猎人)Stephanie Plum has readers addicted. Start with One for the Money and follow the number titles to follow Stephanie’s adventures.

Jackson Brodie Mysteries by Kate Atkinson

Atkinson’s literary thrillers are will written, intelligent and suspenseful. Jackson Brodie is a detective who solves cases in Scotland and England, and the books also have plenty of personal details about Brodie. No need to read these novels in order, although there are some connections from book to book.

Alex Cross Novels by James Patterson

Patterson's Alex Cross series started with Along Came a Spider in 1993 and has been keeping readers entertained ever since. Patterson writes short chapters from several viewpoints, keeping the pages turning as readers solve homicides with this likable detective.

Kinsey Milhone Mysteries by Sue Grafton

Starting with A is for Alibi, Grafton has written an alphabet of mysteries starring detective Kinsey Milhone. These murder mysteries are fast and fun.

The Southern Vampire Series by Charlaine Harris

Dead Until Dark is the first book in Charlene’s Southern Vampire series, which inspired the HBO TV series True Blood. These novels are fast and sexy, but well written and full of interesting characters. If you like vampires(吸血鬼) or supernatural elements in stories, this is the series for you.

1.If you are interested in books about adventure, you’d like to read _______.

A. Kinsey Milone Mysteries B. Alex Cross Novels

C. Stephanie Plum Novels D. The Southern Vampire Series

2.Which of the following is NOT the name of a book?

A. True Blood. B. Along Came a Spider.

C. One for the Money. D. A is for Alibi.

3.Whose books don’t need to be read in order?

A. Janet Evanovich’s. B. Kate Atkinson’s.

C. Sue Grafton’s. D. James Patterson’s.

What Does the Length of Your Fingers Say About You? Are you the peace-loving type or the ambitious go-getter?

Your finger length might be a clue. Take a look at your fingers. Would you believe me if I told you that the length of your fingers in relation to one another can predict your personality? I know that it sounds like one of those silly tests you see on Facebook, but I have to admit that it is exactly correct for me. Here’s how it works.

Look at your three middle fingers of your hand. Is your index finger longer than your ring finger? Is your ring finger longer than your index finger? Or are the two of the same length? Find the situation that best matches your hand and see if what follows is an accurate description of your personality.

Longer ring finger: The Sweet Talker

If your ring finger is longer than your index finger, research shows that you’re likely a charming type, and you can probably talk yourself out of any situation. Others often find this personality type irresistible and will go to great lengths to help you. You’re more likely to take risks, and you’re good at problem-solving. People in this category make great engineers, soldiers and crossword-puzzle solvers.

Longer index finger: The (Over) Confident One

If your index finger is longer than your ring finger, chances are you are full of confidence—possibly even to the point of being over-confident and proud. You are not necessarily introverted (内向的), but you do enjoy time to yourself, especially when you’re trying to complete a project. You are a dream pursuer who can make things happen, but you may be shy when it comes to taking the first step in a relationship. You are also probably happy with what you have, but you’re always wishing for more.

Index and ring finger are of the same length: The Peacemaker

If your index finger and ring finger are roughly of the same length, you are likely to avoid conflict at all costs and seek to keep the peace in your relationships. You are well-organized, faithful and sympathetic. But deep down under all of that caring and peace-loving, you also have a hot-tempered side that can appear unexpectedly when you’re pushed too far. You will try your hardest to avoid a fight.

How well do these descriptions match your personality? I was surprised at the accuracy in my case, but I’m not going to tell you which one it was!

1.Which of the following hand could be an engineer’s hand?

A. B.

C. D.

2.We can learn from the passage that the author ______.

A. is very charming and helpful

B. always tries hard to avoid a fight

C. often takes silly tests on Facebook

D. thinks the descriptions suit him well

3.What does the passage intend to tell us?

A. How accurate the description of the test is.

B. The length of fingers can reveal personality.

C. Why your fingers are not of the same length.

D. Personality is determined by your finger length.

4.Where can you probably find the text?

A. A popular magazine.

B. An official report.

C. A public advertisement.

D. A biology textbook.

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