
14.一How long do you think it will be       we know the result of the job interview?
一About one month.(  )

分析 ---你觉得要过多久我们才会知道面试的结果?

解答 答案:B
分析句子结构可知,该问句符合"It+(will )be+时间段+before …"的结构; 意为:"过了多久才…";本句的意思为:要过多久我们才会知道面试的结果;故选B

点评 本题考查从属连词before的用法:
1.before 作从属连词时,意为"在…之前,还没来得及…就";She left the company before I could have a word with her.2.用于句型"it be+时间段+before …"表示"过了多久才…"It will be half a year before you graduate from this school;3.趁…(还没有);Do it before you forget it.
另外,还应注意until与before的区别:before 在…之前;比…早些;强调时间先后关系;until在…以前;直到…时;当主句是肯定句时,表示主句动作的终止时间;主句是否定句时,强调主句动作的起始时间.

16."Sleep-disordered breathing"is a term for a group of conditions that can interfere with nornlal breathing while people sleep.These include snoring,mouth-breathing and sleep apnea(窒息).Sleep-disordered breathing can do more than just leave people feeling tired the next day.It can also affect people's health.In children the effects can include behavioral and emotional problems.
In a new study.1ed by Karen Bonuck at the Einstein College of Medicine.researchers asked parents about their children's breathing from when they were babies up to about age seven.The study finds sleep-disordered breathing is associated with a fifty percent increase in outcomes including hyperactivity(多动症),aggressiveness and problems relating to other children.
Ms.Bonuck says the more serious the breathing problems,the more serious the behavioral issues were likely to be.Other studies have:linked sleep with children's behavior,but this study was extensive enough to:reject other possible causes.
How well do you sleep?A popular belief is that sleep gets worse with age.But.in another new study,those who reported the fewest problems with the quality of their sleep were people in their eighties.
Researchers did a telephone survey of American aduhs.Michael Grandner at the University of Pennsylvania medical school says the original goal was to confirm that aging is connected with increased sleep problems.The survey did find an increase during middle age,worse in women than men.But except for that,people reported that their sleep quality improved as they got older.At least they felt it did.
Mr.Grandner says."Even if sleep among older Americans is actually worse than in younger adults,feelings about it still improve with age."
In the study,health problems and depression were linked with poor sleep.But,based on the study.Mr.Grandner says older people who are not sick or depressed should be reporting better sleep."If they're not.they need to talk to their doctor."he says.He says heahtlh care providers generally dismiss sleep complaints from older adults as a normal part of aging.
66.Sleep-disordered breathing makes it hard for people to haveDwhile sleeping.
A.mouth-breathing    B.snoring    C.sleep apnea      D.normal breathing
67.Karen Bonuck thinks sleep-disordered breathing is likely to impact children'sB.
A.hobbies      B.behavior         C.study        D.diet
68.The telephone survey showed thatA.
A.older Americans'sleep quality improved with age
B.older Americans hatl better sleep than younger adults
C.people in their eighties had the most sleep problems
D.men had more sleep problems than women
69.From Mr.GraMner's words in the last paragraph we call learnB.
A.older adults with poor sleep needn't see doctors
B.we shouht not ignore sleep complaints from older adults
C.most doctors place great emphasis on older adults'poor sleep
D.sleep complaints from older adults are a normal part of aging
70.The text is mainly aboutA.
A.new findings on sleep in children,older adults
B.people's health problems
C.children's breathing problems
D.older adults'sleep complaints.

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