
2.I had just finished my work ______ my friend came to visit me.(  )

分析 我刚完成工作,这时我的朋友就来看我了.

解答 答案:B
A.然而,却(表示对比);当…时候;B.当…时候,这时(突然); C.当…时;D.如果;由于题干中使用了"had just done sth when…"这一结构,意为:"某人刚刚做了某事,这时";分析句意可知,此处意为:这时;故选B

点评 本题考查从属连词when的用法;做本题时,首先应熟练掌握各从属连词的用法及区别;其次根据要主从句之间的句意关系,从而选出相应的连词.

4.An Israeli law banning too-skinny models went into effect with the start of 2013.The law,approved last March in Israel,requires models to prove they have maintained a Body Mass Index (BMI) of at least 18.5 for three months before a fashion show.That means a woman who is 5'8"tall can weigh no less than 119 pounds.
"This law is another step in the war against eating disorders,"said physician Adatto."Underweight models,"he explained,"can no longer serve as rold models for innocent young people who copy their false image of being skinny."
But some critics in this country say it is misguided,focusing on weight instead of health.They also say the Israeli ban is bound to fail because of the strong power of the fashion industry."I think it's an approach that isn't going to work."Said eating disorder expert Susan Ice,who worked with an organization wich creates a healthy working environment for models.
But Adatto told the reporter that he began to concern the issue after meeting an aspiring model who looked like she needed to be hospitalized.He said."I realized that only legislation can change the situation.There was no time to waste,so many girls were dieting to death."
However,the efforts to regulate models's weight in Spain and Italy have not resulted in part because of difficulties in determining reliable methods of measuring weight and health."
?Still,folks including Ice say there's no denying that images from Hollywood and the fashion industry can be difficult for young women to deal with."Certainly I don't believe the modeling industry has caused the rise in eating disorders,but it makes it harder,"she says."It's a difficult recovery environment,worshiping thinness as the beauty ideal."
61.What does BMI in the first paragraph refer to?A
A.A measure of body health based on height and weight.
B.A worldwide prize for the healthies model.
C.A new show held by those skinny models.
D.A kind of medicine to cure eating disorders.
62.One benefit the new Israeli law may bring isC.
A.to change the working conditions of models
B.to lower the chance of skinny models's death
C.to prevent models from suffering from eating disorders
D.to provide guidance for women worshiping thinness
63.In the opinion of the critics,the law won't succeed becauseB.
A.it misleads young women to form a bad eating habit
B.the fashion industry is much too influential
C.it doesn't provide a proper approach that can work well
D.it doesn't create a healthy working environment for models
64.What cause Adatto to think that a law was needed to change the situation?D
A.Establishing his fashion-model agent.
B.Metting an ambitious but too skinny model.
C.Being interviewed by a reporter.
D.Seeing a model die from eating disorders.
65.According to the passage,the new Israeli law banning skinny models isD.
A.practical      B.acceptable     C.reasonable     D.controversial.
5.See a cellphone cover that you like on Taobao?Forget about placing an order,paying the bill online and waiting for days for it to be delivered to you.In the near future,you'll be able to get it in minutes just by hitting"print"on your computer.You might find it hard to believe that you could actually"print"an object like you would a picture.But it is not that hard to understand how it would work.Just as a traditional printer sprays ink onto paper line by line,modern 3D printers spread material onto a surface layer by layer,from the bottom to the top,gradually building up a shape.Instead of ink,the materials the 3D printer uses are mainly plastic,resin and certain metals.The thinner each layer is-from a millimetre to less than the width of a hair-the smoother and finer the object will be.This may sound like a completely new technology,but the truth is that 3D printing has been around since the late 1980s.Back then,it was barely affordable for most people,so few knew about it.Last year,though,saw a big change in the 3D printing industry-printers became much cheaper.For example,10years ago a desktop 3D printer might have cost£20,000,while now they cost only about£1,000,according to the BBC.Taken out of the factory and introduced to more diverse and common uses,3D printing can create just about anything you can think of-flutes,bikinis,jewelry,aircraft parts and even human organs.In fact,scientists from Cornell University in New York have just made an artificial ear using a 3D printer,according to Science Daily.The fake ear looks and acts exactly like a natural one.However,as 3D printing becomes more common,it may bring about certain problems-such as piracy."Once you can download a coffee maker,or print out a new set of kitchen utensils on your personal 3D printer,who will visit a retail store again?"an expert in 3D printing told Forbes News.Even more frightening,what if anyone in the world could use a 3D printer to print out a fully functioning gun?
8.According to the article,in the future,the 3D printing technology willB.
A.enable people to make better purchases online   
B.change the way we make many products   
C.be applied as widely in our daily life as computers   
D.shorten the time it takes for people to get what they buy online
9.What happened in the 3D printing industry last year?D
A.The 3D printing technology was taken out of the factory.
B.The 3D printing technology began to be used in various fields.
C.The 3D printer was used for medical treatment for the first time.
D.The 3D printer became more affordable for consumers.
10.How is the last paragraph developed?A
A.By giving examples.B.By making comparisons.
C.By analyzing the cause and effect.D.By presenting research findings.
11.What is the best title of the passage?D
A.Great Demand for 3D Printers  
B.Technology in the Future
C.Online Shopping Disappearing  
D.Printing out Everything.

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