
16.His adviceprevented (阻止) me from making a serious mistake.

分析 他的建议使我没有犯这么一个严重的错误.

解答 答案:prevented.
分析句子的结构和意思可知,本句考查短语prevent sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事,这是描述的过去的事实,所以用一般过去时.故答案为prevented.

点评 做翻译填空的题目要注意解题步骤:1.分析每道题目需要完成部分的语法属性 2.划出已给出部分的中心词.依据空格前后成分,确定空格的语法属性:词性、单复数、时态等.

7.Learn and EarnCharlie and Jackie joined a wholesale company together just after graduation.They both worked very hard.After several years,the boss made Jackie sales manager but Charlie(41)D  a salesman.One day Charlie could not(42)B it any more.He handed in his resignation letter (辞职信) to the boss and complained that the boss did not(43)Ahard-working employees,but only raised those who tried to please him.He thought that it was really (44)C.
The boss knew that Charlie had spared no(45)Afor the company all these years,but in order to help Charlie to realize the(46)Dbetween him and Jackie,the boss asked Charlie to do the  following."Go and(47)Bif there is anyone selling watermelons in the market."Charlie went,returned and(48)Asaid,"Yes."The boss asked,"How much per kilogram?"Charlie went back to the market to ask and returned to(49)C,2 per kg."The boss told Charlie that he would ask Jackie the(50)Dquestion.Jackie went,returned and said,"Boss,only one person selling watermelons.12per kg,100for 10kg.He has a (51)Bof 340melons.On the table are 58melons,and every melon weighs about 15kg,(52)Dfrom the South two days ago.They are fresh,red,and of good (53)C."
Charlie was(54)B and he realized the difference between himself and Jackie.He decided not to(55)A but to learn from Jackie.
My dear friends,you know,a more(56)Dperson is more observant,thinks more and understands in(57)C.For the same matter,he sees several years ahead,(58)Byou see only tomorrow.The difference between a year and a day is 365times,so how could you (59)A?
Think:how far have you seen ahead in your life?How(60)Care you?
47.A.carry outB.find outC.look outD.pick out
11.Why do people travel?There are many reasons one can think of when asked questions like this.
To travel far enough to meet yourself
Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere.(36)B  You find out your abilities.When you are offered a different lifestyle,you can find out what you are made of.The farther you go from your home,the nearer you come to your true self.
If you look back at all the amazing memories of your life,you will realize that most of them were out of your comfort zone.Travelling is dangerous,full of life threatening possibilities and will not always be comfortable,but at the same time,it gives irreplaceable memories.
To slow down and relax
A wise man once said that never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.Money is worth nothing if you cannot spend it on a little adventure.While we are deeply involved in making money,we forget that time is going through our fingers.(38)G   The feeling of being away from your workplace is pure happiness.The feeling of not having to worry about the never ending piles of files is pure joy.(39)F  
To celebrate life
Life is short and the world is wide.One day you might wake up and realize that you don't have time to do everything that you have always wanted to do,anymore.Once in a while,make time to appreciate the fact that you are alive,young,free and healthy.(40)D 

A.To become a storyteller
B.Travelling lets you discover yourself
C.To break through your comfort zone.
D.So,go travelling to celebrate life itself.
E.You can relate to the world and connect to others.
F.And the feeling of being away from your boss for a few days is pure pleasure.
G.Escape life for a little while because experience is far more valuable than money.
8.When people are addicted(上了瘾的)to a thing,such as a drug or alcohol(酒精),they're not able to control the use of that thing I.(36)EThey may want to give up,but find it very difficult to do so without help.
When body levels of that thing go below a certain level the patient has physical and mental problems.(37)FThere are also suddenly increased appetite(食欲).Addiction continues despite health problem awareness.They continue taking the thing regularly,even though they have developed illnesses linked to it.For example,a smoker may continue smoking even after a heart condition develops.
Some activities are given up because of an addiction to something.(38)GAn alcoholic may turn down an invitation to go camping or spend a day out on a boat if no alcohol is available.
(39)AAs the addiction progresses they may stop doing things they used to enjoy a lot.This may even be the case with smokers who find they cannot physically deal with taking part in their favorite sport.
(40)DThis may be either because the thing affects judgment and they take risks they would not take if they were sober(清醒的),or in order to get hold of the thing they break the law.

A.They will drop hobbies.
B.They may take risks driving fast.
C.Lack of money leads them to do so.
D.They'll have problems with the law.
E.They continue taking it,even though it may cause harm.
F.There're bursts of anger,poor focus,and a feeling of being sad and empty.
G.A smoker may decide not to meet up with friends in a smoke-free pub or restaurant.
5.The capital city of South Korea,Seoul,is putting up 300 new street sings with the purpose of(41)warning (warn) pedestrians about the dangers of walking while absorbed in their smartphones.
he first signs have been at five locations in the hope(42)that they'll stop"smartphone sleepwalkers"in their tracks.One sign at a major traffic crossroad shows a person staring at a handheld device(设备),(43)completely (complete) unaware of the danger of being hit by a car.
While some signs(44)are attached  (attach)to traffic light poles,others are on the pavement in order to attract those looking down(45)at their mobile devices.But some locals aren't sure whether those signs will work.One man points out that"most people(46)who/that  are usin their phones on the street aren't going to be able to see them"
More than 1000 smartphone-related traffic collisions were recorded in South Korea in 2014,(47)compared (compare) to 437 such incidents in 2009.South Korea has one of the (48)highest (high) smartphone ownership rate in the world,but like many Asian countries it's also been trying to handle rising levels of (49)addiction (addict) to the devices.
While Seoul's innovation(创新) is government-funded,two Swedish artists(50)had (have) a similar idea late last year,putting up unofficial smartphone warning signs in Stockholm.
15.Many people are closely following the political polls (民意测验) during the final weeks preceding this important election.(71)B
Polls are surveys of a relatively small number of people compared to the actual number who will vote.They are an attempt to determine who may actually win an election in advance of the final vote.Let's say that 100 million people are expected to vote in the general election.If 100 people are asked for their opinions,each respondent represents a million voters.Obviously,the results are not very reliable.(72)D
(73)EThey try to find a representative variety of people to question.For example,they look for people with similar backgrounds and from similar regions to those of all the voters.
Pollsters also ask questions to determine how many people supporting each candidate will actually vote.If a candidate has a higher percentage of enthusiastic supporters,he has a much better chance of winning election.
(74)G The campaigns use those results to help them decide which issues to stress or which positions to clarify.They can also determine which voters to target with their messages.
Because no two people are the same,polls can never be perfect predictors of the real vote.But they can give important clues as to where things may be heading.(75)F

A.Why are polls so popular?
B.But how do these polls actually work?
C.However,polls sometimes dont actually make sense.
D.The more people surveyed,the more accurate the results are.
E.Pollsters have various ways of making their polls more accurate.
F.At the very least,if you like politics,polls can be great entertainment.
G.Polls often ask potential voters what they like or dislike about each candidate.

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