
12.On October 19,1959,the first Special English progam was broadcast on the Voice of America as an experiment to communicate by radio in clear and simple English with people whose native language was not English.Experts said the purpose was good,but the method would not work.However,The Special English programs quickly became some of the most popular on VOA.(36)F
Forty years later,Special English continues to communicate with people who are not fluent in English.(37)CIt also helps people learn American English.And it provides listeners,even those who are native English speakers,with information they canot find elsewhere.
(38)G  Each half-hour broadcast begins with ten minutes of the latest news followed by 20minutes of feature programming.There is a different shortfeature every weekday about science,development,agriculture and environment and on the weekend about news events and American idioms.
(39)A It has a limited vocabulary of 1,500words.Most are simple words that describe objects,actions or emotions.Special English is written in short,simple sentences that contain only one idea.And Special English is spoken at a slower speed,about two-thirds the speed of Standard English.(40)E It also helps people who are English speakers understand difficult subjects.

A.Three things make Special English unique.
B.It has a special program for New Year's Eve.
C.But during the years its role has got bigger.
D.VOA Special English is an example of a new language.
E.This helps people learning English hear each word clearly.
F.And they are still poplar today.
G.Today,Special English broadcasts around the world seven days a week,five times a day.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了BBC的特殊语言节目,从一开始不被认可,到后来的大受欢迎.

解答 36.F.推理判断题.根据前文The Special English programs quickly became some of the most popular on VOA可知直到今天他们仍然受欢迎;故选F.
37.C.推理判断题.根据后文It also helps people learn American English.And it provides listeners,even those who are native English speakers,with information they canot find elsewhere可知但在过去的几年里,它的作用越来越大;故选C.
38.G.推理判断题.根据后文Each half-hour broadcast begins with ten minutes of the latest news followed by 20minutes of feature programming可知今天,全世界每周有七天的特殊英语广播,每天五次;故选G.
39.A.推理判断题.根据后文It has a limited vocabulary of 1,500words.Most are simple words that describe objects,actions or emotions可知使得特殊英语变得独一无二的东西有三件;故选A.
40.E.推理判断题.根据后文It also helps people who are English speakers understand difficult subjects可知这有助于学习英语的人清楚地听到每一个单词;故选E.

点评 七选五阅读是完成性阅读,和完形填空很类似,不同的是一个选词,一个选句子.解题时,要注意上下文语境,充分考虑信息词(选项中和空格前后句子中相同或相近的词),选出最符合语境的句子.

2.Did you hear what happened at yesterday's meeting?Can you believe it?If you find those sorts of quietly whispered questions about your so-workers irresistible,you're hardly alone.But why are we drawn to gossip?
A new study suggests it's because the rumors are all about us."Gossip receivers tend to use positive and negative group information to improve,promote,and protect the self,"writes a research team led by Elena Martinescu of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands.In the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,the researchers describe two experiments testing the personal value gossip receivers get.
The first featured 178 university undergraduates who had all previously worked on at least one course assignment with a group of four or more students.Participants were asked to recall and write a short description of an incident in which a group members shared with them either positive or negative information about another group member's secret.They then reported their level of agreement with a series of statements.Some of these measured the self-improvement value of the gossip ("The information received made me think I can learn a lot from X"); others measured its self-promotion value ("The information I received made me feel that I am doing well compared to X").Still others measured whether the gossip raised personal concerns ("The information I received made me feel that I must protect my image in the group").
In the second experiment,122 undergraduates were assigned the role of"sales agent"at a major company.They received gossip from a colleague that a third person either did very well or very badly at a performance evaluation,and were then asked about the emotions that information caused.They also responded to the above-mentioned set of statements presented to participants in the first experiment.
In each experiment,participants found both negative and positive gossip to be of personal value with different reasons."Positive gossip has self-improvement value,"they write."Competence-related positive gossip about others contains lessons about how to improve one's own competence."On the other hand,negative gossip has self-promotion value,because it provides individuals with social comparison information that justifies self-promoting judgments which results in feelings of pride."
In addition,the results"showed that negative gossip elicited self-protection concerns,"the researchers write."Negative gossip makes people concerned that their reputations may be at risk,as they may personally become targets of negative gossip in the future,which generates fear."Fear is hardly a pleasant sensation(感觉),but it can be a motivating one.As researchers put it:"Gossip conveniently provides individuals with indirect social-comparison information about relevant others."
58.Why are we drawn to gossip according to the researchers?A
A.We need evaluative information about others to evaluate ourselves.
B.We are interested in the news that arouses our personal concerns.
C.We tend to gain a sense of pride from judging others.
D.We are likely to learn lessons from others'mistakes.
59.According to the first experiment,which of the following shows self-promotion value?A
A.I've done better than Mary according to what Tom said about her.
B.I should behave myself in case of being gossiped about like Mary.
C.I have to learn from Mary according to what Tom said about her.
D.I have no comments on what Tom said about Mary.
60.What's the critical difference of the second experiment compared with the first one?D
A.The identities of the participants.
B.The number of the participants studied.
C.The time during which the experiment lasted.
D.The role-play technique used in the experiment.
61.What role does"negative gossip"play according to the researchers?C
A.A fear killer     B.A motivator  C.A protector    D.A subject provider.
3.Our environment isn't as green and beautiful as it should be.There are steel monsters blocking out the sun.blowing out dangerous smoke,and letting out poisonous chemicals into rivers,cars producing harmful waste gas,people throwing out waste in a wrong way and all other kinds of sources that ruin the planet.Facing current environmental problems,people need to do their best to save the earth.
You cart see many big garbage dustbins in the streets.They're not there for a show,but for you to drop your waste.We should realize that what we do does count.So next time you get that urge to throw gum or a chocolate package out of the car window,or"accidentally"drop as you walk down the street,ask yourself how much waste you've been contributing to the environment with that bad habit going on for years.
At home,the first thing we can do to protect the environment is avoid letting water run continuously and make sure that taps are not leaky(漏的),which would help greatly in scrimping.Another is to use energy-saving lights,and turn them off before you leave the rooms.It is not only energy-saving,but also cuts down electricity costs.
Recycling is a method to make items reusable.Many things you want to throw out can be made into new products through the reproducing process.Use your imagination to come up with ways on things that you can use again.
Pass the message of simple ways to save the environment on to kids.Starting with kids is a good way of teaching the message early in their lives,in the hope that they can carry it forward as they grow older.
With environmental protection awareness in mind,we can do what we can,for the results are to have a big effect on the planet.As long as we do our part,the world is one small step closer to being saved.

32.In the first paragraph the author uses"steel monsters"to refer toA.
A.big factories
B.high mountains
C.huge buildings
D.characters in fairy stories
33.From the fifth paragraph,we can know thatB.
A.wonderful life comes from environmental protection
B.protecting the environment should start from childhood
C.protecting the environment begins with small little things
D.protecting the environment benefits the country and the people
34.Which of the following is NOT true?D
A.To protect the environment may help you save some money.
B.Your bad habits for the environment are a harmful contribution.
C.The more people do their part,the greener the environment will be.
D.Selling what you don't want any more is not a kind of recycling.
35.The passage is mainly aboutB.
A.the use of garbage dustbins
B.how to save the environment
C.our present environmental problems
D.how to save water and electricity.
7.I met Daisy Banks on the way to Maghar.She was walking down the road with her white stick,and I saw her walking into a muddy(41)C.If she continued,she might have(42)Dinto the water.Not wanting this to happen,I stopped my(43)Cand called out,"There's a hole in front of you,Daisy.If it's all right with you,I'll(44)Cyou to your place."
She happily(45)D.I took herag so she could climb on my motorbike.We talked about her(46)B,and I discovered she was on the way to her school.
Daiy had called me a couple of times since our chance(47)B.However,I had been unable to meet her(48)Amy busy schedules.Finally,(49)Cat the Mahdu Mall,she said.We talked about a range of issues,and I came to(50)Athat Daisy possessed knowledge which would challenge that of many(51)Cfit people.
Although she has a mother and three brothers,Daisy has been(52)A on her own for the past years.She cooks for herself and washes her own clothes while(53)Ato teach every morning at Maghar's Primary School.While doing her(54)B ,she tries to remember people,places,and things in order to manage her daily life.She is a (an)(55)Cperson,telling me that she made the decision to live alone after her(56)Csaid they would take turns to look after her each month.Daisy felt this would(57)Aher.Daisy's main source of information is through her(58)B,learning about various news as they are broadcast.
Daisy lost her eyesight as a baby and had to learn how to survive at an early age.I really(59)Dher confidence and the way she carried herself in her life.Thank you,Daisy Banks.You have reminded me of what truly matter in life but are(60)C lacking in our ity.
48.A.due toB.in addition toC.instead ofD.in spite of
17.Last July,we asked what you dream of doing as an adult.Thanks for your great responses!We wish we had room to print them all.Here are just a few.
Work and play
My ideal job is being a construction worker,but only on an amusement park.
James Martian,Age 9  Alaska
Royal Fashion Designer
In the future,I want to sew dresses for a queen.I could make whatever design I wanted.Her breakfast dress would be blue and long.Her lunch dress is purple and medium.Her dinner dress is red and short.They would all have sparkles.I think they would be pretty.I like my dream job.
Jenna Suchyta,Age 6  Washington
A"Police Law Fireman"
When I grow up,I want to be a policeman or a fireman or a lawyer because they help people.Maybe I will combine all three and become a"Police Law Fireman".I can work as a policeman in the morning.I can do law things in the afternoon.I can do fireman things in the evening.But for now,I want to be a boxer to build up my muscles.I will need my strength!
Avi Samuels,Age 7  Illinois
Playing in the Band
My dream job is to become a professional guitarist and singer for my future five-member rock band.I practice the guitar,and I have written hundreds of songs!The reason why I want to be a guitarist and singer is that I am very interested in music itself,so I want to create some of my own.
Jake Francis,Age 12  Ohio

21.What do you think is the best title for the passage?A
A.Your dream job.B.Your dream.C.Your future job.D.Your great chance.
22.Who has done something for his or her future?C
A.James Martian  B.Avi Samuels    C.Jake FrancisD.Jenna Suchyta
23.Where can you find this passage?B
A.In a fashion magazine.
B.In a children's magazine.
C.In an entertainment newspaper.
D.On a website.

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