
11.Baron Pierre de Coubertin was a Frenchman.At his time sports were not taught in French schools.De Coubertin believed that sports should go hand in hand with studies.He had an idea.His idea was to begin the Olympicsall over again.
Sports teachers of other countries liked de Coubertion'sideas.So in 1896,the modern Olympic Games were held in Athens(雅典),Greece.Since then the Olympics have been held once every four years,except three times,when there were wars.
The modern Olympic games have many foot races and field sports programs.The longest race in the games is called marathon.
Before the start of the Olympic Games,runners carry lighted torch ( 火炬) through many nations towards the stadium(运动场)where the games will be held.These sportsmen are from different countries.Yet they work together to carry the Olympic torch.It is passed from runner to runner.When the last runner enters the stadium,he or she places the torch in a special(专门的) basin filled with oil.It catches fire.It is then,only then,that the Olympic Games can begin.
The Olympic flame(火焰)burns throughout the games.It is the flame of peace.
27.Before 1896 French schools didn't teach.D.
A.maths B.History C.physics D.sports
28.De CoubertinC.
A.was the first man to start the Olympic Games
B.believed that sports were less important than studies
C.helped start the modern Olympic Games
D.failed to begin the modern Olympic Games
29."Marathon"in this passage isB.
A.a jumping contest(比赛)
B.a foot race
C.field sports
D.a boxing(拳击)match
30.Which of the following is NOT true?A
A.After the start of the Olympics,the Olympic flame is put out.
B.The torch is carried from runner to runner through many countries.
C.Runners who carry the torch can be men or women.
D.The Olympic Games don't begin until the basin of oil catches fire.

分析 本文讲述了奥林匹克运动会的起源以及发展.

27.D 考查细节理解,根据"Baron Pierre de Coubertin was a Frenchman.At his time sports were not taught in French schools."可知,1896年以前,法国的学校没有体育课.故选D.
28.C 考查细节理解.根据"De Coubertin believed that sports should go hand in hand with studies.He had an idea.His idea was to begin the Olympicsall over again."可知,顾拜旦帮助开启了现代奥林匹克运动会.故选C.
29.B 考查细节理解.根据"The longest race in the games"可知,马拉松是指一种长途竞走比赛.故选B.
30.A 考查细节理解.根据"the Olympic Games can begin.The Olympic flame(火焰)burns throughout the games"可知,奥运会开始后,奥运圣火不会熄灭.故选A.

点评 阅读理解考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

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2.Accept Your Problems
Everybody thinks his or her problem is big and unique in the world.Many of us keep on thinking,worrying,and hurting ourselves (23)A some problems arise in our life because we try to simply escape away from the pain.
There was once a(n) (24)B who took on a project for solving problems (25)D the human kind.It was a very (26)B angel and wanted to score 100percent,so it (27)C all the people who were thinking a lot about their (28)C and gave them a piece of paper.The angel (29)A the people to write their problems down but not to write down their names.
(30)D wrote their problems in detail and folded the paper in half.Then they were told to put their paper in a common box placed before the angel.
"Now,"the angel said,"those who want to (31)C your problems,please come forward.Pick one and your problem will be exchanged with the one on your chosen paper."
There were all sorts of people there:poor,rich,smart,disabled.Every kind of person you can imagine.They all started picking and (32)A the other person's problem.To the angel's and everyone's (33)D,their remarks and reactions were the same.
"Let me remain with my (34)C problem.I can manage it.Oh God,I didn't know this type of problem was also here in the world,"they exclaimed.They all now knew the extremity of the problems faced by others.
The (35)B is simple.Just don't worry about the problems.Problems are like wounds.They have their time and then they disappear.The more we think about them,the longer they remain.
(36)D leave your worries (37)A and live happily forever.

16.Icelanders have a beautiful tradition of giving books to each other on Christmas Eve and then spending the night reading.This custom is so deeply rooted in the culture that it is the reason for Christmas Book Flood,when the majority of books in Iceland are sold between September and December in preparation for Christmas giving.
"Books get attention here."Says Baldur Bjarnason,a researcher who has written about the Icelandic book industry.
The small Nordic island,with a population of only 329,000 people,is extraordinarily literary(文学的).They love to read and write.According to a BBC article,"The country has more writers,more books published and more books read,per head,than anywhere else in the world…One in 10 Icelanders will publish a book."
It seems there is more value placed on physical,paper books than in North America,where e-books have grown in popularity.One bookstore manager said,"The book in Iceland is such an enormous gift-you give a physical book.You don't give e-books here."The book industry is driven by the majority of people buying several books each year,rather than the North American pattern of a few people buying lots of books.
It sounds like a wonderful tradition,perfect for a winter evening.It is something that I would love to incorporate (吸收) into my own family's celebration of Christmas.

33.What do Icelanders do on Christmas Eve?A
A.They give books to each other and read books.
B.They buy a lot of books to read.
C.They check the mailboxes and send cards to friends.
D.They get together and sing Christmas songs together.
34.How many people in Iceland can be described as writers?B
A.329,000 B.32,900 C.3,290 D.3,290,000
35.What is the difference between Icelanders and North Americas on buying books?C
A.People in Iceland never buy e-books.
B.People in North America never buy physical books.
C.A few people buy a large number of books in North America.
D.In Iceland,everyone buys a large number of books each year.
3.I was lucky enough to have a chance to study in the United States as an international student from the Ukraine when I was fourteen years old.I went to a wonderful school,West Catholic High School,for my freshman year.
I remember my first day at that school as if it were yesterday.I was very nervous,and I could feel my heartbeat on the tips of my toes.My main fear was that I would not be able to express myself due to the language barrier.I was trying to have as little communication as I possibly could.And I almost succeeded,until we had to introduce ourselves in front of the class.
And the moment the word"international"flew out of my mouth,i was surrounded by thirty people who were asking questions one after anther.I remember some of the questions were"Where is the Ukraine?Is it a kingdom?""Do you have McDonald's?Does it taste the same?"and"Say something in your language."It turned out to be the opposite of less communication,but it was so much fun.
During the first three months,I certainly experienced a bit of cultural shock.I think Americans are the nicest people I have ever met in my entire life.They always smile and say,"Hi,how are you?"
One day,I noticed the students looking at me suspiciously.Finally,my classmate came up to my locker and whispered,"Is that true that you are a princess(公主)and that you came to study here so that nobody would recognize you?"At one point,I even had an image of myself wearing a gown and waving at the crowd.What?People do have a wild imagination!
During my study abroad experience,I saw a totally new world,experienced great culture,met a lot of incredible(不可思议的)people and improved my language.This trip inspired me to learn foreign languages.That is one of the reasons why I speak five different languages today.

4.On the first day of school,the author was afraid thatB.
A.she would be too shy to talk with others.
B.she could not communicate with others well.
C.she would not be able to do well in her studies
D.she would have difficulty learning a new language.
5.When the author's classmates knew she was an international student,theyD.
A.made fun of her
B.prepared a pecial gift for her
C.were eager to make friends with her
D.showed interest in her country's culture.
6.What does the underlined word"suspiciously"in Para.5 probably mean?A
A.Doubtfully      B.Excitedly     C.Angrily        D.Fearfully
7.What can we learn from the text?D
A.The author decided to settle in the USA.
B.The author didn't want to make herself known.
C.The author always imagined herself as a princess.
D.The author got lots of benefits through studying abroad.
9.Rocky had always been picked on by some of his schoolmates.Nothing (41)B him more.But no matter how much he told them not to do so or even shouted at them,they wouldn't (42)C.One of his friends wanted to help him and told him a(n) (43)D about Sparky.
Sparky was a fighting bull.One day,Sparky stood next to his owner's house,(44)D the farmer's TV,and it was showing a bullfight.Sparky (45)C that this was what lay (46)A him,so he spent the rest of his life preparing for the day of his fight.
Soon,that day arrived.When Sparky (47)C the bullring(斗牛场),he was suddenly pushed in the back.It was very (48)A,and Sparky felt like his blood was boiling.But he knew (49)B what he needed to do,and he remained still.Soon,the bullfighter(50)B,trying to provoke(挑衅) Sparky.Sparky felt like (51)A his horns(角) deep into this stupid guy,but he controlled his(52)B,kept still and waited.
After some time,the crowd started to whistle.It got so bad that the bullfight organizers decided to(53)C the bull.This had been the most boring bull that anyone could remember.
So Sparky was (54)D to his field and allowed to live out his life in peace.Never again did they put him in a bullring,(55)B everyone knew that he would provide no amusement.
His friend told Rocky:"Those people(56)D making fun of you because they see how angry they make you.But (57)C you did what Sparky did,not reacting to anything,they'd get bored and look for someone else to (58)A,someone who could provide more amusement."
Rocky gradually tried to put this(59)D into practice.At first,it wasn't easy,but as Rocky(60)A to his plan,those people got bored with him.After a few days they found more interesting things to do than make fun of Rocky.
46.A.ahead ofB.afterC.underD.beside
58.A.pick onB.pick upC.put onD.put up

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