

最近你的学校的英文报刊Growth在征稿,话题是 “父母是不是最好的老师”。同学们有人认为是,也有人认为不是。请你根据下表写一篇稿件并简要发表你的观点。









3. 可适当发挥,使行文连贯。


The students in our school hold different opinions on whether our parents are our best teachers.





International Studies (BA)

Key features

?Recognizes the “global community”(国际社会)

? Has close connections with practical research

? Much of the teaching is done in small discussion groups

About the course

The course gives you chances to know great power politics between nation states. It will provide more space to study particular issues such as relationship among countries in the European Union, third world debt, local and international disagreement, and the work of such international bodies as the United Nations, the European Union, NATO, and the World Bank.

The course puts theories into the working of the international system with close attention to particular countries. You will also have a better knowledge of methods of solving the international problems.

Related (相关的) courses

●BA (Hons) Community Management ● BA (Hons) Public Policy and Management

Employment possibilities

●International organizations ● International business

Earth Science (BSc)

Key features

? Based on key courses and the latest research findings

?Pays much attention to practical skills

?Offers chances for fieldwork(实地考察)

About the course

The demand for natural resources is becoming an increasingly serious problem for the future of mankind. Graduates in Earth Science will play an important role in meeting this demand, and in knowing the meaning of using the natural resources.

The course covers geography and geology. You will carry out fieldwork in the UK and possibly overseas, and a research in an area of interest to you in the final year.

Related courses

BSc (Hons) Geography; BSc (Hons) Geology

Employment possibilities

Mineral , oil, water or other related engineering industries.

1.International Studies is a course in _______

A. international politics B. international business

C. international systems D. international bodies

2.After taking the course of International Studies, the students will _______.

A. become practical and open-minded

B. have a greater ability to discuss theories

C. know how to settle international problems

D. have good jobs in any international organizations

3.Earth Science, as described in the second text, ______.

A. is attractive because of the chances for fieldwork

B. pays more attention to practical skills than theories

C. is built on important courses and the results of recent studies

D. encourages students to play a role in using natural resources

4.It can be inferred that the above two texts are written for the students who _______.

A. enjoy research work

B. plan to choose courses

C. study in the UK

D. are interested in overseas fieldwork

Windows 8, apart from Windows 95, is the biggest surprise and the only version of Microsoft’ s operating system that has been changed from the core(核心)when compared to its former one. However, a recent study has shown that under 20% of business owners would be willing to upgrade to the new version of Windows. The reason for this remains to be discussed and debated, and we will try to throw light on this research by providing you with some of the most common advantages and disadvantages of Windows 8.

Generally speaking, there are a great number of plus sides related to upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 8.

Speed — This is the biggest advantage to mention. Boot time has been reported to be up to nine times shorter than that with Windows 7.

New passwords — Instead of typing your passwords, Windows 8 will let you use gestures on your favorite photos to enter your password. This is not only practical but also extremely cool!

Windows 8 experience — Apart from computers, Windows 8 will be used on all devices, including smart phones, tablet PC’s and so on. Also, owing to the fact that it has been specifically designed with touch screen users in mind, Windows 8, besides using keyboard and mouse, will offer a whole new user experience.

However, there are still some disadvantages.

The first one that has to be mentioned is that there is no Start Menu from Windows. Yes, there is no Start button in the lower left corner, and this might be a real puzzle of many Windows users. Also, many users have had a problem to get used to the new interface(界面)introduced by Windows 8. The biggest problem that is worth noticing is that Windows 8 was originally designed for touch screen users, and this may have a bad effect on desktop users who have gotten used to doing everything with the help of their keyboard and mouse.

1.What does “plus sides” in Paragraph 2 probably refer to?

A. Math symbols. B. Strengths.

C. New rules. D. Messages.

2.The most attractive aspect of Windows 8 is its .

A. fast rate B. complex passwords

C. unique experience D. new interface

3.From the text we can learn that Windows 8 .

A. no longer requires a password

B. was upgraded from windows 95

C. will be popular with desktop users

D. can be used on more than computers

4.Many Windows 8 users will face the problem that .

A. they don’t get accustomed to the new interface

B. they have to use fingerprints instead of buttons

C. keyboard and mouse can’t be used any longer

D. Start Menu is hidden in the lower left corner

One evening last summer, when I asked my 14 year old son, Ray, for help with dinner, his response shocked me."What’s a colander(漏勺)?" he asked.

I could only blame myself.In the family, nobody else’s hands went in the sauce except my own.But that night, as I explained with a touch of panic that a colander is the thing with holes in it, I wondered what else I hadn’t prepared Ray for.

As parents, while we focus on our sons’ confidence and character, we perhaps don’t always consider that we are also raising someone’s future roommates, boyfriends, husbands, or fathers.I wanted to know that I’d raised a boy who would never ask the woman in his life, "What’s for dinner?" So I came up with a plan: I would offer Ray a private home economics course.I was delighted to find that he didn’t say no.For two hours, three days a week, Ray was all mine.One day, as his tomato sauce reduced on the stove, he washed and seasoned a chicken for roasting.Then he rolled out the piecrust (馅饼皮) and filled it with apples, all while listening to my explanation on the importance of preheating an oven.

I knew that he would rather have been shooting hoops in the driveway than learning to mend socks with his mother—he tried to beg not to have sewing lessons, even though I insisted that one day, someone would find the sight of him fixing his own shirt very attractive— but it couldn’t be denied that he was learning, and more than just housekeeping."I appreciate what you do as a mom," he told me one day.Ray now understands the finer points of cooking, and more importantly, he realizes there’s nothing masculine (男子气概的) about being helpless.

Now, not only can he make his own dinner, but also he can make a big meal for his family.That’s what I call a man.I’m glad that I prepared so great a present for my future daughter in-law.

1.Why was the author shocked at her son’s response?

A.Because he was not well behaved.

B.Because he refused to help with dinner.

C.Because he didn’t know the common kitchen tools.

D.Because he was very curious about kitchen tools.

2.In the author’s opinion, some parents pay little attention to _______.

A.building up children’s confidence

B.telling kids what is right and wrong

C.preparing children for their future life

D.making children live a hard life

3.After learning to do housework, Ray _______.

A.fell in love with sewing

B.did other work in the house

C.began to be more hardworking

D.acknowledged his mother’s efforts

4.We can infer from the text that Ray _______.

A.made great progress in cooking.

B.always thought housework interesting.

C.preferred sewing to cooking.

D.was unwilling to learn cooking at first.

5.What would the author like to convey in the text?

A.Useful education for boys

B.The importance of housework

C.Boys should be involved in housework.

D. Cooking and sewing make boys masculine.

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