
7.After I returned home,I couldn't sleep well.(改成现在完成进行时)
Ihaven't been sleeping wellsince I returned home.

分析 我回家后,我睡不好.

解答 答案:haven't been sleeping well 考查句型转换.现在完成进行时态的否定式构成是:主语+haven't/hasn't been+动词现在分词.在本题中因主语I是第一人称,助动词用haven't.故正确答案是:haven't been sleeping well

点评 同义句型转换,是把意思相同或相近的句子用不同的词汇、短语及句型表示出来.同义句的相互转换除了考查主动句与被动句,复合句与简单句之间的转换,直接引语变间接引语外,还有一些词或短语的替换,仅仅通过替换几个词或短语,而使句子意思不变,就能达到异曲同工之妙."句型转换"题是用来考查学生对句子结构变化所掌握的程度.

19.A Frenchman went to a small Italian town and was staying with his wife at the best hotel there.One night,he went out for a walk alone.It was late and the small street was dark and quiet.Suddenly he felt someone behind him.He turned his head and saw an Italian young man who quickly walked past him.The Italian was nearly out of sight when the Frenchman suddenly found that his watch was gone.He thought that it must be the Italian who had taken his watch.He decided to follow him and get back the watch.
   Soon the Frenchman caught up with the Italian.Neither of them understood the other's language.The Frenchman frightened the Italian with his fist (拳头) and pointed at the Italian's watch.In the end the Italian gave up his watch to the Frenchman.
   When he returned to the hotel,the Frenchman told his wife what had happened.He was greatly surprised when his wife pointed to the watch on the table.Now he realized that by mistake he had robbed the watch and it was the Italian's.
56.The Frenchman went to a small Italian townB.
A.alone        B.with his wife       C.with his friend     D.with an Italian
57.Suddenly the Frenchman found hisAwas gone.
A.watch            B.money            C.book             D.ring
58.The Italian gave up his watch to him at last becauseA.
A.he was afraid of the Frenchman
B.he understood what the Frenchman wanted
C.he had stolen the watch from the Frenchman
D.he had picked up the watch on his way from work
59.Who was robbed of the watch?B
A.The Frenchman    B.The Italian C.Both of them     D.Neither of them.

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