
【题目】Last Sunday, it was my father’s funny day. After supper, my father went to see the film. But in our surprise, he came back just about half an hour later. I asked him what was the matter. He smiled and told us about the funny thing what had happened in the cinema. He was sitting in his seat while a woman came to her and said the seat was hers. Surprising, they looked at their ticket carefully, only to find the seats shown in their tickets were the same while the colors were different. So they looked at the tickets carefully. After a while, my father apologized to the woman, saying, “Sorry, I make a mistake. Take this seat, please.” The fact was that his ticket found out under the glass on his desk was for the film a month ago.











【10】去掉 out



【1】thea 考查冠词,此处的film是第一次出现,故thea。

【2】into 考查介词。根据词组to ones surprise令某人吃惊的是,故into。

【3】whatthat 考查定语从句。根据先行词是the funny thing,定语从句应用that引导,故whatthat。

【4】whilewhen 考查连词。根据从句的谓语动词是came为非延续性动词,从句应用when引导,故whilewhen。

【5】herhim 考查代词。根据前文作者叙述的是父亲的故事,应用him,故herhim。

【6】SurprisingSurprised 考查形容词。根据下文的looked判断此处应是感到吃惊的,故SurprisingSurprised。

【7】tickettickets 考查名词,根据此处是那位妇女和作者父亲对票,应用复数形式,故tickettickets

【8】carefully前面加more 考查比较级,根据前文没有对明白,应是更加认真核对。故carefully前面加more。


【10】去掉 out 考查动词,根据find sth找到某物,find out查出真相,故去掉 out


【题目】Canyoning (蹦谷运动)

The sports of canyoning explore the high-energy environment where water meets rock on the coast, or in river canyons. Protected by wetsuits and helmets (头盔), people jump from cliffs (悬崖) and waterfalls and explore caves and river canyons that would not normally be arrived at.

It was pioneered in the U.K. by TYF Adventure (01437 721611, www.tyf.com) and several thousand people leap from the cliffs near St David’s each year. A half day canyoning trip costs £50 (£30 for children under 16).

Scuba diving

Diving is not popular with British people. The challenges of wild waters are greater because the water is colder and not clear enough, but the coasts of Cornwall, Wales and Scotland have some of the best wreck diving in the world.

The British Sub Aqua Club (0870 112 9133 www.bsac.com) and the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (01580 819688 www.padi.com) run courses teaching the important skills right up and to instructor level.


The best surfing places in the UK are on the southwest coast where it is warmer and the surf is relatively steady, particularly in Cornwall. The best time of year to surf in the UK is late summer and autumn when water temperatures are at their mildest.

The British Surfing Association (01479 861256 www.britsurf.co.uk) has a list of famous surf schools around the country.

Rock climbing

The most popular natural rocks in Britain include the Peak District, the Lake District, coastal regions, while vast areas of Scotland are a climber’s paradise (天堂). Climbing courses and climbing walls can be located on the website of the British Mountaineering Council (0870 010 4878, www.thebmc.co.uk) which offers a series of short films that take the new climber through a step-by-step guide to visiting a climbing wall for the first time.

【1】 If a couple with their child of 15 join in Canyoning for a day, they will pay ______.

A. 130 B. 260 C. 160 D. 320

2 To go surfing, you may phone ______.

A. 01479 861256 B. 0870 010 4878

C. 01437 721611 D. 0870 112 9133

3Which of the following is NOT well accepted by British people?

A. Canyoning. B. Surfing.

C. Scuba diving. D. Rock climbing.

【题目】There is growing concern about food insecurity in the developing world. Rising food prices, weather emergencies and political problems are deepening the struggle for families in many countries.

Three UN agencies have published a report recently, saying high prices are likely to continue. Gregory Barrow, who is with the World Food Program in Rome, says, “If you look at the places where the World Food Program works, particularly in developing countries, you see people who might be spending more than 60 percent of their salary in purchasing food for their families.”

East Africa is suffering its worst drought in years. In Kenya, at least three and a half million people are going hungry, mostly in the north. Yet food is going to waste in central Kenya. Now, farmers there want the government to buy their food and give it to those in need. Farmers say bad roads and lack of transportation make it difficult for them to get their produce to the market.

Mr. Barrow says, “It needs the government to make some arrangements such as providing transport. They can buy it at a good price, then give it to those people instead of asking for food from overseas, which is very bad. When we are throwing away food, they are asking for food from overseas.”

Economists say that imports reduce local food prices, decrease productivity(生产效率) and increase the dependency on other countries. Farmers in Kenya hope the government can pay higher prices for their crops so that they can feed more Kenyans.

【1】What is the best title for this passage?

A. Kenya Imports Food from Abroad

B. A World Food Program in Rome.

C. The Poor Suffer from High Food Prices.

D. A Report Published by Three UN Agencies.

【2】What do we know about Kenya from the passage?

A. The people in central Kenya are suffering from hunger.

B. At least three and a half million Kenyans lack food.

C. The Kenyan government wants to improve road conditions.

D. People in northern Kenya refuse to ask for food from overseas.

【3】What does “they” in the fourth paragraph refer to?

A. The people of northern Kenya.

B. Government officials.

C. The farmers of central Kenya.

D. Kenyan economists.

【4】Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to this passage?

A. Gregory Barrow suggests that Kenya make good use of overseas food.

B. People in northern Kenya are suffering the drought less than the central.

C. Economists believe importing food from abroad may cause problems.

D. Kenyan government hopes to buy the native crops at higher prices.

【题目】One day, around Christmas time, fishermen off the west coast of Peru started on their traditional fishing trip. Much to their surprise, there were no fish! They knew immediately what had happened. Tales from years gone by had told them this was the result of El Nino which sometimes stop fishing for many months!

El Nino is a warm current that comes and goes along the west coast of South America. It got its name from fishermen in Peru more than a century ago. Every few years, they noticed a sudden warming in the normally cool Pacific water where they fished. Because this warming often came about around Christmas, they called it El Nino, which is Spanish for the “Christ Child”. Generally, El Nino occurs every three to seven years and lasts only a few weeks to a month or more.

El Nino warms the water it flows through. Because the fish and sea birds need cold water to live, many of them die when El Nino comes through. El Nino also causes both floods and droughts. It is believed that El Nino may have caused the 1993 Mississippi and 1995 California floods. And at the same time, it may have caused droughts in South America, Africa and Australia.

El Nino has occurred thirteen times within the last fifty years, bringing natural disasters to many countries such as Indonesia and Peru. However, El Nino does not often trouble China. During this period China was badly hit by El Nino only once. In 1998, North China had a terrible drought, while South China was troubled by floods.

【1The underlined word "current" (in Paragraph 2)most probably refers to “______”.

A. water B. wind C. atmosphere D. climate

【2】According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE about El Nino?

A. It happens in November and December.

B. It was named by some Spanish fishermen.

C. It only happens in South America.

D. It lasts a few weeks or more.

【3If El Nino happens, the following will take place EXCEPT ______.

A. rises in temperature of the sea water

B. diseases spreading around the world

C. floods and droughts

D. death of fish and sea birds

【4The purpose of this passage is ______.

A. to discuss the prevention of El Nino

B. to explain how El Nino trouble farmers

C. to let us know about El Nino

D. to tell us how to prepare for El Nino


Can't sleep? You turn all night never seeming to get comfortable, never seeming to feel like you are even close to sleep? I bet you've tried a few different solutions too, warm milk or maybe even sleeping pills. The reason why you can't sleep could be because of many different things. 【1】 However, if you want simple solutions to sleep better then the following steps can help you get that great night's sleep:

1. Sleep on your side.

Sleeping on your side is an acquired taste if all you have been doing is stomach sleeping. The side position is best for your neck and for improving breathing which is a common cause for frequently waking. 2

2. Find the right pillow.

Finding the right pillow is vitally important. 3 In the side sleeping position the pillow should fill the entire space between your neck and the mattress(床垫).Your head should not be tipped up or down but be in line with your spine(脊椎).

3. No digital entertainment before bed.

Avoid any forms of digital entertainment at least one hour prior to bed. Digital entertainment means movies, TV, Xbox, computer/laptop use, even a kindle. 4 Trying reading a few pages of non-fiction instead.


When you eat and got to bed shortly after what happens is that your stomach is still full of food. This prevents you from breathing properly and can lead to a very disturbed sleep.

A. Having a sound sleep is my dream.

B. Wait three hours after span>eating.

C. There are five steps to have better sleep.

D. Stay away from all forms.

E. Always get a check from a health care provider if you have specific concerns.

F. The best pillows are formed to support the neck.

G. Try placing a pillow between your knees in order to prevent rolling onto your stomach.

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