






During the National Day holiday, my parents and I paid a visit my grandparents by train. There was a large number of people and the train was crowded, but everyone helped those who had lots of baggages and behaved politely. Along the way, we enjoyed beautifully views. At the first, we saw one hill after another. Then what came into view were fields with green crops. After a six-hour trip, they arrived at our grandparents’ house. Exhausted although I felt, I was happy to see my grandparents, which I hadn’t seen for a long time. It’s really an excited trip because it was the first time that I had taken so a long-distance train.

【答案】1.paid 后添加to



4. beautifully →beautiful

5.At the first中去掉the

6. they→we

7. although→though/as






1.考查介词。根据短语pay a visit to意为“参观,拜访”。故paid后添加to

2.考查主谓一致。there be句型中,be动词的人称和数与be后的主语保持一致,此处主语是a large number of people,谓语用复数。故was改为were


4.考查形容词。views是名词,要用形容词beautiful修饰,表示“美丽的”。故beautifully 改为beautiful

5.考查冠词。根据短语at first表示“首先”,中间不需要冠词。故At the first中去掉the







【题目】 Cala didn’t like us. Any of us. We didn’t do anything to offend her and she didn’t know us but that didn’t matter, she still didn’t like us.

As new teacher in the Emirati school, we Westerners greeted her every day. She ignored us. She came into our rooms and bypassed us as she shook hands with all the non Westerners. Whenever we saw her, she avoided eye contact with us. Eventually, we stopped trying to befriend her.

I won’t say her nationality but her friends had been fired from the school, we had been employed in their places and that was enough for her to have nothing to do with us.

Well after 16 months in the school we had a secret friend gifting. To my surprise, I drew her name from the glass jar and that meant she was my secret friend. My role was to buy her a gift and say something about her when we publicly acknowledged who our secret friend was.

I decided to gift her a coloured bangle(手镯). I added a postcard and wrote “Love and Blessings, Rose-Marie.”

Then came the day. We all gathered in the meeting room. When you received your gift, you said a few kind words about your secret friend and passed the gift to them. What could I say? Everyone knew she didn’t like the Westerners. She taught music in the school so I said”My secret friend is someone who brings music to our ears every day.”She came forward with a huge warm smile. She hugged me and kissed me on both cheeks and accepted my gifts.

Since then, she smiles often. We hug and shake hands when we meet. I have seen her wear my gift several times and I am so pleased.

1Why didn't Cala like the Western teacher?

A.They stopped befriending her.B.They were new comers.

C.They replaced her friends' position.D.They had once offended her.

2How did the writer change Cal's attitude?

A.With the help of her friends.B.Through her love and blessings.

C.By showing her talent in music.D.Through her sincerity and wisdom.

3Which of the following can best describe the ending of the story?



4What does the writer intend to tell us?

A.Do nothing by halves.

B.A good act will be well rewarded.

C.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

D.Without confidence there is no friendship.

【题目】 The eating habits your children pick up when they’re young will help them keep a healthy lifestyle when they’re adults. Here are some approaches parents can take to develop healthy eating habits in their children.

Guide your family’s choices rather than dictate foods. Make a wide variety of healthful foods available in the house. 1 Leave the unhealthy choices like chips, soda, and juice at the grocery store.

2 A child can feel hunger and fullness better when they eat at a slow pace. Before offering a second serving, ask your child to wait at least 15 minutes to see if they’re truly still hungry. This will give the brain time to register fullness. Also, that second serving should he much smaller than the first.

Eat meals together as a family as often as possible. Try to make mealtimes pleasant with conversation and sharing, not a time for scolding or arguing. If mealtimes are unpleasant, children may try to eat faster to leave the table as soon as possible. 3

Try not to use food to punish or reward your children. Withholding (不给) food as a punishment may lead children to worry that they won’t get enough food. For example, sending children to bed without any dinner may cause them to worry that they’ll go hungry. 4 Similarly, when foods, such as sweets, are used as a reward, children may assume that these foods are better or more valuable than other foods.

Discourage eating meals while watching TV. Try to eat only in a fixed area of your home, such as the dining room or kitchen. Eating in front of the TV may make it difficult to pay attention to feelings of fullness. 5

A. Pay attention to serving size.

B. And that may lead to overeating.

C. Encourage your children to eat slowly.

D. They then may learn to associate eating with stress.

E. Children are more willing to eat or try foods they help prepare.

F. As a resultchildren may try to eat whenever they get a chance.

G. This practice will help your children learn how to make healthy food choices.

【题目】 Dolly Parton, an American musician, is used to performing for big crowds. But after her set this year at Glastonbury, Britain’s largest music festival which can date back to 1970, she admitted a butterfly was in her stomach. Since that show, her album Blue Smoke has stayed near the top of the album chart for eight weeks.

Live music is flourishing (繁荣) even as sales of recorded music have decreased greatly. In the past two years, it has grown by 15%. Live music lovers now spend more than l billion a year on tickets and almost half that on food, drink and the like. In the early 1990s, Britain had few festivals. But around 450 will take place this year. The festival season, once limited to July and August, now stretches until early autumn. On the first weekend of September, four festivals battle it out.

One reason was a change of the licensing laws, which made it easier to put on a show outdoors. The recession (经济衰退) helped too: Britons who could no longer afford foreign holidays found a weekend of camping in a muddy field more attractive.

Ageing crowds are another bonus. Older people have more cash to spend on festivals, and their demands have helped make festivals safer and more pleasant. Security at bigger festivals has grown much tighter. Fancy food and drinks have replaced cheap hot dogs and beer.

All this is changing the way the music industry works. Festivals are increasingly seen as a way for artists to attract fans. Newer names find them essential: Clean Bandit, a British band who brought out their first album this year, is performing at around 20 festivals this summer. And music managers are increasingly taking into account how successfully artists will perform at big outdoor festivals before deciding to sign them.

1What do we know about Dolly Parton?

A.She is an inexperienced performer.

B.Glastonbury used to be her favorite festival.

C.Glastonbury’s large audience made her nervous.

D.Her album Blue Smoke was an instant hit in the UK.

2Which of the following can indicate live music is flourishing in Britain?

A.The licensing laws have been changed.

B.The festival season lasts longer than before.

C.Ticket prices of music festivals have increased by 15%.

D.People are willing to spend more money on recorded music.

3What’s older people’s contribution to outdoor festivals?

A.Helping attract huger crowds of fans.

B.Spending more money on food and drink.

C.Offering music festivals financial support.

D.Urging organizers to offer a comfortable experience.

4Why are music festivals important to new artists?

A.They may change Britain’s music industry.

B.They can be effectively promoted at the festivals.

C.They can cooperate with some big-name artists.

D.They may make the acquaintance of music managers.

【题目】 It’s always good to experience something new in life. Traveling gives plenty of such opportunities and when you choose a hotel to stay in next time, here, in this website, is a list of 4 most weird (怪异的) hotels in the world.

Dog Bark Park Inn

If you keep a dog and love animals, then you will definitely become a fan of this hotel. Here visitors will find a microwave oven to prepare a simple meal, games, puzzles and books to entertain themselves, an air conditioner and of course a bath. There is no TV set or a phone though. Dennis Sullivan and Frances Conklin, the designers of this hotel, knew what might attract people. Next time you decide to visit Idaho, take a trip to Cottonwood to see the building.

Das Park Hotel

You will love the place a lot because it is equipped and is perfectly adjusted to basic human needs. However, there is one disadvantage to all these. The matter is that bathroom facilities are not included in the price. Each room here is quite small, but has a bed, electricity and air conditioning.


Read the name of the hotel attentively and you will easily guess what place exactly you are going to spend your vacation in! The hotel is situated in Kemzeke, Belgium and was designed by Joep van Lieshout. Do not say no to this hotel since it is quite comfortable and nice inside.

Hobbit Motel

Deep inside we stay kids forever. This is what the creators of the Hobbit Motel kept in mind when they were creating this motel. Read some more of J.R.R. Tolkien or other books of this kind to fully understand and even feel the atmosphere of the place. The Hobbit Motel is located in Woodlyn Park, New Zealand. It invites visitors all year round. You will recognize the inn by its blocks it is made of and the green roof covered with a thick layer of grass.

1What can you know about the Dog Bark Park Inn?

A.It doesn’t provide food for visitors.B.Visitors can take their pets to it.

C.Its name may come from its appearance.D.Visitors can’t make phone calls there.

2People who choose to live in Das Park Hotel need to pay extra money for ________.

A.Internet connectivityB.air conditioning

C.electricityD.the shower

3Which is the best choice for a person who most values comfort?

A.The Dog Bark Park InnB.Das Park Hotel

C.CasAnusD.Hobbit Motel

【题目】 Throughout history, music spread among people of different cultures. In today’s technological advanced society, however, people spread music online, sometimes without an artist’s permission. This can lead to many problems, and music companies are now cracking down on this practice. Sharing music online without permission is theft.

Sharing music online prevents recording companies from making money from their efforts. They say that sharing music online has resulted in a huge drop in profits and sales over the past 10 years. People who find music for free online are not paying for CDs or every MP3 downloaded. To truly understand the influence of music piracy (盗版行为) on creators, one must understand how many people are involved in the recording process. For the sale of each album, profits must be shared between musicians, sound engineers, music producers, managers, advertisers, and the company selling the product. Many people believe sharing music only affects the recording artist, but the reality is that sharing hurts business for all companies involved.

There are many people who don’t see the harm in sharing music online and even think they have the right to do it. One online blogger states that he originally paid for an entire CD and that he should be able to do with the material whatever he wants. While he may have legally paid for the music, he does not have the right to provide permission, which means people like the blogger are thieves.

Although we don’t spread today’s music the same way we did before, there’s no doubt that people around the world love to share music. However, internet piracy would prevent musicians from continuing producing albums for fear of theft. Therefore, if people want to continue listening to their favorite artists, they need to buy their music so that artists will make enough profit to continue their music careers.

1The underlined phrase “cracking down on” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ___________.

A.bringing up carefullyB.speaking highly of

C.dealing seriously withD.destroying completely

2What can we infer from the text?

A.Artists are taking action to protect their right.

B.Sharing music files online affects a lot of people.

C.Online music sharing increases sales of music CD.

D.A person who bought a CD has the right to share it online.

3How is the text organized?



C.Main idea—Comparison—Supporting statements.

D.Introduction—Supporting statements—Conclusion.

4What is the main idea of the text?

A.Music piracy is kind of theft.B.Sharing music is Acceptable.

C.Downloading music should be punished.D.Music piracy is good for music lovers.

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