
Dolly ________ sheep, the world's first cloned animal, was given shot to end her life on Feb, 14 because she was suffering from ________ lung disease common in much older sheep.

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B.the; a
D.the; the



The scientific world continues to be amazed by the speed of the development of cloning. Some scientists now suggest that the cloning of humans could occur in the near future. Despite the benefits of cloning, however, certain ethical (道德的) questions concerning the possible abuse (滥用) of cloning have been raised. At the heart of these questions is the idea of humans influencing life in a way that could harm society, either morally or in a real physical sense. Some people object to cloning because it allows scientists to "act like God" in the handling of living organisms.

   The cloning of Dolly raised the debate over this practice to a whole new level. It has become obvious that the technology for cloning Dolly could also be used to clone humans. A person could choose to make two or ten or a hundred copies of himself or herself by the same techniques used with Dolly. An active debate about the morality of cloning humans arises. Some people see benefits from the practice, such as providing a way for parents to produce a new child to replace one dying of a fatal disease. Other people worry about humans taking into their own hands the future of the human race.

   At the beginning of the twenty-first century, many scientists say the controversy over the ethics of cloning humans is overstressed because of the unpredictability (不可预测性) of cloning in general. While scientists have cloned animals such as sheep, mice, cows, pigs, and goats, fewer than 3 percent of all those cloning efforts have succeeded. The animal clones that have been produced often have health problems. Scientists believe the rapid reprogramming in cloning can introduce random (任意的) errors into a clone’s DNA. Those errors have altered individual genes in minor ways, and the genetic defects (缺陷) have led to the development of major medical problems. Some scientists say this should make human cloning out of the question, but others argue that cloning humans may actually be easier and safer than cloning animals. Whatever, I agree that further research in the field of cloning is needed.

1.Some people are against cloning of humans because they think _________.

A.the practice takes too much time and money  B.the cloning technology is still not mature  C.humans control the future of the human race           D.the population in the world will be too large

2.Some scientists think the debate over ethics of cloning humans is overstressed because ____.

A.cloning of human beings is completely impossible                  B.the result of cloning can’t be predicted in general                    C.cloning of animals is a failure               D.there are big errors in a clone’s DNA

3.We can learn from the text that _______.

A.cloning of humans is a very controversial issue B.the cloning of Dolly begins to raise the debate over cloning of humans    C.there are medical problems in cloning animals         D.cloning humans is easier and safer than cloning animals

4.The text is mainly about _______.

A.the benefits of cloning                   B.the ethics of cloning C.the history of cloning  D.the defects of cloning


Critics of cloning often repeat the question related to the controversial(有争议的) science “Just because we can, does it mean we should?”  The closer we come to being able to clone a human, the hotter the debate over it grows. For all the good things cloning may achieve, opponents say that it will do just as much harm. Another question is how to governing cloning process.

There is federal official law banning cloning in the United States, but several states have passed their own laws to ban the practice. The US Food and Drugs Administration(FDA), has also said that anyone in the United States attempting human cloning must first get its permission. In Japan, human cloning is a crime that is punished by up to 10 years in prison.

While laws are to ban cloning at this time, some scientists believe that the technology is not ready to be tested on humans. Ian Wilmut, one of the co-creators of Dolly, has even said that human cloning projects would be an irresponsible crime. Cloning technology is still in its early stages, and nearly 98% percent of cloning efforts end in failure. The embryos are either not suitable for implanting into the uterus(子宫) or they die shortly after birth.

The clones that do survive end up suffering from deadly or problematic genetic abnormalities(畸形). Some clones have been born with faulty heart, lung problems and blood vessel problems. One of the most famous cases was a cloned sheep that was born with but malformed arteries(畸形动脉) leading to the lungs.

Opponents of cloning will point out that we can enthanize(安乐死) these faulty clones of other animals, but they ask what if a human clone is born with these same problems. Advocates of cloning respond that it is now easier to pick out faulty embryos even before they are implanted into the mother. The debate over human cloning is just beginning, but as science advances, it could be the biggest moral dilemma of the 21st century.

68. Which word in the text is the opposite of the underlined word “opponents”?

A. critics        B. advocates          C. scientists           D. co-creators

69. The writer writes this passage mainly to ________________.

A. support passing laws to ban human cloning

B. list problems with human cloning

C. introduce critics’ ideas about human cloning

D. state the debate over human cloning

70. Which of the following will Ian Wilmut probably NOT agree with?

A. Cloning technology is in its early stages.

B. Human cloning should be made illegal.

C. Very few cloning efforts are successful.

D. Cloning technology is ready to be tested on humans


The researchers, led by Hwang Woo-suk, insist they cloned an Afghan hound, only to help investigate (研究) human disease, including the possibility of cloning stem cells (干细胞) for treatment purposes.

But others immediately renewed calls for a global ban on human reproductive cloning before the technology moves any farther.

“Successful cloning of an increasing number of species confirms the general impression that it would be possible to clone any species of mammals, including humans,” said Ian Wilmut, a reproductive biologist at the University of Edinburgh who produced the first cloned mammal, Dolly the sheep, from an adult cell nearly a decade ago.

Researchers have since cloned cats, goats, cows, mice, pigs, rabbits, horses, deer, mules and gaur, a large wild ox of Southeast Asia. So far, efforts to clone a monkey or another primate with the same techniques have failed.

Uncertainties about the health and life span (寿命) of cloned animals continue to exsist; Dolly died at a young age in 2003 after developing cancer and arthritis.

Wilmut and others complimented Hwang’s achievement, reported Wednesday in the journal Nature. But they said politicians and scientists must face the larger issue — how to go on with the research without crossing the moral boundary of copying human life in the lab.

“The ability to use the technology is hopeful,” said Robert Schenken, president of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. “However, the paper also points out that in dogs as in most species, cloning for reproductive purposes is unsafe.”

The cloned puppy was the lone success from more than 100 dogs implanted (嵌入)with more than 1,000 cloned embryos.

In a news conference in Seoul, the cloning team also condemned the reproductive cloning of humans as “unsafe and inefficient.” Human reproductive cloning already is banned in South Korea. Other nations, including the United States, are divided on whether to ban just human cloning or cloning of all kinds, including the production of stem cells.

1. An Afghan hound is a kind of ______.

   A. cat               B. dog          C. cow          D. goat

2. A ______ is a large wild ox of Southeast Asia.

   A. horse         B. deer        C. mules            D. gaur

3.Accrding to the passage, scientists haven’t been able to clone a ______ so far.

   A. deer           B. mule            C. monkey       D. mouse

4.The underlined word complimented is probably similar in meaning to ______.

   A. praised      B. doubted          C. refused      D. gave up

5.The cloning of human beings is banned in ______. 

   A. South Korea                      

B. the United States

C. both South Korea and the United States  

D. neither South Korea nor the United States


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