A recent announcement by scientists that they have successfully cloned the first human embryo has caused much debate and has shocked many people around the world. On the one hand,some scientists point out that if you clone an embryo,you can produce valuable tissues(组织)and organs that could be used to save human lives. On the other hand,many people,including some scientists, disagree and fear that if mankind interferes with(干涉)nature in this way,they may be on their way to producing a real-life Frankenstein’s monster.

    Cloning is producing an exact copy of a plant or an animal using its cells. The first mammal to be cloned successfully from an adult cell was Dolly the sheep. She was born in 1996 and died in early 2003,at a much younger age than normal. When she was born,many people were angry because they thought cloning would create more disease in the animal world. However,in general the scientists were praised for their wonderful scientific breakthrough.

    The Scottish scientist who created Dolly,Ian Wilmut,is shocked that some scientists are now considering cloning human beings. Although he researches cloning,his intention has never been to create copies of humans. Instead,he thinks research efforts should concentrate on creating new tissues and organs that could eventually be used to cure diseases like cancer. However,some people consider that cloning human embryos with the intention of destroying them shows no respect for human life.

    While cloning human embryos is illegal in many countries,some scientists are already pushing ahead with research so as to deliver a cloned human baby. Severino Antinori,an Italian doctor,is one of the leaders in this kind of research. He has declared that he wants to be the first to clone a human being.

    In China,scientists have focused their efforts on cloning animals,as well as stern cells to be used in medical research. China has succeeded in producing clones of cows and goats,and continues to research ways in which cloning can benefit mankind.

51. Which of the following statements about cloning is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Cloning technology can only be applied to animals.

B. A cloned animal can live longer than a normal one.

C. People all over the world are happy about the birth of Dolly.

D. Cloning can produce valuable tissues and organs to cure human diseases.

52. The reasons why people are anti-cloning include the following EXCEPT that_______.

A. cloning may produce a real-life Frankenstein’s monster

B. cloning might create more disease in the animal world

C. cloning can’t help those who want to clone their dead children

D. cloning human embryos shows no respect for human life

53. Who is in favor of cloning human beings?

A. Ian Wilmut.        B. Severino Antinori.

C. The author.        D. The Chinese scientists.

54. What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?

A. If we interfere with nature, we will change the world to be what we want.

B. It is impossible to clone babies for women who cannot have ones.

C. Cloning human beings is illegal in many countries,so no scientists want to do so.

D. Whether cloning human embryos is legal or not remains a matter of debate.

【小题1】 Xie Lei told me that when I saw her waiting in a queue at a student        (食堂) between lectures.
【小题2】 When I miss my family, it is a great comfort to have a      (替代) family to be with.
【小题3】 I was       (麻木的) with shock when I saw the mark E on my paper.
【小题4】 More importantly, I am now a more        (自主的) learner.
【小题5】By the time California       (选择) to become the thirty-first federal state of the USA in 1850, it was already a multicultural society.
【小题6】      (意大利人) mainly fishermen but also wine makers, arrived in California in the late 19th century.
【小题7】 The conductor could not control the situation and the tram      (滑动) down the hill dragging the horses with it.
【小题8】 Cloning plants is       (简单的) while cloning animals is very complicated.
【小题9】 So the chance of dinosaurs ever returning to the earth is       (仅仅) a dream.
【小题10】 It is a difficult task to      (从事)
【小题11】        (在他看来),what other people thought was not the most important thing.
【小题12】The customs and languages of the immigrants        (继续存在) in their new home.
【小题13】 There is a fascinating drive       (划出) for tourists.
【小题14】 But at last the determination and patience of the scientists       (回报) in 1996 with a breakthrough — the cloning of Dolly the sheep.
【小题15】 From time to time people suggest that extinct animal like dinosaurs, can possibly be       (重生) through cloning.

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