
10.You are welcome to ask whatever questions.Don't        .(  )

分析 不要犹豫,你问任何问题都可以.

解答 答案:D
该题考查动词意义辨析,hold意为"拿住、握住、保留",settle意为"解决、安排",remain意为"保留、停留",hesitate意为"犹豫",由You are welcome to ask whatever questions."欢迎询问任何问题"可知,说话者是在鼓励别人问问题,所以第二句话也应该是表示鼓励的,所以应用hesitate,故选D.

点评 点评:考查动词及动词搭配辨义时,要准确掌握每个动词或搭配含义,并根据题干含义或逻辑关系选择正确答案.

20.The 11billion self-help industry is built on the idea that you should turn negative thoughts like"I never do anything right"into positive ones like"I can succeed."But was positive thinking advocate Norman Vincent Peale right?Is there power in positive thinking?
Researchers in Canada just published a study in the journal Psychological Science that says trying to get people to think more positively can actually have the opposite effect:it can simply highlight how unhappy they are.The study's authors,Joanne Wood and John Lee of the University of Waterloo and Elaine Perunovic of the University of New Brunswick,begin by citing older research showing that when people get feedback which they believe is overly positive,they actually feel worse,not better.If you tell your dim friend that he has the potential of an Einstein,you're just underlining his faults.In one 1990s experiment,a team including psychologist Joel Cooper of Princeton asked participants to write essays opposing funding for the disabled.When the essayists were later praised for their sympathy,they felt even worse about what they had written.
In this experiment,Wood,Lee and Perunovic measured 68students'self-esteem.The participants were then asked to write down their thoughts and feelings for four minutes.Every 15seconds,one group of students heard a bell.When it rang,they were supposed to tell themselves,"I am lovable."
Those with low self-esteem didn't feel better after the forced self-affirmation.In fact,their moods turned significantly darker than those of members of the control group,who weren't urged to think positive thoughts.
The paper provides support for newer forms of psychotherapy (心理治疗) that urge people to accept their negative thoughts and feelings rather than fight them.In the fighting,we not only often fail but can make things worse.Meditation (静思) techniques,in contrast,can teach people to put their shortcomings into a larger,more realistic perspective.Call it the power of negative thinking.
(Note:Answer the question or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN 12WORDS)

78.The self-help industry is based onthe concept of positive thinking.
79.The finding of the Canadian researchers is thatencouraging positive thinking many do more harm than good.
80.From the experiment of Wood,Lee and Perunovic,we know thatforcing a person to think positive thoughts may lower their self-esteem.
81.From the last paragraph,we know thatmeditation may prove to be a good form of psychotherapy.
1.After hours sitting inside Deep Worker,it feels good to get back.While you're stretching on the deck,others on the ship are at work studying the data you have collected.
The rock samples you collected are taken to a laboratory on board the ship.Tests performed on ocean rocks can show the age of the seafloor.Many people will study the videotapes of the swordfish.There is nothing like a video to show others exactly what you saw and experienced in the deep.Videos capture details of how animals move and behave-details that a person sitting inside Deep Worker could easily miss.Those details can help scientists better understand the role each kind of animal plays in its deep-sea community.
While you were below,Deep Worker's exact location was being tracked.Thus,detailed maps of the seafloor,showing underwater canyons and mountains far beneath the surface can be made with the help of this information.Dive by dive,Sylvia Earle and her fellow scientists are piecing together remarkable pictures of the deep sea-a world that until recently was as unknown as a distant planet.
Since Sylvia first began exploring the waters around Florida,she's seen changes-trash on the seafloor,fewer fish,polluted water.These ocean problems in Florida and in many other parts of the world make people like Sylvia anxious.They want to know how to protect the ocean,and how to restore it to good health where damage has been done.
Sylvia and other scientists are learning more about the ocean,especially the deep sea,than ever before.The more we know about a place,the better we understand it.As Sylvia says,"With knowing comes caring.If people care about something,they will work to protect it."
66.What does the bold-typed phrase"this information"in Paragraph 3 refer to?D
A.The location of underwater canyons and mountains.
B.Remarkable pictures of the deep sea.
C.These ocean problems.
D.The track of Deep Worker.
67.Sylvia Earle is probably a scientist whoB.
A.specializes in making maps
B.cares about the ocean
C.works on an unknown ship
D.performs experiments in a laboratory
68.According to Paragraph 4,which statement about Sylvia is TRUE?SylviaBA.has seen fewer fish and polluted water 
B.is concerned about the ocean problems
C.has explored the waters and protected the ocean
D.has restored good health after her injury
69.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?D
A.Working below in Deep Worker
B.Ocean Exploration and Ocean Maps
C.Deep Worker Saving the World 
D.Ocean familiarity and Ocean Preservation.
18.Smoggy weather has become common in China.But these days,air pollution levels in the north eastern city of Harbin surpassed the previous record levels.
The city was essentially shut down after PM2.5,fine Particulate(微粒物) pollution that is considered hazardous(有害的).reached levels of 1000micrograms per cubic meter-40times the safety level remended by the World Health Organization.Schools,motorways and an airport were closed on Tuesday as visibility in some areas of the city dropped to less than 10meters.
Photos from Harbin showed residents covering their mouths with masks and scarves,and moving like ghostly shadows through the fog.Cars and motorcycles are moving slowly as traffic came to a standstill with traffic lights barely visible..
Just days previously,the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)  classified air pollution as a carcinogen(致癌物).It stated that there  is"sufficient evidence"that exposure to outdoor air pollution causes lung cancer and also linked it with an increased risk of bladder cancer.It's said that exposure has increased significantly particularly in"rapidly industrial countries with large populations".
"The air we breathe has become polluted with a mixture of cancer-causing substances",Dr Kurt Straif,head of the IARC said in a press released."We now know that outdoor air pollution is not only a major risk to health in general,but also a leading environmental cause of cancer deaths."
On the Chinese social media site Weibo,many users complained about the pollution and shared their concerns.References to"feed people with smog"have become popular on Weibo and there is a sarcastic play on the expression"serve the people",as the two have a similar pronunciation.
"The impact of air pollution on people will be gradual.There won't be a sudden outbreak of symptoms,but normally three to five days after the smoggy weather occurs,there is a peak in the number of people seeing doctors,"Deng Ying,a doctor at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University was quoted as saying.

24.As thick smog has become a common scene in Harbin,D
A.students there can go to school as usual
B.residents in the city can see as far as 20meters
C.traffic lights can be easily visible
D.the urban traffic has been seriously influenced
25.When exposed to outdoor air pollution,what kind of disease can be caused?C.
A.Cancer of stomach  B.Breast cancer  C.Bladder cancer     D.Ovarian cancer
26.According to Dr Kurt Straif,we can learn thatB.
A.the effect of the.smoggy weather is gradual
B.air pollution is the man environmental cause,of cancer deaths
C.exposure has greatly increased in countries with large populations
D."feed people with smog"has bee a hot word
27.The purpose of this passage is toA.
A.awaken people's environmental awareness
B.warn people not to go out in smoggy weather
C.call for the public to wear their masks
D.advise people not to live in Harbin.
11.Going on holiday not only makes you feel good while you're there,you also gain the health benefits for months,new research shows.
Jetting off to destinations such as the Maldives cuts your blood pressure,helps you sleep better and bounce back from stress,it found.The benefits last at least a fortnight longer than the vacation and can be felt for months in some cases where it is claimed.Experts say workers should always take their full holiday entitlement(权利)each year,but as many as one in three don't.
The study compared key health markers in holidaymakers visiting Thailand,Peru or the Maldives,with people who stayed at home and continued working.The average blood pressure of those on holiday dropped by six percent while the workers saw their blood pressure rise by two percent over the same period.The sleep quality of holidaymakers improved by 17 percent while that of the non-holidaymakers deteriorated by 14 percent.
The study also found the ability of vacationers to recover from stress,known as the stress-resilience test improved by 29 percent.There was a 71 percent fall in stress resilience scores among workers.Tests showed a fall in blood glucose levels,reducing the risk of diabetes (糖尿病),trimmer waistlines and improved mood and energy levels,with the effects sustained for at least two weeks after returning home.
The Holiday Health Experiment was conducted by tour operator Kuoni and Nuffield Health,the UK's largest healthcare charity.
21.According to the passage,how many people go on holiday?A
A.Two thirds. B.One third.
C.17 percent. D.A quarter.
22.Which of the following can we infer from the passage?D
A.The further you go,the better you get the benefits.
B.Most people like to stay at home during the holiday.
C.The result of the study is mostly based on the description from the people involved.
D.Holiday makers are more adaptable than non-holidaymakers.
23.The author intends to tell us thatC
A.we have to go on holiday as much as possible
B.you'll certainly get depressed if you don't go on holiday
C.we had better go on holiday for the benefits of health
D.it is best to go to foreign countries like Maldives
24.The best title of the passage isB.
A.A Holiday Health Experiment
B.Health Benefits from Holiday
C.Health Problems of Having Holiday
D.Key Health Markers in Holidaymakers.
14.Last week the American Medical Association voted,for the first time,to declare obesity(肥胖) a disease.How should the rest of us respond?When we meet obese people,should we cast them a knowing glance of concern and ask how they are doing?Should we send flowers and"get well soon"cards to obese family members and friends?
Should the U.S.declare war on obesity,as we once did on cancer?
If obesity truly is a disease,then over 78 million adults and 12 million children in America just got classified as sick.Yet many sensible people know that declaring obesity a disease is a mistake.Simply put,obesity is not a disease.To be sure,it is a risk factor for some diseases.
Yet everyone who is obese does not get sick,and many normal-weight people do not stay healthy.I have known slim people who took good care of themselves throughout their lives yet fell ill and died young.Others who exhibited no particular interest in their health and did not watch their weight lived to an old age.In most cases,we simply cannot tell from a person's weight what lies ahead for them in life.Consider Winston Churchill.Though average in height,Churchill weighed up to 250 pounds.He smoked cigars and drank relatively heavily.He did not work out.Yet he became perhaps the most important statesmen of the 20th century and one of the greatest politicians in history.He lived to age 90.
Is obesity bad for people?For some,especially patients who are extremely overweight,the answer is almost certainly yes.Would many overweight people benefit from exercising more and eating less?Again,the answer is likely yes.But this does not make obesity a disease.Many people are not harmed by carrying extra pounds,some may actually benefit from it.For these reasons,we should be careful before labeling obese people diseased.
25.What can we learn from the third paragraph?A
A.Over 90 million Americans are more or less overweight.
B.People with good sense would agree with the declaration.
C.More Americans suffer from obesity than any other diseases.
D.Obesity is the leading cause of most deadly diseases.
26.By mentioning Winston Churchill,the author wants toC.
A.tell us slim people are more likely to die young
B.show how successful an overweight person can be
C.prove overweight people are not necessarily unhealthy
D.encourage people not to care much about their way of living
27.What is the author's attitude towards the American Medical Association's    declaration on obesity?C
A.Favorable            B.Uncaring    C.Disapproving     D.Friendly
28.Where can we probably find the text?B
A.A government report             
B.A popular science magazine  
C.A website about losing weight       
D.A book about famous people.

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