
—The term Likonomics is popular among the economists at home and abroad.

— I can’t agree more. Our country will enjoy a new with more substainable and healthier economic development.

A. look B. view C. harmony D. boom




试题分析: 句意:李克强经济学这个术语在国内外的经济学家中非常流行。--我非常同意。我们的国家将享有一个新的繁荣时期,经济发展会更加稳定也更加健康。A. look面貌;B. view 观点; C. harmony 和谐; D. boom繁荣。选D。




The displays of bad temper are nothing new in kindergarten and first grade, but the behavior of a 6-year-old girl this fall at a school in Fort Worth, Texas, had even the most experienced staff members wanting to run for cover. Asked to put a toy away, the youngster began to scream. Told to calm down, she knocked over her desk and crawled(爬行) under the teacher’s desk, kicking it and throwing out the contents of the drawers. Then things really began to worsen. Still screaming, the child stood up and began casting books at her terrified classmates, who had to be accompanied to safety.

Just a bad day at school? More like a bad season. The desk-throwing incident followed scores of other crazy acts by some of the youngest Fort Worth students at schools across the district, and even the country. There have been an increasing number of kindergartners and first-graders with violent behavior and it has become an alarming trend.

The youngest school kids are acting out in really ridiculous ways and violence is getting younger and younger. Why? Educators and psychologist argue that they are witnessing the result of a number of social trends that have come together in a most unfortunate way. Many mention economic stress, which has parents working longer hours than ever before, kids spending more time in day care and everyone coming home too tired to engage in the kind of relationships that build social skills. In addition, many educators worry about rising academic pressure in kindergarten and first grade as the students have to take the yearly tests demanded by the No Child Left Behind Act. They believe that even more important than early reading is the learning of play skills. Other experts also point out that violent behavior in children has been closely linked to exposure to violence on TV and in movies, video games and other media. They insist schools try to teach kids what they have failed to learn at home, for example, having varieties of anti-violence and character-education programs, instructing children to interact with people who love them and teaching them how to behave.

1.The author leads in the topic of the passage with .

A. detailed examples B. scientific analysis

C. satisfactory evidence D. rich imagination

2.The second paragraph tells us that .

A. autumn is considered as a bad season for the youngest school kids

B. Fort Worth students set good example to their peers in the district

C. the problem of kids’ violent behaviors is too serious to be ignored

D. kindergartners are urged to be equipped with alarming systems

3.As for the children, which of the following results in their violent behavior?

a. economic stress

b. academic pressure

c. lack of interaction with parents

d. ill personality

e. exposure to media violence

A. a, b, d B. a, c, d

C. b, c, e D. b, d, e

4.The passage mainly discusses about .

A. causes and solutions of school violent behaviors

B. student behavior management in the digital age

C. kids’ exposure to violence on TV and in movies

D. functions of character-education programs


A Tale of Two Cities was written by the famous English writer Charles Dickens. The tale is mainly about the French Revolution in 1789, where the poor rose up against the king and the nobles. Dickens showed deep sympathy for the poor and deep hatred for the cruelty of the upper class, though he wrote quite a lot about the love triangle between Lucie, Charles and Sydney.

In this novel, Dickens wrote some lively characters like Sydney and those crazy revolutionaries. In this tale, we can’t see any absolute roles. Charles, though he’s a brave and good man, obviously he hasn’t as much ability as Sydney. Sydney, a typical tragic(悲剧的) man, a man like him, usually has great ability. But he has some weak points on characters and the worst is that he always loves a woman he shouldn’t love and 99.99% die for her at last in an extremely heroic or tragic way. The revolutionaries are not as full of justice as usual. They get mad when they can get revenge(报复) for their unfair treatment. The fire of hatred burns everything. When they’re at the bottom of the society, they’re calling for justice, for fair treatment, for freedom, but when they’re in charge of the society, their world is up-side-down. They hate everything that is connected to the very people against them, even including Charles’ wife, Dr. Manette’s daughter. So these men have no difference from those former governors at heart.

Though Dickens told us how the authority is recycling over and over again in some way, the novel is about something good. Love from Sydney to Lucie is one of the only few bright points in the novel and it’s really great. A man can sacrifice his life to save his lover’s husband. He doesn’t have any personal purpose and just for his lover’s happiness. So Dickens may imply us, only love can solve the problems between people, between the poor and the rich, love is everything.

1.. A Tale of Two Cities is mainly about .

A. Charles Dickens B. the French Revolution

C. deep sympathy D. the upper class

【小题】 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Charles is as brave and able as Sydney.

B. Sydney loves a woman he shouldn’t love.

C. The revolutionaries show justice as usual.

D. Charles hates his wife, Dr. Manette’s daughter.

2. The underlined phrase “these men” in Paragraph 2 most probably refers to “ ”.

A. Charles and Sydney B. the nobles

C. the revolutionaries D. former governors

3.What may Dickens really want to imply us readers?

A. The authority is changing over and over again.

B. The novel is about something good only.

C. A great man can sacrifice his life for his lover.

D. Only love can settle the problems between people.


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