
10.We have made all thearrangements (安排) for the conference.

分析 我们已经为会议做好了一切安排.

解答 arrangements考查名词.根据所给的汉语提示"安排"和空前的形容词all可知,此处应用名词复数形式,故填arrangements.

点评 名词是中学英语的重要语法,解题时首先要根据语境和逻辑来推断出空所需要的词性,或者是根据句子结构的需要来推断词性,然后根据所给的汉语提示写出正确答案.

2.My daughter Kelly is a cautious person.She needs to warm up to situations,and is hesitant to try new things.When with close friends,she becomes a leader who laughs loudly and chants,"Girls rule,boys drool."But when that comfort zone is not around her,she is shy and nervous.
This has been challenging for me at times."Shy"is not a word that I think has ever been used to describe me.But this has been a year of firsts for my girl that has filled her with a new sense of confidence.This year she moved to lap lane in swimming where she was preparing for a swim team.This year she learned to ride a bike without training wheels.And this year she completed her first kids'triathlon (三项全能).
On Saturday,with a thunderstorm coming soon and my son's birthday party later in the day,we all went out in the dark of the morning for Kelly to participate in her first triathlon.We practiced transitions from swim to bike to run with her,we got all the equipment she′d need,and we kept talking about the race.But as we waited the two hours for the older kids to finish before her turn,she held my leg a little harder and told me she loved me a few too many times.She was nervous but trying to keep it together.
And then it was her turn.From the second she jumped into the water,my heart soared.My daughter transformed into the most confident human being I had ever seen.She dominated that swim,crushed that bike ride and ran to the finish with the biggest smile on her face.
I can honestly say that I never felt so proud of someone in my entire life.It wasn′t because she did a sport or anything like that.It was because she was afraid of something and conquered that fear with confidence and a fire I hadn′t seen before.
All day I would find myself just looking over at her and smiling.She might be wearing the finalist medal but I felt like I won that day.I won the chance to see my girl shine.
Shine on,sweet baby.

41.Kelly is nervous whenD.
A.boys are around her
B.she changes into a leader
C.she is away from her mom
D.situations are new to her
42.We can know from Paragraph 3B.
A.the race began in the early morning
B.the whole family gave Kelly support
C.Kelly was eager for her turn in the race
D.Kelly prepared for her brother's birthday party
43.Seeing Kelly′s performance in the race,the author feltA.
A.excited and proud
B.anxious and uneasy
C.worried and hesitant
D.curious and concerned
44.In Paragraph 5,the underlined word"conquered"probably meansB.
A.to defeat someone especially in a competition
B.to succeed in dealing with or control something
C.to become very popular or successful in a place
D.to take control of a country or a city and its people by force
45.In the ending paragraphs the author"felt like I won that day"because KellyA.
A.overcame the fear
B.expressed love to her
C.won the gold medal
D.took part in the sport.
1.Scientists in Colombia have trained a team of rats to help remove land mines from the countryside.Land mines are small bombs (炸弹) hidden in the ground and designed to explode when someone steps on them.
When trained,the rats can smell special metals in the mines and then signal to their human team.Then why use rats for such an important job?
In the past,dogs have been used to find bombs.Rats have a good sense of smell and can respond to orders,just like dogs do.But rats are much lighter than dogs.They stand less of a chance of setting off the mines,which explode under a certain amount of weight.What's more,the best rats are cheaper to keep than dogs.It costs about the same amount of money to take care of one dog as it does 70rats.
The rats have already been used in Tanzania,an African country with many land mines.Luisa Fernanda Méndez and her team in Colombia are training the even lighter Wistar rats.These are the white rats with red eyes that scientists often use in laboratory experiments."They even train their babies to perform their jobs,which saves us a lot of time,"Méndez said.
Colombia has the second-highest rate (比率) of deaths from land mine accidents in the world.Last year,land mines killed 695people-56of whom were children.A criminal (犯罪的) group called the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia,or FARC,as well as other organizations,have placed the mines.FARC are strongly against Colombia's government.The group has placed mines all around its own bases and in many places in the countryside.
In the past,the Colombian government hired peasants and poor farmers to find mines.Many of them died trying to find the well-hidden bombs.
Colombian police official Erick Guzmán hopes the team of rats can come to the rescue."These rats will be a great help,"he said.
45.How do rats help to find land mines?A
A.By their sense of smell.
B.By their light weight.
C.By their special sight.
D.By their excellent hearing.
46.The advantage of rats over dogs in finding bombs is thatD.
A.they are cleverer
B.they run faster
C.they have a better sense of smell
D.they don't make mines explode as easily
47.The underlined word"They"may refer toC.
A.dogs B.scientists
C.Wistar rats D.Méndez and her team
48.What is the text mainly about?B
A.People in Tanzania are suffering from land mines.
B.Specially-trained rats help clear land mines.
C.Dogs are no longer used to find land mines.
D.Land mines have become a great danger to Colombians.
5.Can trees talk?Yes-but not in words.Scientists have reasons to believe that trees do communicate with each other.Not long ago,researchers learned some surprising things.First a willow tree(柳树) attacked in the woods by caterpillars(毛毛虫) changed the chemistry of its leaves and made them taste so terrible that the caterpillars got tired of the leaves and stopped eating them.The even more astonishing,the tree sent out a special vapour-a signal causing its neighbours to change the chemistry of their own leaves and make them less tasty.
Communication,of course,doesn't need to be always in words.We can talk to each other by smiling,raising our shoulders and moving our hands.We know that birds and animals use a whole vocabulary of songs,sounds,and movements.Bees dance their signals,flying in certain patterns that tell other bees where to find nectar(花蜜) for honey.So why shouldn't trees have ways of sending messages?
21.From the passage we know that caterpillarsA.
A.like willow trees               
B.enjoy eating fallen leaves
C.can talk to other caterpillars
D.can send out a special vapour
22.Caterpillars will stop eating willow tree leaves whichA.
A.have a chemical change and become tasteless 
B.have a pleasant taste
C.are being attacked                        
D.are communicating
23.According to the passage,bees communicate with each other byD.
B.making unusual sounds
C.singing songs   
D.flying certain patterns.
Captain Goodfellow 
Do your children enjoy interesting stories,funny games,and exciting dances?Captain Goodfellow will be ready to teach all these things to children of all ages at the City Theatre on Saturday morning at 10:00,free.
Walking Tour of the Town 
Forget your worries on Saturday morning.Take a beautiful walk and learn about local history.Meet at the front entrance of City Hall at 9:30.Wear comfortable shoes!
Films at the Museum 
Two European films will be shown on Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theatre.See Broken Window at 1:30.The Workers will be at 3:45.For further information,call 4987898.
International Picnic 
Are you tired of eating the same food every day?Come to Central Park on Saturday and enjoy food from all over the world.Delicious and not expensive.Noon to 5:00p.m.
Take Me out to the Ballgame 
It's October,and tonight is your last chance to see the Redbirds this year.Get your tickets at the gate.It might be cold…Don't forget sweaters and jackets.
Do you want to hear"The Zoo"?
"The Zoo,a popular group from Australia,will give their first U.S.concert tomorrow night at 8at Rose Hall,City College.
25.You can probably eat Chinese,Italian,and Arab foodC.
A.at the front entrance of City Hall     
B.at the Ballgame
C.at Central Park on Saturday         
D.at 5:00p.m.
26.If you are going on the Walking Tour,don't forgetB.
A.your worries
B.your comfortable shoes
C.your beautiful walk
D.your learning about local history
27."The Zoo"isB.
A.a park with lots of animals there
B.a music group
D.going to give the concert at 8a.m.tomorrow
28.You may see this passage inA.
A.a British newspaper            
B.a British magazine
C.an American newspaper         
D.an American magazine.
2.When most people talk of a classroom,they think of older people teaching younger ones.But when it comes to learning about high-technology devices,the opposite can often be true.That is what is happening through a program in the eastern American city of Columbia,Maryland.The 50Plus Center provides free technology classes for adults aged 50ad older.The teachers are often teenagers and even younger children.
Myra Stafford is 73years old.She signed up for the workshop to learn how to use her iPad.Ms.Staffor says she is learning quickly about the device and that she enjoys learning from younger people.
Eleven-year-old Zhion Perkins teaches Ms.Stafford.He says,"You have to be really,really patient because some of them might not accept the knowledge as smoothly as others."Meridy McCague,director of the 50Plus Center,says,"As people are aging,their worlds get a little smaller.Some of them can no longer drive; some of them don't get out to mak long trips to visit thei relatives.The program brings them back into Facebook and Skype.Now,they can do everything from ordering things from Amazon to ordering groceries or meals.Teaching senior citizens about technology can prove helpful for the economy.As seniors get more excited about using the technology,they're going into the market place and buying some products.So that's a boom in economy right there."
Madison Lam is a 17-year-old teacher of the technology workshop.She says she also learns a lot from helping seniors.
Safire Windley is head of the Youth and Teen Center that operates the program.She says young people gain social skill from teaching older residents.This is something they need.
29.What can we learn from the first paragraph?D
A.Only older adults can be outstanding teachers.
B.Providing free classes for adults is an urgent need.
C.Learning high technology is necessary for children.
D.The classes'difference mainly lies in the teachers'age.
30.What is important when the young teach older adults?C
31.What can be the best title of the passage?C
A.Older people's worlds get a little smaller
B.It's wonderful learning from younger people
C.Teens help seniors bridge technology gap
D.Seniors get excited about using high-tech devices.

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